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Part 19: Mehndi Mischief

The Haldi ceremony had concluded, and the atmosphere around Kanishka's house was once again abuzz with excitement as preparations for the Mehndi party began. The scent of henna filled the air, mingling with the sweet fragrance of flowers. Brightly colored decorations and twinkling lights adorned every corner, creating a festive and joyous ambiance.

Kanishka sat in the center of the courtyard, surrounded by her friends and family. She wore a stunning green lehenga, her hair adorned with delicate jasmine flowers. Her hands were being meticulously decorated with intricate henna designs, and the artist had just begun to write Ayan's name within the patterns.

Ayan watched from a distance, a soft smile on his face as he observed the traditions being carried out. His gaze often lingered on Kanishka, admiration and love evident in his eyes. The couple's happiness seemed unbreakable, yet there was an undercurrent of tension, a lingering unease from Darsh's unexpected appearance at the Haldi ceremony.

Unbeknownst to them, Darsh had not given up. His mind churned with plans, determined to disrupt the wedding festivities at every turn. He knew the Mehndi ceremony would be the perfect opportunity to strike again.

Darsh arrived at Kanishka's house once more, blending into the crowd of guests with ease. He had learned from his previous mistake and knew he needed to be more discreet this time. His eyes scanned the surroundings until they landed on a young servant girl carrying trays of refreshments.

He approached her quietly, slipping a crisp wad of bills into her hand. "I need you to do something for me," he said, his voice low and commanding. "Make sure the henna artist writes my name instead of Ayan's in Kanishka's mehndi. Do it carefully, and no one will suspect a thing."

The servant girl hesitated, looking nervously at the money in her hand before nodding. "I'll do it," she whispered, her eyes wide with fear and curiosity.

Darsh watched as she made her way towards the henna artist, his heart pounding with anticipation. This time, his plan had to work. He could not bear to see Kanishka move forward with her wedding to Ayan without making one last attempt to claim her for himself.

The servant girl approached the henna artist with a polite smile, offering her a glass of cool lemonade. "You must be tired," she said sweetly. "Take a short break. I'll keep an eye on the bride."

The henna artist, grateful for the refreshment, nodded and stepped aside for a moment. The servant girl took her place, her hands trembling slightly as she picked up the henna cone. She glanced at Darsh, who gave her a reassuring nod from the shadows.

Kanishka, lost in conversation with her friends, did not notice the change. The servant girl carefully continued the intricate designs, ensuring that the name "Darsh" was subtly incorporated into the henna pattern where "Ayan" was supposed to be. She worked quickly and efficiently, her fear propelling her actions.

When the henna artist returned, the servant girl slipped away, disappearing into the crowd as if nothing had happened. Darsh watched from a distance, a small, triumphant smile playing on his lips. He had done it. He had marked Kanishka as his, even if only symbolically.

As the Mehndi ceremony continued, Kanishka's friends admired the beautiful designs on her hands, unaware of the hidden message within. Ayan joined them, taking Kanishka's hand in his and kissing it gently, his eyes filled with love.

"It's beautiful," he said, his voice soft. "Just like you."

Kanishka smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her heart. She was unaware of the small but significant alteration to her henna, the name "Darsh" concealed within the elaborate patterns.


Later that evening, as the festivities began to wind down, Kanishka sat alone in her room, examining the intricate designs on her hands. She traced the patterns with her fingers, a contented smile on her face.

Her eyes caught on something unusual. She squinted, leaning closer to see the faint but unmistakable name hidden within the design. Her smile faded, replaced by a look of confusion and alarm.

"Darsh?" she whispered to herself, her heart pounding.

A knock on her door interrupted her thoughts, and Priya entered, her face glowing with excitement. "Kanishka, everyone's waiting for you downstairs. It's time for the music and dance!"

Kanishka quickly composed herself, forcing a smile. "I'll be right there," she said, her mind racing.

As she made her way downstairs, the mystery of Darsh's name in her mehndi gnawed at her. She needed to find out what had happened and why. Her joy was now tinged with a sense of unease and curiosity.

Darsh, meanwhile, observed from the shadows, his heart swelling with a twisted sense of satisfaction. He had succeeded in disrupting Kanishka's perfect day once again, and he was not done yet.

The night wore on, filled with music, dancing, and laughter. But for Kanishka, the celebration was overshadowed by the hidden message in her henna, a reminder of the unresolved tension between her and Darsh.

As the festivities came to an end, Kanishka resolved to confront Darsh. She needed answers, and she would not rest until she got them. Little did she know, this confrontation would set the stage for an even more dramatic showdown, one that would test the limits of love, trust, and betrayal.

Darsh left the party with a sense of triumph, but also a growing sense of dread. He knew his actions had consequences, and he was prepared to face them head-on. The battle for Kanishka's heart was far from over, and he was ready to do whatever it took to win.


Kanishka stood in front of the mirror, her hands trembling as she looked at the henna design once more. The name "Darsh" stared back at her, a silent challenge.

With a deep breath, she made a decision. She would not let Darsh's actions go unanswered. The next day, she would confront him and demand the truth.

As she lay down to sleep, her mind was a whirlwind of emotions. The Mehndi ceremony was meant to be a joyous celebration, but Darsh's interference had turned it into a battleground. She closed her eyes, vowing to take control of the situation and protect her future with Ayan.

Darsh, on the other hand, returned to his own home, his mind racing with thoughts of Kanishka. He had made his mark, but he knew the real fight was just beginning. The next move was crucial, and he was ready to play his part with ruthless determination.

The stage was set for the next act in their tangled saga of love, betrayal, and revenge.

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