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Part 21: The Sangeet Night

The Sangeet night arrived in a whirl of colors and music, filling the air with festivity and joy. Kanishka, adorned in a resplendent lehenga, joined the celebration with a brave smile, masking the turmoil within her heart. The echoes of laughter and the rhythm of music enveloped her, momentarily distracting her from the storm of emotions brewing inside.

As the evening progressed, Kanishka found herself drawn into the traditional dances and festivities, surrounded by family and friends who showered her with love and good wishes. The energy was infectious, yet beneath the surface, a sense of melancholy lingered.

When the time came for her to dance, Kanishka chose a poignant song, "Dilbaro," which resonated deeply with her emotions. The lyrics spoke of a daughter leaving her father's home, a poignant reflection of Kanishka's own journey of letting go and moving forward.

With each graceful movement, Kanishka's thoughts wandered to Darsh and the tangled web of their past. Memories flooded her mind - the moments of love, the pain of betrayal, and the unresolved questions that haunted her. Tears glistened in her eyes, unnoticed amidst the vibrant celebration.

Her dance became a silent prayer, a plea for clarity and peace amidst the chaos of her emotions. The weight of her decisions, the impending marriage to Ayan, and the lingering presence of Darsh all converged in that poignant moment on the dance floor.

As the song came to an end, Kanishka stood amidst applause and cheers, her heart heavy yet strangely lighter. She wiped away a tear, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips, grateful for the strength and resilience that carried her through.

Little did she know, Darsh watched from afar, his own heart heavy with regret and longing. The Sangeet night had stirred emotions in him as well, reminding him of what he had lost and the depth of his unresolved feelings for Kanishka.


In this part, Kanishka's emotional journey during the Sangeet night is explored through her dance on "Dilbaro," reflecting her inner turmoil and the complexities of her relationships with Darsh and Ayan.

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