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Part 15: Confrontation at Ayan's Office

Darsh couldn't let it go. Despite his previous attempts to make amends with Kanishka, the news of her impending marriage to Ayan gnawed at him. He needed answers, and he wasn't going to get them by sitting back and waiting. His heart heavy with determination, Darsh decided to confront Ayan directly.

The drive to Ayan's office was tense. Darsh's mind raced with a thousand questions and even more emotions. How could Kanishka move on so quickly? Did she ever truly care for him? And why Ayan, of all people?

When he arrived at the towering Khanna Empire building, Darsh parked his car and made his way inside with a determined stride. The receptionist at the front desk looked up, startled by his sudden appearance.

"Mr. Singhal, do you have an appointment?" she asked, her voice polite but firm.

Darsh shook his head, his eyes locked on the elevator doors. "No, but I need to see Ayan Khanna. It's urgent."

The receptionist hesitated, then nodded. "I'll let Mr. Khanna know you're here. Please wait a moment."

As she made the call, Darsh's mind continued to churn. He couldn't believe he was about to confront Ayan about this, but he knew he had to do it. He needed to hear the truth from Ayan himself.

A few moments later, the receptionist looked up and nodded. "Mr. Khanna will see you now. His office is on the 18th floor."

Darsh thanked her and made his way to the elevator, his heart pounding with anticipation. When the doors opened on the 18th floor, he stepped out and walked down the hallway to Ayan's office.

He knocked once and then pushed the door open, not waiting for an invitation. Ayan looked up from his desk, his expression calm but curious.

"Darsh, what brings you here?" Ayan asked, leaning back in his chair.

Darsh closed the door behind him, his eyes narrowing. "I received the wedding invitation, Ayan. I need to know what's going on. How could Kanishka agree to marry you so quickly?"

Ayan's expression didn't change, but his eyes sharpened. "Sit down, Darsh. Let's talk."

Darsh reluctantly took a seat, his gaze never leaving Ayan's face. "Explain."

Ayan sighed, leaning forward and resting his elbows on his desk. "Kanishka and I have grown close over the past few months. She needed someone to support her after everything that happened, and I was there for her."

Darsh's jaw clenched. "So you're saying she just fell in love with you? Just like that?"

Ayan shook his head. "It's not as simple as that, Darsh. Kanishka and I share a connection. We've both been through a lot, and we understand each other in ways that you and she never could."

Darsh's anger flared. "And what about us? What we had? You think you can just replace me in her life?"

Ayan's eyes hardened. "This isn't about replacing you, Darsh. This is about Kanishka finding happiness and stability. She deserves that, especially after what you put her through."

Darsh felt a pang of guilt, but he pushed it aside. "You think you can make her happy? You think this marriage is what's best for her?"

Ayan nodded, his expression resolute. "I do. Kanishka loves me, and I love her. We're committed to each other, and we're looking forward to building a future together."

Darsh's heart ached at the words, but he couldn't back down. "And you think she loves you? Truly loves you?"

Ayan's gaze didn't waver. "Yes, Darsh. I know she does. And she knows I love her."

Darsh stood up, his fists clenched at his sides. "I can't believe this. I can't believe she would do this."

Ayan stood as well, his expression calm but firm. "Darsh, you need to move on. Kanishka has made her choice, and it's time you respected that."

Darsh's anger simmered beneath the surface, but he knew he had no choice but to leave. He turned and walked to the door, pausing only to look back at Ayan one last time.

"I won't give up on her, Ayan," he said, his voice low but determined. "I won't let her make this mistake."

Ayan's eyes softened, but his expression remained resolute. "Darsh, sometimes letting go is the best way to show you care. Think about that."

With those words hanging in the air, Darsh walked out of the office, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. He knew he couldn't let go of Kanishka so easily, but he also knew he had to find a way to accept her decision.

As he drove away from the Khanna Empire building, Darsh's thoughts were consumed by the image of Kanishka and Ayan together. He couldn't shake the feeling that something wasn't right, but he also knew he had to tread carefully. The last thing he wanted was to push Kanishka further away.

For now, he would have to bide his time and find a way to prove his love to Kanishka. He couldn't lose her to Ayan, not without a fight.

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