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Part 69: A Deceptive Plea for Help

Somya sat at her desk, her plan meticulously crafted. She knew it was risky, but desperation fueled her actions. She picked up her phone and dialed Darsh's number, her voice trembling as she spoke.

"Darsh, I need to see you. It's urgent," she said, injecting genuine fear into her tone.

Darsh, concerned, immediately agreed. "Of course, Somya. Come to my office. We can talk there."

Within an hour, Somya was seated in Darsh's office, her eyes filled with fabricated tears. Darsh looked at her with a mix of worry and confusion.

"What's going on, Somya? You sounded really distressed on the phone," Darsh said, leaning forward.

Somya took a deep breath, as if gathering courage. "It's about a friend of mine from Italy. His name is Enzo. We started talking again about a week ago, but things took a dark turn."

Darsh's brow furrowed. "What do you mean?"

Somya looked away, pretending to be ashamed. "He recorded a video of me… without my knowledge. I was... naked. And now he's blackmailing me, forcing me to get intimate with him. If I don't, he said he'll leak the video."

Darsh's expression darkened with anger. "That's horrible! We need to go to the police."

Somya quickly shook her head. "No, Darsh. If we go to the police, he'll release the video immediately. I can't risk that. I need your help."

Darsh frowned, his protective instincts kicking in. "What do you need me to do, Somya?"

Somya hesitated, then said, "I need a place to stay for a few days, somewhere safe where Enzo can't find me. I was hoping... maybe I could stay at your place? Just until we figure something out."

Darsh's mind raced. He knew Kanishka wouldn't be thrilled about having Somya stay with them, especially without a proper explanation. But he couldn't leave Somya in danger.

"Alright," Darsh said finally. "You can stay at our place. I'll explain to Kanishka that you need a place to stay for a few days. I'll come up with something."

Somya nodded, trying to hide her satisfaction. "Thank you, Darsh. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Later that evening, Darsh returned home to find Kanishka reading a book in the living room. She looked up and smiled at him, but her smile faded when she saw the serious expression on his face.

"Darsh, what's wrong?" she asked, closing her book.

Darsh took a deep breath. "Kanishka, I need to talk to you about something. Somya needs a place to stay for a few days. She’s having some issues at home and doesn't feel safe. I told her she could stay here."

Kanishka raised an eyebrow, surprised. "Why can’t she stay at a hotel or with other friends?"

Darsh sighed. "It's a sensitive matter, and she feels safer with us. I'll explain more when I can, but for now, can you trust me on this?"

Kanishka studied Darsh's face, sensing the urgency in his tone. Despite her reservations, she nodded. "Alright, Darsh. If you think it's necessary."

Somya arrived shortly after, a small suitcase in hand. Kanishka greeted her politely, though she couldn't shake the uneasy feeling in the pit of her stomach.

"Thank you so much for letting me stay," Somya said, her voice filled with faux gratitude.

Kanishka forced a smile. "You're welcome, Somya. Make yourself at home."

As the evening progressed, Kanishka couldn't help but notice the occasional glances Darsh and Somya exchanged. She tried to dismiss her suspicions, but a nagging doubt lingered.

In the privacy of their bedroom, Kanishka confronted Darsh. "Darsh, are you sure everything is alright? There's something you're not telling me."

Darsh took her hands in his, his expression earnest. "I promise you, Kanishka, everything is fine. Somya just needs a safe place for a while. Trust me, okay?"

Kanishka sighed, nodding reluctantly. "Alright, Darsh. I trust you."

But as they lay in bed that night, both Darsh and Kanishka's minds were filled with thoughts of the unexpected guest in their home, each wrestling with their own uncertainties and fears.

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