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Part 68: An Unholy Alliance

The same night, in a dimly lit bar across town, Ayan sat nursing a drink, his thoughts consumed by Kanishka. The flickering neon lights cast a somber glow on his face as he replayed memories of their time together, his heart aching with unfulfilled desires and the weight of his own actions. He knew he had forced Kanishka into their engagement, but that detail remained locked within him.

Meanwhile, Somya, fresh from the stinging realization of Darsh's unwavering devotion to Kanishka, walked into the bar, seeking solace in a drink. She spotted Ayan, recognizing the familiar look of heartbreak mirrored in her own expression. She hesitated for a moment before deciding to approach him.

"Mind if I join you?" Somya asked, her voice tinged with sorrow.

Ayan looked up, surprised to see a familiar face. "Somya, right? Sure, have a seat," he replied, gesturing to the empty stool beside him.

They sat in silence for a few moments, each lost in their own thoughts, before Ayan finally broke the silence. "Rough night?" he asked, though he already suspected the answer.

Somya sighed, taking a sip of her drink. "You could say that. Just came from dinner with Darsh and Kanishka. It was... enlightening."

Ayan raised an eyebrow. "Enlightening? Sounds like it didn't go well."

Somya shook her head, a bitter smile playing on her lips. "Darsh is completely smitten with her. I had hoped... well, it doesn't matter now. He's made his choice."

Ayan's jaw tightened, his grip on his glass tightening. "I know the feeling. Kanishka was supposed to be mine. But Darsh took her from me."

Somya looked at him, seeing the pain in his eyes. "You love her, don't you?"

Ayan nodded, his voice low and filled with regret. "More than anything. But it seems she never really loved me."

Somya placed a hand on his arm, a spark of understanding passing between them. "It's the same with me and Darsh. I've loved him since college, but he barely even sees me. It's always been Kanishka for him."

Ayan's eyes met hers, a new resolve forming in his mind. "We're both victims of their love story, it seems."

Somya's expression hardened. "Victims... yes. But we don't have to remain that way."

Ayan tilted his head, intrigued. "What are you suggesting?"

Somya leaned in closer, her voice a whisper. "They've hurt us both, whether they meant to or not. Maybe it's time we stopped being the ones left behind. Maybe it's time we take control of our own stories."

Ayan's eyes narrowed, the bitterness in his heart turning to something darker. "Are you talking about revenge?"

Somya nodded slowly. "Yes. Together, we can make them regret ever crossing us. We'll show them what it's like to lose everything."

Ayan considered her words, the idea taking root in his mind. He knew deep down that he was not entirely innocent; he had coerced Kanishka into their engagement, but he couldn't bring himself to admit it to Somya. Instead, he channeled his guilt into determination. "What do you have in mind?"

Somya's lips curled into a determined smile. "We start by undermining their trust in each other. Create doubt, plant seeds of jealousy. And then, we strike when they're at their weakest."

Ayan nodded, a sense of purpose igniting within him. "I'm in. Let's make them pay."

As they clinked their glasses together, a sinister alliance was formed. In that dimly lit bar, fueled by heartbreak and anger, Ayan and Somya vowed to bring Darsh and Kanishka down, no matter the cost.

The night grew darker as they plotted, their combined determination solidifying their resolve. Neither Darsh nor Kanishka knew what was coming their way, but Ayan and Somya were prepared to unleash a storm that would shake the very foundations of their happiness.

And so, with a shared glance of understanding and mutual ambition, Ayan and Somya set their plan into motion, ready to exact their revenge on those who had unknowingly wronged them.

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