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Chapter 151 Straight man makes a move.

Bai Mu was full of worries and rode slowly.

Just when he was about to reach the government compound, a voice suddenly called him from behind.

"Lao Bai! Lao Bai!"

The man pedaled very fast and caught up with him in no time, standing side by side with Bai Mu.

"It's Lao Li."

Bai Mu recognized him as the director of the Commerce Bureau and greeted him with a smile.

"Lao Bai, I wonder if you have heard any rumors about your family recently..." Lao Li's face was not very good, and his words were a little difficult to speak.

Bai Mu's heart skipped a beat, and when he heard the word "rumors", he thought of Qiao Manman.

Lao Li organized his words and continued, "Today, the manager of the Friendship Store came to complain to me. Your niece brought a group of people to the Friendship Store, without any proof that she wanted to break in, and... she used your name... Friendship Store is frequented by foreign guests, and it is also one of the faces of our Shanghai City. This is really a bit embarrassing.

It's also fortunate that there are no foreign guests in the store today, and the manager didn't want to make a big deal. But you really should take care of it."

Lao Li doesn't Although he didn't see Bai Mu's ugly face, he had to say something, so he continued: "Two days ago, I heard that your niece brought a group of people to our compound, and was finally stopped. You have to deal with these things quickly, and don't let family affairs affect it..."

Although Lao Li is Bai Mu's subordinate, he has a long experience, is older, and has known Bai Mu for a long time, so although his words are a bit unpleasant to hear, Bai Mu will not feel uncomfortable.

Looking at the tired look on Bai Mu's face, Lao Li sighed, "I have to go back quickly, my wife is still waiting for me to eat, come back to my house to get together."

"Okay, you go back soon." Bai Mu came to his senses and replied, watching Lao Li ride past him into the compound.

He followed behind and entered the compound. After walking a distance, he thought about it and went back to the guardhouse. "Xiao Wu, I want to ask, is my family recently..."

Anyone can see that Bai Mu is not in a good mood now. Xiao Wu met his hesitant expression and laughed dryly, "You, you are talking about your niece bringing people here, right? We have told your wife about this..."

Xiao Wu did not continue, but Bai Mu understood his eyes, which were full of "Didn't she tell you?" "Did you just find out?"

"Hey, trouble you guys."

Bai Mu pushed the cart towards home, feeling aggrieved and embarrassed. Seeing the familiar small building, his emotions became even more complicated.

"Old Bai, you're back. Manman, pour tea for your uncle."

Qiao Hongxia has risen to prominence since marrying Bai Mu, and her life is so comfortable.

She has the latest curls from the state-owned barber shop, wears a blue blouse, nylon socks and crystal shoes, has fair skin and smooth hands. No one can tell that she was once a farmer from a patriarchal family in the north.

"You must be tired. I'll go serve the food."

Seeing Bai Mu park the car, she took the briefcase and wiped Bai Mu's face with a wet towel, being extremely gentle and considerate.

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