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Part 32: Unveiling the Wedding

The morning after the chaotic events of Kanishka's disappearance from Ayan's wedding and her subsequent marriage to Darsh, the city woke up to sensational headlines splashed across every newspaper:

**"Kanishka Rao's Secret Marriage to Darsh Singhal Shocks High Society"**

The news spread swiftly through social media and whispered conversations in boardrooms and coffee shops alike. Ayan Khanna's family was among the first to confront the reality. Mr. and Mrs. Khanna sat in their opulent living room, the newspaper lying open on the coffee table between them. The air was thick with tension and unspoken disbelief.

"How could Kanishka do this?" Mrs. Khanna's voice trembled with a mix of hurt and indignation. "After all we did for her, the respect we showed her family..."

Mr. Khanna's brows furrowed as he struggled to process the sudden turn of events. "We must find out what happened," he declared, his voice betraying the gravity of the situation. "I need to speak to Aarushi and understand the truth."

Ayan, secluded in his room, stared blankly out of the window. His mind replayed the moments when Kanishka had vanished from his life, leaving behind a void that seemed impossible to fill. The realization that she had married another man, especially someone like Darsh Singhal, a rival in both business and now personal affairs, cut deep.

Meanwhile, at the Rao residence, emotions ran high. Kanishka's father, Mr. Rao, paced the length of his study, his features etched with concern and disappointment. "I trusted her judgment," he muttered under his breath, his voice a mixture of fatherly concern and wounded pride. "How could she throw everything away like this?"

Sweta, Kanishka's younger sister, sat in silence in her room, grappling with conflicting emotions. She had always admired Kanishka's strength and determination, but now she couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal and confusion.

In the heart of the city, Darsh read the headlines with a calm façade that belied the storm within. His calculated move to marry Kanishka had achieved its intended impact—asserting his dominance in the business world and disrupting the lives of those around him. Yet, beneath the surface, he knew that Kanishka's fiery spirit would not be easily subdued.

As the day wore on, Kanishka found herself in a secluded corner of the BEM headquarters, her sanctuary amidst the chaos. The weight of public scrutiny and familial disappointment pressed down on her shoulders, but she refused to cower. Instead, a steely determination set in—the same determination that had propelled her rise within the company and fueled her ambitions.

She knew she had to face her family, Ayan's family, and most dauntingly, Darsh himself. Their marriage wasn't just a scandal; it was a challenge she couldn't ignore. Deep down, amidst the turmoil, she wondered if there was more to Darsh's motives than met the eye. Could there be a semblance of truth in his actions, or was it all a ruthless ploy?

As the city buzzed with speculation and judgment, Kanishka prepared herself for the storm that lay ahead. The headlines had unveiled her marriage to Darsh Singhal, but the true battle was just beginning—a battle for her identity, her integrity, and perhaps, against her own heart's conflicted desires.


This part explores the aftermath of Kanishka and Darsh's marriage becoming public knowledge, highlighting the reactions and emotions of those involved while setting the stage for the challenges yet to come.

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