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Part 34: The News Goes Viral

The next morning, the calm before the storm broke with the relentless ringing of Darsh's phone. He glanced at the screen and saw a barrage of notifications, messages, and missed calls. Kanishka, who had barely slept, watched him from across the room, sensing the shift in the atmosphere.

Darsh picked up his phone and scanned through the notifications. Headlines from various news outlets flashed before his eyes:

**"Shockwaves in Business World: Kanishka Rao and Darsh Singhal Tie the Knot!"**

**"Rival Companies Unite: Kanishka Rao Marries Darsh Singhal in a Secret Ceremony"**

**"Corporate Power Play: The Unanticipated Wedding of BEM’s Heiress and Singhal Industries' CEO"**

He sighed deeply, the weight of the situation pressing down on him. Kanishka, noticing his reaction, crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong? Afraid the world knows the truth now?"

Darsh's eyes met hers, a mixture of frustration and determination in his gaze. "The world always has its eyes on us, Kanishka. This was bound to happen."

Before Kanishka could retort, Darsh's phone rang again. This time, it was his assistant, Alisha. He answered the call, keeping his tone controlled. "What is it, Alisha?"

"Sir, the news is everywhere. Reporters are camped outside the building. Investors and board members are calling non-stop. They want an explanation," Alisha's voice was urgent.

"I'll handle it," Darsh replied curtly and hung up. He turned to Kanishka, who looked both angry and curious. "We need to address this."

Kanishka shook her head. "There's nothing to address. This was your doing, Darsh. You dragged me into this mess."

Darsh stepped closer, his expression softening slightly. "I know you're angry, but we need to present a united front. For the sake of our families, our companies."

Kanishka glared at him, her eyes blazing. "A united front? You think you can just manipulate everything and everyone to your will? You don't own me, Darsh."

Darsh sighed, running a hand through his hair. "It's not about ownership. It's about strategy. We both have a lot at stake here."

Just then, the doorbell rang, interrupting their heated exchange. Darsh signaled to his security to check, and moments later, his assistant Alisha walked in, looking frazzled.

"Sir, Ma'am, the media is in a frenzy outside. They're demanding a statement," Alisha said, her eyes darting between the two of them.

Kanishka took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves. "Fine. Let's get this over with," she said, walking towards the door. Darsh followed, his expression unreadable.

As they stepped outside, they were greeted by a sea of reporters, cameras flashing, and microphones thrust in their faces. The questions came rapid-fire:

"Mr. Singhal, how did this marriage come about?"

"Ms. Rao, were you forced into this union?"

"What does this mean for BEM and Singhal Industries?"

Darsh held up a hand, signaling for silence. "Thank you for your questions. As you all know, Kanishka and I have decided to marry. This is a private matter, and we request that you respect our privacy during this time."

Kanishka stepped forward, her voice steady despite the chaos around her. "Our focus remains on our respective companies and our responsibilities. We ask for your understanding and support."

The reporters continued to shout questions, but Darsh and Kanishka turned and headed back inside, their expressions resolute. As the door closed behind them, the noise from outside was muted, leaving them in a tense silence.

Kanishka turned to Darsh, her eyes flashing with anger. "This is far from over, Darsh. You've created a storm, and now we both have to deal with the fallout."

Darsh nodded, a hint of regret in his eyes. "I know. But we'll handle it together."

Kanishka shook her head. "Don't fool yourself. This is far from a partnership. It's a battle, and I won't back down."

Darsh watched her walk away, a sense of inevitability settling over him. He knew the road ahead would be rocky, but he was determined to navigate it, no matter the cost.

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