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Part 40: The Unexpected Turn

The sun had set, casting long shadows through the Singhal household. Darsh was pacing in the living room, his mind a jumble of thoughts and worries. Kanishka had been missing since morning, and despite his best efforts, he couldn't find any trace of her. The house felt eerily quiet without her presence.

Darsh's phone buzzed, breaking the tense silence. He glanced at the screen, his heart skipping a beat when he saw an unknown number. Hesitantly, he opened the message:

**"We have Kanishka. If you want to see her again, meet us at the old warehouse by the docks. Come alone. - Ayan"**

Darsh's blood ran cold. His hands trembled as he stared at the message, the implication sinking in. Ayan had kidnapped Kanishka. He couldn't believe it. How could Ayan do such a thing?

His mind raced, trying to come up with a plan. He couldn't involve the police; Ayan had warned him to come alone. But he couldn't just sit back and do nothing. Kanishka's safety was his top priority.

Darsh's parents noticed his distress and approached him. Mrs. Singhal placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Darsh, what's wrong? You look pale," she asked, her voice filled with concern.

Darsh took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "Mom, Dad, something's happened. Kanishka's been kidnapped. I need to go and get her."

Mr. Singhal's eyes widened in shock. "Kidnapped? By whom?"

Darsh hesitated, not wanting to reveal too much. "I can't say right now, but I have to handle this. Please, trust me."

Mrs. Singhal gripped his arm tightly. "Be careful, Darsh. Bring her back safely."

Darsh nodded, his resolve hardening. He quickly grabbed his keys and headed out the door, his mind focused on the task ahead. The drive to the old warehouse was tense, every minute feeling like an eternity. His thoughts were consumed by Kanishka and the danger she was in.

As he arrived at the docks, the dim lighting and abandoned buildings created an ominous atmosphere. He parked his car and made his way to the warehouse, his heart pounding in his chest. The large, rusted doors creaked as he pushed them open, stepping into the darkness.

"Ayan! I'm here!" Darsh called out, his voice echoing through the empty space.

A figure emerged from the shadows, and Darsh recognized Ayan's smug face. He felt a surge of anger but kept it in check. He needed to stay calm and focused.

"Where is she, Ayan?" Darsh demanded, his voice steady.

Ayan smirked, crossing his arms. "She's safe, for now. But I need to make sure you understand your position, Darsh. You took something from me, and now I'm taking something from you."

Darsh clenched his fists, his anger bubbling just below the surface. "This isn't about us, Ayan. It's about Kanishka. Let her go."

Ayan shook his head, his expression cold. "Not until I get what I want. You humiliated me, and now it's your turn to suffer."

Darsh took a step forward, his eyes locked on Ayan. "What do you want? I'll do whatever it takes to get her back."

Ayan's smirk widened. "I want you to publicly announce that your marriage to Kanishka was a mistake and that she's coming back to me. Do that, and I'll let her go."

Darsh's heart sank. He knew he couldn't make such a promise. Kanishka meant more to him than his pride or reputation. But he had to think of a way to outsmart Ayan and save her.

"Fine," Darsh said through gritted teeth. "I'll do it. But I need proof that she's safe first."

Ayan gestured to the side, and a door creaked open. Kanishka stumbled out, her hands bound but otherwise unharmed. Darsh's heart leaped at the sight of her.

"Kanishka!" he called out, relief flooding his voice.

She looked up, her eyes filled with fear and confusion. "Darsh, don't listen to him. He's lying!"

Ayan grabbed her arm, pulling her back. "That's enough. Now, Darsh, do as I say, and she'll be free."

Darsh's mind raced, trying to formulate a plan. He needed to buy some time and get Kanishka out of there. An idea formed in his mind, risky but it might work.

"Alright, Ayan. I'll do it," Darsh said, trying to sound defeated. "But I need to call the press and arrange a statement. It might take some time."

Ayan narrowed his eyes, suspicious. "No tricks, Darsh. You have one hour."

Darsh nodded, pulling out his phone. He pretended to make calls, arranging for a press conference. In reality, he was sending coded messages to his trusted friend, Rishabh, for help.

As the minutes ticked by, Darsh kept Ayan distracted with small talk, his eyes constantly flicking to Kanishka. He needed to be ready to act the moment help arrived.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the warehouse doors burst open, and Rishabh and a few trusted allies stormed in. Ayan was caught off guard, and in the chaos, Darsh lunged forward, grabbing Kanishka and pulling her to safety.

"Go, go, go!" Darsh shouted, pushing Kanishka toward the exit.

Rishabh and the others restrained Ayan, ensuring he couldn't follow. Darsh and Kanishka sprinted to the car, adrenaline fueling their escape.

As they drove away from the warehouse, Kanishka clung to Darsh, tears streaming down her face. "Thank you, Darsh. I was so scared."

Darsh tightened his grip on the steering wheel, his eyes focused on the road. "I won't let anything happen to you, Kanishka. I promise."

They drove in silence for a while, the tension slowly easing. Darsh glanced at Kanishka, her presence a reminder of what he was fighting for.

"We'll figure this out," Darsh said softly. "Together."

Kanishka nodded, a flicker of hope in her eyes. "Together."

As they drove towards an uncertain future, they both knew that the challenges ahead would be difficult. But for now, they were safe, and that was enough.

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