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Part 41: The Aftermath

The drive back to Darsh's house was fraught with tension. Kanishka's hands trembled as she clutched the seatbelt, her eyes darting around nervously. Darsh glanced at her, his concern growing with every passing moment. He could see the fear etched on her face and knew they needed to talk about what had happened.

As they pulled into the driveway, Darsh parked the car and turned to Kanishka. "Let's go inside. We need to talk."

Kanishka nodded silently, her face pale. They walked into the house, and Darsh guided her to the living room. He sat beside her on the couch, taking her hands in his. "Kanishka, I need to know how this happened. How did Ayan manage to kidnap you?"

Kanishka took a deep breath, trying to steady herself. "I... I got a call. The signal in the house was weak, so I stepped outside to answer it. But as soon as I did, someone grabbed me from behind and forced me into a car."

Darsh's jaw tightened. "Did you see who it was?"

Kanishka shook her head. "No, everything happened so fast. They blindfolded me and drove me to that warehouse. I had no idea where I was or what was going to happen."

Darsh clenched his fists, anger boiling within him. "Ayan won't get away with this. I'll make sure he pays for what he's done."

Kanishka shuddered, her fear evident. "Darsh, I'm so scared. What if he tries something like this again? I don't feel safe anymore."

Darsh pulled her into a comforting embrace. "You're safe now, Kanishka. I won't let anyone hurt you. We'll take extra precautions to ensure your safety."

Kanishka nodded, but the fear in her eyes remained. "I don't know how I'll ever feel safe again."

Darsh stroked her hair gently. "We'll get through this together. I promise."


Later that evening, Kanishka was still visibly shaken. She paced around the living room, unable to sit still. Every noise made her jump, and she constantly checked the locks on the doors and windows.

Darsh watched her with a heavy heart. He wished he could do more to ease her fear. "Kanishka, why don't you try to rest? You need to regain your strength."

Kanishka shook her head. "I can't. Every time I close my eyes, I see that warehouse. I feel the blindfold. I hear Ayan's voice."

Darsh stood up and walked over to her, taking her hands in his. "Come with me," he said softly.

He led her upstairs to the bedroom and sat her down on the bed. "Stay here for a moment," he instructed before disappearing into the bathroom.

When he returned, he had a warm, damp cloth in his hand. He gently wiped Kanishka's face, trying to soothe her. "Just breathe, Kanishka. Focus on my voice. You're safe now."

Kanishka closed her eyes, trying to follow his instructions. She took deep breaths, her body slowly starting to relax. Darsh's presence was comforting, and for a brief moment, she felt a glimmer of hope.


As the night wore on, Darsh stayed by Kanishka's side, refusing to leave her alone. He knew it would take time for her to feel safe again, but he was determined to help her through it.

"Darsh," Kanishka whispered, her voice trembling. "What if Ayan doesn't stop? What if he comes after us again?"

Darsh tightened his grip on her hand. "We'll be ready for him. We'll take all necessary precautions. But I won't let him harm you again. I promise."

Kanishka nodded, drawing strength from Darsh's resolve. "Thank you, Darsh. For everything."

Darsh smiled gently. "You don't need to thank me. We're in this together."

As the first light of dawn began to creep through the windows, Kanishka finally managed to fall asleep, her head resting on Darsh's shoulder. He watched over her, his heart filled with a mixture of anger and determination. Ayan had crossed a line, and Darsh was prepared to do whatever it took to protect Kanishka and bring Ayan to justice.


The next morning, Darsh and Kanishka sat down to discuss their next steps. They needed to ensure that Ayan couldn't harm them again and that Kanishka felt secure.

"We need to increase security around the house," Darsh suggested. "I'll hire private security to keep watch."

Kanishka nodded. "And we should inform the police about what happened. Even if Ayan threatened us, they need to know."

Darsh agreed. "I'll handle that. In the meantime, try to stay inside and avoid going out alone."

Kanishka's eyes were still filled with fear, but she managed a small smile. "Thank you, Darsh. I know this isn't easy for you either."

Darsh squeezed her hand. "We'll get through this, Kanishka. Together."

As they began to put their plan into action, Darsh couldn't shake the feeling that this was only the beginning. Ayan's actions had set off a chain of events that would test their strength and resolve. But he was determined to protect Kanishka, no matter the cost.

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