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Part 13: Unexpected Encounters

Darsh stood outside Kanishka's apartment building, his heart pounding in his chest. After his conversation with Rishabh, he knew what he had to do. He needed to face Kanishka, to apologize and explain himself. He took a deep breath and pressed the intercom button for her apartment.

A moment later, a cheerful voice crackled through the speaker. "Hello?"

"Hi, it's Darsh. Is Kanishka home?" he asked, trying to keep his voice steady.

There was a brief pause before the door buzzed open. He made his way up to the apartment, the nerves gnawing at him with every step. When he reached the door, it opened to reveal a young woman with a bright smile—Kanishka's sister, Sweta.

"Darsh! It's so good to see you," Sweta said warmly, stepping aside to let him in.

Darsh felt a pang of guilt at her friendliness, knowing she was unaware of the recent turmoil. "Hi, Sweta. It's good to see you too."

Sweta led him into the living room, offering him a seat. "Kanishka isn't here right now. She's at BEM headquarters for a meeting with Ayan Khanna and some of the employees. But you're welcome to wait for her."

Darsh's heart sank at the mention of Ayan. He had hoped to catch Kanishka alone, to have a private conversation without any distractions. But now, he felt a surge of determination. If she was at BEM, then that's where he needed to go.

"Thank you, Sweta. Actually, I think I'll head over to BEM myself. It's important that I talk to Kanishka as soon as possible," Darsh said, standing up.

Sweta looked puzzled but nodded. "Of course. I'll let her know you stopped by."

Darsh gave her a tight smile and left the apartment, his mind racing. As he drove to BEM headquarters, he thought about what he would say to Kanishka. He knew it wouldn't be easy, but he had to try.

When he arrived at BEM, the familiar building loomed ahead of him. He parked and made his way inside, the receptionist recognizing him and nodding in acknowledgment. He took the elevator up to the floor where the meeting was taking place, his nerves intensifying with each passing second.

As he approached the conference room, he could hear the murmur of voices. He paused outside the door, taking a deep breath to steady himself. He had to do this. For Kanishka, for himself, and for the future he hoped they could salvage.

He opened the door and stepped inside. The room fell silent as everyone turned to look at him. Kanishka was seated at the head of the table, with Ayan beside her and several employees around them. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of him.

"Darsh, what are you doing here?" Kanishka asked, her voice a mixture of shock and curiosity.

Darsh took a deep breath and stepped forward, his gaze locked on hers. "I need to talk to you, Kanishka. It's important."

Ayan stood up, his expression wary. "This is a private meeting, Darsh. Whatever you have to say can wait."

"No, it can't," Darsh replied firmly, his eyes never leaving Kanishka's. "Please, Kanishka. Just a few minutes. That's all I ask."

Kanishka hesitated, her eyes searching his face for answers. Finally, she nodded. "Alright. We'll step outside for a moment."

She stood up and walked to the door, Darsh following close behind. Ayan watched them go, his expression unreadable.

Once they were in the hallway, Kanishka turned to face Darsh, her arms crossed over her chest. "What is it, Darsh? Why are you here?"

Darsh took a deep breath, his heart pounding in his chest. "I came to apologize, Kanishka. For everything. For what I did to BEM, and for how I hurt you."

Kanishka's eyes softened, but her expression remained guarded. "Why now, Darsh? Why did it take you this long to come to me?"

Darsh ran a hand through his hair, struggling to find the right words. "I was blinded by anger and resentment. I thought I was protecting my father's honor, but all I did was hurt you and myself. I see that now, and I'm sorry."

Kanishka's gaze flickered with a mix of emotions—hurt, anger, and a glimmer of hope. "Darsh, what you did was unforgivable. You betrayed my trust and nearly destroyed everything my father built."

"I know," Darsh said, his voice breaking with emotion. "And I don't expect you to forgive me. But I needed you to know the truth. I needed you to understand that my actions were driven by a misguided sense of loyalty to my father."

Kanishka looked away, her eyes filling with tears. "Darsh, I don't know if I can ever trust you again. You've caused so much pain."

Darsh took a step closer, his voice softening. "I understand. And I'll spend the rest of my life trying to make amends if you'll let me. But if you can't, I'll respect that too. I just needed you to know how sorry I am."

For a moment, they stood in silence, the weight of their shared history hanging between them. Finally, Kanishka wiped her eyes and looked back at Darsh, her expression resolute.

"Thank you for your apology, Darsh. It means a lot. But I need time to process everything. I can't make any decisions right now."

Darsh nodded, his heart heavy but hopeful. "Take all the time you need, Kanishka. I'll be here, waiting."

With that, Kanishka turned and walked back into the conference room, leaving Darsh standing alone in the hallway. He knew he had a long road ahead of him, but for the first time in weeks, he felt a glimmer of hope. He had taken the first step toward making things right, and that was all he could do for now.

As he left BEM headquarters, Darsh felt a sense of determination settle over him. He would do whatever it took to earn Kanishka's forgiveness and rebuild the trust he had shattered. It wouldn't be easy, but he was ready to face the challenges ahead.

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