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Part 36: Confrontation and Revelation

Ayan stormed into Darsh's office, his face a mask of fury. He hadn't slept in days, ever since the news broke that Kanishka had married Darsh. His mind was a whirlwind of confusion, betrayal, and anger. He needed answers, and he was determined to get them from Darsh himself.

Darsh looked up from his desk as Ayan barged in, his expression calm and composed. He had been expecting this confrontation. He leaned back in his chair, steepling his fingers as he regarded Ayan with a cool gaze.

"Ayan," Darsh said smoothly. "What brings you here?"

Ayan clenched his fists, struggling to keep his temper in check. "You know damn well why I'm here, Darsh. What the hell happened? How did you manage to marry Kanishka?"

Darsh's lips curled into a faint smile. "Sit down, Ayan. Let's talk like civilized men."

Ayan reluctantly took a seat, his eyes never leaving Darsh's face. "Explain. Now."

Darsh leaned forward, his expression turning serious. "It wasn't easy, Ayan. But I had my reasons. Do you really want to know how it all happened?"

Ayan nodded, his jaw set. "Yes. I need to know."

Darsh took a deep breath, his mind flashing back to the events of that fateful day. "It started with a plan. I knew that the only way to truly get back at you and Kanishka was to disrupt your wedding. But it wasn't just about revenge. It was about setting things right, in my own way."

Ayan's eyes narrowed. "Setting things right? You call this right?"

Darsh ignored the comment and continued. "I had people watching Kanishka's every move. On the day of your wedding, I had my team create a diversion. The car that broke down? That was my doing. I needed you out of the way, and I knew you'd leave if something went wrong."

Ayan's fists tightened. "You manipulated everything."

Darsh nodded. "Yes. And while you were busy dealing with the car, I made my move. Kanishka was alone, getting ready for the wedding. I sent someone she trusted to bring her to me."

Ayan's mind raced as he tried to piece everything together. "Who?"

Darsh's smile turned cold. "Aarushi."

Ayan's eyes widened in shock. "Aarushi? How could she...?"

Darsh shook his head. "She didn't know the full extent of my plan. She thought she was just helping me talk to Kanishka. But when Kanishka arrived, I convinced her to leave with me. I played on her doubts and fears, made her believe that you weren't the right choice for her."

Ayan's heart sank. "You manipulated her feelings."

Darsh's expression softened, just for a moment. "Ayan, you have to understand. Kanishka and I... we have a history. Our lives have been intertwined in ways you can't even imagine. I knew that deep down, she still had feelings for me. I just had to remind her."

Ayan's anger flared again. "You tricked her, Darsh. You took advantage of her vulnerability."

Darsh leaned back, his gaze unwavering. "Call it what you will. But in the end, Kanishka made her choice. She chose to come with me."

Ayan stood up abruptly, his eyes blazing with fury. "This isn't over, Darsh. You think you've won, but you haven't. Kanishka will see through your lies, and when she does, she'll come back to me."

Darsh's smile returned, colder than ever. "We'll see about that, Ayan. But for now, she's my wife. And you have to live with that."

Ayan turned on his heel and stormed out of the office, his mind seething with anger and determination. He knew he couldn't give up on Kanishka. He would find a way to get her back, no matter what it took.

As the door closed behind Ayan, Darsh let out a slow breath, his facade of calmness slipping just for a moment. He knew that the road ahead would be difficult, but he was prepared to face it.

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