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Part 70: A Deceptive Night

The night was quiet, with the soft hum of the city in the distance. Darsh and Kanishka were just settling into bed when a frantic knocking echoed through their bedroom door.

Darsh immediately got up, his heart racing with concern, while Kanishka sat up, pulling the covers around her. He opened the door to find Somya standing there, her face pale and eyes wide with fear.

"Somya, what's wrong?" Darsh asked, his voice full of worry.

Somya's voice trembled as she spoke. "I... I had a nightmare. I can't sleep alone. I'm so scared, Darsh."

Kanishka's heart softened at the sight of Somya's distress. She glanced at Darsh, who was equally concerned. "Somya, it's okay. I'll come and stay with you," Kanishka offered, stepping out of bed.

Somya nodded gratefully, but behind her tearful eyes, a flicker of satisfaction gleamed. "Thank you, Kanishka. I didn't want to be a bother, but I just can't handle it alone tonight."

Darsh watched as Kanishka wrapped an arm around Somya, leading her back to the guest room. He felt a pang of guilt for the trouble Somya was causing but was relieved she would be looked after.

In the guest room, Kanishka helped Somya settle back into bed, pulling the covers up around her. "Try to relax, Somya. I'm here with you now," Kanishka said soothingly.

Somya nodded, her voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you, Kanishka. I feel much better with you here."

As Kanishka lay down beside her, she couldn't shake the feeling that something was off. But she dismissed it, focusing instead on comforting Somya. Meanwhile, back in their bedroom, Darsh lay awake, staring at the ceiling, his mind racing with concern for both women.

Somya, on the other hand, lay still, a faint smile tugging at her lips. Her plan was working. She knew that having Kanishka by her side would not only make Darsh worry but also plant seeds of doubt and confusion in their minds.

The night passed slowly. Kanishka dozed fitfully beside Somya, occasionally waking to check on her. Each time, Somya pretended to be fast asleep, her breathing even and calm. But inside, she was far from calm; she was reveling in her small victory, knowing that she had managed to drive a wedge between Darsh and Kanishka, even if only for a night.

Morning came, and Kanishka woke up groggily, feeling the strain of the restless night. She gently shook Somya awake. "How are you feeling, Somya?"

Somya stretched and yawned, feigning relief. "Much better, thanks to you. I don't know what I would've done without you."

Kanishka smiled weakly. "I'm glad I could help. Let's go have breakfast."

They both got up and headed to the kitchen, where Darsh was already preparing coffee. He looked up, his eyes lighting up with relief when he saw them.

"Good morning, you two. How did you sleep?" he asked, handing a cup of coffee to Kanishka.

Kanishka gave a small smile. "It was alright. Somya had a rough night, but she's feeling better now."

Darsh turned to Somya, his concern still evident. "Are you sure you're okay, Somya?"

Somya nodded, taking the cup of coffee he offered. "Yes, Darsh. Thanks to Kanishka, I managed to get some rest."

Kanishka and Darsh exchanged a look, a silent understanding passing between them. Despite the odd situation, they were committed to helping Somya through her ordeal. Little did they know, Somya was far from the helpless victim she portrayed, her mind already working on the next step of her plan.

As they sat down to breakfast, Somya joined in their conversation, laughing and chatting as if nothing had happened. But beneath her friendly demeanor, she was plotting her next move, determined to keep driving a wedge between them and claim Darsh for herself.

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