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Chapter 456 Fu Zhanbo with a dark face.

Ji Huaian's daughter had already run to Kuang Yinyin's arms, eating the shrimps and crabs that her godfather fed her.

Well, except for the two children who were whispering, no one moved on the round table of exquisite dishes, and they all rushed to the shrimps and crabs. Especially Hu Shian, he peeled the dishes so skillfully that he could feed his son and godson in the gap between feeding his wife and goddaughter.

He finished the two dishes very quickly, and then Kuang Yinyin threw him a wink.

That look seemed to say: You are the best man in the world!

Hu Shian was satisfied, straightened his back and glanced at the couple who were still in love, and smiled contemptuously with a crooked mouth.

Kuang Yinyin deliberately sat across from the round table today, just to stay as far away from them as possible.

She looked up with sympathy and looked at Ruan Jiaojiao from a distance, exchanging a lot of information with her eyes.

Kuang Yinyin did not live a life that scared her. On the contrary, her husband's family was more tolerant of her than her parents' family. Not only did they give her a lot of company shares, they even gave her the financial power of the family. Hu Shian could only apply for pocket money with difficulty. When he was good, he could show off to his brothers with pride. When he was miserable, he could only ask Ji Huaian and others for money with difficulty.

Recently, Yinyin Kuang dyed and permed her hair to look like a golden lion, and even dyed it a few strands of light gold. However, the final look was far from what she had imagined. Her hair quality was too bad and she couldn't bear to dye it black, so she could only keep it like this. She was afraid that her rough hair would poke her goddaughter, so she tied her hair up and let it hang behind her like a big broom.

No matter how time changes, Yinyin Kuang still loves rock and punk. Not shaving her hair into a half-bald cockscomb is her most respectful and decent expression to her two families.

Tang Sijia and her baby had a meal together, and they thought they were whispering, but in fact everyone could hear them. Except for the two of them and the three children, the other four adults were so full after eating a little that they just wanted to finish the meal quickly and get rid of them.

But to be honest, Ruan Jiaojiao still has high hopes for Tang Sijia and her boyfriend. Two lovers together, especially rich lovers together, life will definitely not be hard, and they will be happy every day!


After leaving the restaurant, Tang Sijia and her boyfriend went to their own world, while Ruan Jiaojiao and Kuang Yinyin went to the cinema downstairs to watch a movie. The three children were so happy with the big red envelopes given by their future godfathers.

Originally, they were going to stay in the large flat upstairs today, but Ji Huaian received a call that Fu Zhanbo and Ji Fei had returned from Switzerland, so they drove back home and opened the gifts they brought back.

When they got home, the 200-square-meter Persian carpet in the living room was piled with large and small packages of gifts. Fu Zhanbo sat on the sofa with a dark face, as if thinking about life. Ji Fei smiled and pinched her voice and ran straight to the two babies, kissing and hugging them to relieve her homesickness.

When she found that her son and daughter-in-law noticed Fu Zhanbo, who looked bitter and resentful, Ji Fei stood up and nodded at them, whispering: "An An didn't come back. She went to the island to relax with her boyfriend."

"Two people? Relax on the island?" Ji Huaian's focus was on the two people traveling alone. As a brother and a father with a daughter, he could understand Fu Zhanbo who was silent and had a sullen face. Just thinking about him made him feel uncomfortable.

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