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Part 67: The Morning After

The soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Darsh and Kanishka lay entwined, the remnants of their passionate night evident in the tousled sheets and the glow on their faces. As they slowly woke up, the reality of their new life together began to sink in.

Kanishka stirred first, her eyes fluttering open to find Darsh watching her with a tender smile. She blushed, memories of the previous night flooding back.

"Good morning, Mrs. Rao," Darsh whispered, brushing a strand of hair away from her face.

"Good morning, Mr. Rao," Kanishka replied, her voice soft and filled with happiness.

They lingered for a moment, enjoying the quiet intimacy before the day's events pulled them apart. Eventually, they both got up and began to prepare for the post-wedding rituals.

Kanishka donned a stunning red Banarasi saree, the intricate gold embroidery catching the light. She applied a bold red lipstick, her hands slightly trembling with excitement. Darsh, dressed in a crisp kurta, watched her with an appreciative smile.

As Kanishka struggled to perfect her lipstick, Darsh stepped forward, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "I think I should help you remove this lipstick with my lips because it can't shape perfect," he said, his voice low and teasing. "You should apply it again."

Kanishka laughed, playfully swatting his arm. "You wish," she replied, but there was no denying the spark between them.

They headed downstairs for their first ritual, the kitchen buzzing with activity as Mrs. Singhal guided Kanishka through the preparation of her first rasoi. Together, they made kheer, the sweet aroma filling the house.

When the kheer was ready, everyone gathered to taste it. Mrs. Singhal was the first to take a spoonful, her eyes lighting up with approval. "This is superb, Kanishka," she praised.

Darsh, taking a bite, closed his eyes in exaggerated delight. "I feel like kissing the hands of whoever made this kheer," he said in a flirty tone, winking at Kanishka.

Kanishka blushed deeply, her heart fluttering at his words. "Thank you," she murmured, her eyes sparkling.

Next, they moved on to the second ritual – finding the ring in a bowl filled with milk and rose petals. It was a playful tradition meant to determine who would lead their relationship. The bowl was placed between them, and they both dipped their hands in, searching for the hidden ring.

As they competed, Darsh couldn't help but tease Kanishka. "Are you sure you can find it before me?" he asked, a smirk playing on his lips.

Kanishka shot him a determined look. "Watch me," she replied, her competitive spirit shining through.

In the first round, Kanishka found the ring quickly, holding it up triumphantly. "One point for me!" she declared.

Darsh pretended to be frustrated, though he was secretly delighted. "You got lucky," he teased.

The second round was more intense, with both of them searching eagerly. This time, Darsh found the ring, holding it up with a victorious grin. "One all," he said, enjoying the game.

For the final round, Darsh decided to let Kanishka win. He loved seeing her happy, and it was clear how much this meant to her. He deliberately slowed his movements, allowing Kanishka to find the ring and claim victory.

"I win!" Kanishka exclaimed, her face glowing with happiness.

Darsh laughed, pulling her into a hug. "I guess that means you'll be leading our relationship," he said, his tone affectionate.

Kanishka smiled, feeling a surge of love for him. "I think we'll lead it together," she replied softly.

As they completed the ritual, their families cheered and celebrated their bond. The day was filled with joy, laughter, and the deepening of their love. Darsh and Kanishka knew that their journey together was just beginning, and they were ready to face it hand in hand.

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