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Part 26: The Desperate Search

The confusion and chaos at the wedding venue grew as the news of Kanishka's disappearance spread. Ayan’s heart raced as he continued to search for her, checking every room and questioning every guest and staff member. The sense of urgency was palpable, and the guests’ whispers turned into worried murmurs.

Ayan's thoughts were a whirlwind. His mind kept returning to Darsh, and he couldn’t shake the feeling that he was involved. The history between Darsh and Kanishka was too complicated to ignore. As he rushed through the halls, Ayan’s phone buzzed with calls from his family and Kanishka’s family, all demanding answers that he didn’t have.

He paused for a moment, leaning against a wall to catch his breath. His phone buzzed again. It was his father.

“Ayan, what is going on? Where is Kanishka?” his father’s voice was stern and filled with concern.

“I don’t know, Dad,” Ayan replied, frustration clear in his voice. “I’m trying to find her. She was supposed to be in her room, but she’s gone.”

“This is a disaster,” his father muttered. “We need to find her, Ayan. This is not just about the wedding; it’s about our families' reputations.”

“I know, Dad. I’m doing everything I can,” Ayan said before hanging up and resuming his search.

Back in the main hall, Darsh kept a low profile, mingling with the guests and offering reassurances where he could. He maintained an air of concern, but inside, he felt a calmness he hadn’t felt in a while. Kanishka was missing, and he wasn’t sorry about it.

As Ayan made his way back to the main hall, his frustration grew. He approached Aarushi, who was standing by herself, looking anxious.

“Aarushi, did you see anyone suspicious around Kanishka’s room?” he asked, his voice tense.

Aarushi shook her head. “No, Ayan. I didn’t see anyone. I just found her room empty.”

Ayan sighed. “This doesn’t make any sense. She wouldn’t just disappear like this.”

Aarushi put a hand on his arm. “We’ll find her, Ayan. We just need to keep looking.”

As Ayan turned to continue his search, his mind kept returning to Darsh. He couldn’t ignore the possibility that Darsh was involved. He decided to confront him again, this time more directly.

He found Darsh talking to a group of guests. Ayan walked up to him, his expression serious. “Darsh, I need to speak with you privately.”

Darsh looked at him, surprised. “Of course, Ayan. Let’s step outside.”

They walked out into the garden, away from the prying eyes of the guests. Ayan turned to face Darsh, his suspicion clear.

“Darsh, I need you to be honest with me,” Ayan began. “Do you have anything to do with Kanishka’s disappearance?”

Darsh’s expression remained calm. “Ayan, I’ve already told you, I have nothing to do with it. Why do you keep accusing me?”

“Because you have a history with her, Darsh. And because I know you’re capable of doing something like this,” Ayan said, his voice rising.

Darsh’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I understand your concern, Ayan, but I swear, I had nothing to do with it. I care about Kanishka too, you know.”

Ayan took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. “If I find out you’re lying to me, Darsh, there will be consequences.”

“I understand,” Darsh replied coolly. “But you won’t find anything because I’m telling the truth.”

Ayan turned and walked away, still feeling uneasy. He needed to find Kanishka, and he needed to do it quickly.

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