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**Part 54: Ready for the Wedding**

The afternoon sun bathed the room in a warm glow as Darsh adjusted his tie in the mirror. He glanced over at the clock, realizing they needed to leave soon for their friend’s wedding. His eyes wandered to the closed bathroom door, where Kanishka was getting ready. A soft smile played on his lips as he imagined how stunning she would look.

A few minutes later, the bathroom door creaked open, and Kanishka stepped out. She was dressed in a sleek black saree, her hair styled in loose waves cascading over her shoulders. The saree hugged her figure perfectly, highlighting her curves in a way that made Darsh's breath catch in his throat. The deep black fabric contrasted beautifully with her fair skin, and the silver embellishments sparkled as she moved.

Darsh turned to face her, his eyes widening with appreciation. "Wow, Kanishka," he said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You look absolutely stunning."

Kanishka blushed under his intense gaze, smoothing down the fabric of her saree. "Thank you," she replied softly, her eyes meeting his. "You look quite handsome yourself."

Darsh walked over to her, his eyes never leaving hers. He gently took her hand, raising it to his lips. "You have no idea how beautiful you are," he murmured against her skin, his lips brushing softly over her knuckles.

Kanishka's blush deepened, and she glanced away shyly. "Darsh, we need to get going. We're already running late."

Darsh chuckled, stepping closer until he was mere inches from her. "We have a few minutes," he said, his voice low and teasing. "Besides, how can I leave when you look this breathtaking?"

Kanishka tried to keep a straight face, but she couldn't help the smile that tugged at her lips. "Darsh, you're impossible."

Darsh's hand moved to her waist, pulling her closer. "And you love it," he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. His other hand traced the edge of her saree, his fingers brushing against her bare skin.

Kanishka shivered at his touch, her heart racing. "Darsh, we really need to go," she said, her voice lacking conviction.

Darsh's lips curved into a mischievous grin. "Just a moment," he said, leaning down to kiss her neck. "I need to appreciate my gorgeous wife before we go."

Kanishka closed her eyes, her hands resting on his chest as his lips trailed down her neck. "Darsh..." she whispered, her resolve weakening.

He kissed her softly, his hands roaming over her back. "You drive me crazy, Kanishka," he murmured. "Especially when you look like this."

Kanishka sighed, giving in to the moment. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. "You drive me crazy too," she admitted.

Darsh's smile widened as he kissed her deeply, his hands holding her tightly. The world outside ceased to exist as they lost themselves in each other, their hearts beating in sync.

A soft knock on the door broke the spell, and they reluctantly pulled apart. Kanishka's cheeks were flushed, and Darsh's eyes sparkled with affection and desire.

"We should go," Kanishka said, her voice breathless.

Darsh nodded, his hand still lingering on her waist. "Let's go make some more memories," he said with a wink.

They left their home hand in hand, ready to celebrate their friend's wedding. But the memory of that intimate moment lingered between them, a promise of the love and passion they would always share.

As they arrived at the wedding venue, Darsh couldn't help but steal glances at Kanishka throughout the ceremony. Her beauty, her grace, and the love he felt for her were overwhelming. And every time she caught him looking, she would smile, a silent acknowledgment of their special bond.

The wedding was beautiful, filled with laughter, joy, and love. But for Darsh and Kanishka, it was also a reminder of their own journey, the challenges they had faced, and the love that had brought them together.

As they danced together under the twinkling lights, Darsh whispered in Kanishka's ear, "I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."

Kanishka looked up at him, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. "I can't wait either," she whispered back, resting her head on his shoulder.

And in that moment, surrounded by friends and the celebration of love, Darsh and Kanishka knew that they were exactly where they were meant to be—together, forever.

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