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Part 22: Getting Ready

The morning of Kanishka and Ayan's wedding dawned with a tranquil glow, casting a serene atmosphere over both households. Kanishka, adorned in a breathtaking red lehenga intricately embroidered with gold motifs, sat amidst a flurry of activity in her bridal chamber. Her sisters and closest friends bustled around her, adding final touches to her attire and helping her with delicate jewelry.

"Kanishka, you look absolutely stunning," exclaimed Sweta, her older sister, adjusting the veil. "Ayan won't be able to take his eyes off you."

Kanishka smiled nervously, her hands fidgeting with the intricate necklace. "I hope so," she murmured, her gaze flickering to the mirror where her reflection shimmered in the bridal attire.

Priya, her childhood friend, chimed in, "Trust me, Kanishka. You're going to blow everyone away. Ayan is going to be speechless."

Kanishka chuckled softly, her nerves settling as she adjusted her dupatta. "I hope I'm not too nervous," she mused aloud, glancing at her reflection once more. "It's just... this feels surreal."

"You're allowed to be nervous," reassured another friend, carefully pinning her hair. "But once you see Ayan, everything will fall into place."

Meanwhile, at Ayan's home, the scene mirrored that of Kanishka's. Ayan, dressed in traditional attire, stood in his room surrounded by his family. His mother gently adjusted his sherwani, a proud smile on her face. "You look every bit the handsome groom," she said, her voice tinged with emotion. Ayan's father clapped a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Today marks a new beginning for you, son. Make us proud."

Ayan nodded, his mind filled with thoughts of Kanishka. "I can't wait to see her," he admitted, his voice betraying a hint of nervousness. His sister teased, "Don't worry, Ayan. Kanishka is probably feeling the same way. It's your big day."

Back in Kanishka's chamber, her friends and sisters continued to fuss over her, making sure every detail was perfect. "You're going to make a beautiful bride," one of her friends remarked, placing a final hairpin delicately. Kanishka's heart fluttered with a mix of emotions—joy, anticipation, and a touch of apprehension about the vows she was about to exchange.

Outside, the wedding venue buzzed with activity as family members and guests arrived, their colorful attire adding to the festive ambiance. The air was filled with the scent of fresh flowers and the sound of traditional music, creating a backdrop of celebration and joy.

As the time drew near, Kanishka took a deep breath, her excitement mounting with each passing moment. She glanced out the window, her eyes searching for a sign of Ayan's arrival. "I can't wait to start this new chapter with him," she admitted quietly, her heart racing.

In Ayan's room, he stood before the mirror one last time, adjusting his turban with a sense of determination. "Today is the day," he said to himself, a smile spreading across his face. "Kanishka, here I come."


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