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Part 18: Haldi Party Disruption**

The morning sun bathed Kanishka Rao's home in a warm, golden glow as preparations for the Haldi ceremony were in full swing. The festive atmosphere buzzed with excitement as friends and family gathered to celebrate Kanishka and Ayan's upcoming wedding. Vibrant marigold garlands adorned every corner, and the air was thick with the scent of turmeric and flowers.

Kanishka sat in the center of the courtyard, her laughter ringing out as her friends applied haldi to her cheeks. Dressed in a simple yet elegant yellow saree, she glowed with happiness, her eyes sparkling with joy. Ayan, standing nearby, watched her with a loving smile, soaking in every moment of this cherished tradition.

The sound of upbeat music filled the air, and guests began to dance, adding to the jubilant atmosphere. Among the guests, however, was an unexpected figure - Darsh Singhal. He had managed to slip in unnoticed, his eyes dark with determination.

Darsh's presence went unnoticed at first, as he kept to the edges of the celebration, observing Kanishka with a mix of longing and resentment. His heart ached seeing her so happy with Ayan, but his anger fueled his determination to make his presence known.

As the DJ switched to a popular Bollywood track, "Tere Ishq Mein Nachenge," Darsh saw his opportunity. With a bold step forward, he joined the dancing crowd, his movements confident and commanding. Heads turned as he made his way to the center of the courtyard, his eyes never leaving Kanishka.

Kanishka's laughter faltered when she noticed Darsh. Her heart skipped a beat, confusion and surprise evident on her face. Ayan's smile faded as he saw the intense look in Darsh's eyes. The crowd parted, giving Darsh the space to dance, their curiosity piqued by the unexpected performance.

Darsh danced with fervor, his movements sharp and filled with emotion. The lyrics of the song echoed his tumultuous feelings, each step a testament to the love and anger raging within him.

"Tere ishq mein nachenge, tere ishq mein nachenge
Sari raat yahin khatam, sari raat yahin khatam"

As the song progressed, Darsh's dance became more intense, drawing everyone's attention. His eyes bore into Kanishka's, silently conveying the pain and betrayal he felt. Kanishka's breath hitched, the weight of his gaze stirring emotions she had tried to bury.

Ayan stepped forward, his protective instincts kicking in. "Darsh, this isn't the time or place for this," he said, his voice tense.

Darsh ignored him, continuing to dance, his movements becoming more frenetic. He was determined to make a scene, to disrupt the harmony of the event that symbolized Kanishka's move away from him.

"Tere ishq mein nachenge, tere ishq mein nachenge
Sari raat yahin khatam, sari raat yahin khatam"

The song's final notes hung in the air as Darsh finished his performance, his chest heaving with exertion. The courtyard was silent, everyone's eyes on him, the festive mood momentarily eclipsed by the intensity of the moment.

Kanishka stood up, her face pale but resolute. "What do you think you're doing, Darsh?" she demanded, her voice steady despite the turmoil within her.

Darsh stepped closer, his eyes locking with hers. "I couldn't let you go without a fight, Kanishka," he said, his voice raw with emotion. "You mean too much to me."

Ayan moved to stand beside Kanishka, his presence a silent but firm support. "You need to leave, Darsh," he said, his tone leaving no room for argument.

Darsh's gaze flicked to Ayan, a smirk playing on his lips. "Do you really think you can take her away from me that easily?" he challenged.

Kanishka's eyes flashed with anger. "Darsh, this is my Haldi ceremony. You're not welcome here. Please leave."

Darsh's expression hardened, his eyes narrowing. "I'll leave, Kanishka. But remember this - I'm not done fighting for what's mine."

With that, Darsh turned and walked away, the tension in the courtyard palpable. Kanishka watched him go, her heart heavy with conflicting emotions. Ayan put a reassuring hand on her shoulder, but the unease lingered.

The Haldi ceremony continued, but the shadow of Darsh's disruption loomed over the festivities. Kanishka tried to focus on the celebration, but Darsh's words echoed in her mind, stirring a turmoil she couldn't easily dismiss.

As the day wore on, the guests gradually returned to their cheerful selves, the music and laughter resuming. But for Kanishka, the joy was tinged with a sense of foreboding, the certainty that Darsh's interference was far from over.


Meanwhile, Darsh walked away from Kanishka's house, his heart a battleground of emotions. He knew his actions had been reckless, but the sight of Kanishka with Ayan had driven him to the edge. His determination to win her back, no matter the cost, had only intensified.

Darsh's phone buzzed in his pocket, a message from Rishabh lighting up the screen. "How did it go?" it read.

Darsh typed a quick reply, his fingers trembling. "It's not over, Rishabh. Not by a long shot."

As he walked into the gathering dusk, Darsh's mind was already formulating his next move. The battle for Kanishka's heart and his quest for revenge were just beginning, and he was prepared to go to any lengths to achieve his goals.

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