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Chapter 461 That's 500,000!

Ruan Jiaojiao and Ji Huaian of course chose to do private things first and then public things, just like many people who had targeted their family before, and they would make achievements for the police when they had their last breath.

Of course, even if Qiu Zhenghua didn't mention it, Ruan Jiaojiao and Ji Huaian would not be stingy with him. They gave him and his brothers no less. Liam was the link between the two sides, but maintaining the relationship still depended on interests. Ruan Jiaojiao knew that it was not possible to want the horse to run without giving it grass to eat.

After dinner, Liam and Cao Le left with the snacks prepared by Butler Charlie.

Before the sun completely set, Ruan Jiaojiao took her children and Xinxin to the orchard for a walk and picked some fruits.

Ji Huaian skillfully timed the call to the Commissioner of Police.

Half an hour later, the police station received a gift from an "unknown" kind-hearted person - eight fugitives with bruises all over their bodies, dying, and extremely vicious.

After more than a month of planning, not only did they fail to catch Ji Huaian, but they also caught him without knowing what his wife and children looked like. It must be said that these kidnappers really failed.


As long as Ji Huaian was at home, Ruan Jiaojiao always blew her hair himself, and this time was no exception.

He had his own thoughts this time. He locked the door early, thinking that he would turn off the lights and "go to sleep" early, so that the clingy little girl would not disturb him.

Unfortunately, he underestimated his energetic little niece. While her aunt was washing up, she had already scoured the house. Her cousins ​​were not spared, and even the elderly dogs were not spared. More than two hours was enough for her to drag everyone to play with her and finally came to the door of the master bedroom and knocked.

This time, Ji Huai'an had just finished blowing her hair, and his hands had not started to be dishonest, and he had not yet performed physical "coaxing" to sleep, leaving Ruan Jiaojiao no time to deal with the clingy little girl, when a shout came from outside the door.

With the rhythmic knock on the door, even the best soundproof room could not resist Xinxin's screaming: "Aunt! Xinxin baby is here~ I'll sleep with you~ My favorite aunt~ La La La~" She even sang with a trailing tone while shouting.

Ruan Jiaojiao glanced at Ji Huaian with a sullen face, suppressed her smile and went to open the door.

The little ball with milky fragrance hugged Ruan Jiaojiao's legs, and when Ruan Jiaojiao squatted down, he couldn't wait to drill into her arms, his nose twitching quickly like a puppy, with a satisfied look on his face.

Xiangxiang's aunt~hehe~

"Uncle! Xinxin misses you so much~ I came to sleep with you~ Are you happy?" Xinxin didn't know her uncle's distress at all, hugged Ruan Jiaojiao's neck and acted coquettishly.

"...Happy" Ji Huaian forced a smile, looked at the little ball who was put on the big bed for the couple, rolling around excitedly, took a deep breath, "You go to sleep first, I'll go see Qingqing Tongniannian."

Ji Huaian, who was unwilling to give up, was still planning to make a last ditch effort. Ruan Jiaojiao caught a glimpse of him taking something out of the drawer of the desk, and then hurried to find his children.

Based on Ruan Jiaojiao's understanding of him, those might be his few savings. Thinking of this, Ruan Jiaojiao couldn't help laughing out loud. Xinxin, who was rolling around, didn't know what her aunt was laughing at, but she laughed along with her aunt and soon fell on the bed with her short legs.

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