Chapter 1: Just a Bestfriend

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Hi this is my first story. Hope you guys like it. Don't forget to vote!^-^


Sarang's POV

I'm Kim Sarang. A trainee from JYPE. Being a trainee for 5 years was really hard. Sleepy all days, exhausted every times and crying when we have hard time. That's normal for trainee. Trainee life~ I'm going crazy with this!

But I'm not regret at all cause that's what I want. Dance make me happy and sing make me feel better. I stayed with another trainee but we usually not practice together.

"Yaa, Eat fast." Said Nara unnie. Then she continued eating her breakfast.

But I'm still daydream. Thinking about someone....special for me.

"Yaaa!!" She yelled.

I got startled then awake "Nae?" I said looked at her blankly.

"What are you thinking? Eat fast then let's go to practice" she said.

"Naee" I said then started to eat my breakfast.


I was dancing like there's no tomorrow. Dance make me feel better and alive. It feel really me, just me. I'm happy being myself.

I was dancing like didn't want to stop. No matter what's going on in the earth.

When I was dancing, suddenly the music stopped then I automatically stop dancing. I was about to piss off. Then I saw someone that I really miss by a mirror. He stood there with two fulled plastic bags. And with a big smile. He looked so happy and of course I was happy too. I looked at him. I didn't believed he was here. What's going on in the earth?

"Annyeong!" He said happily with a beautiful smile.

I missed him so much then I run to him with a big smile and gave him a big hug. Then he hugged me back. Of course~

I missed you, Jackson.

"Aigooo~Yaa, Sarang-ssi you missed me a lot right?" Jackson teased me.

Yes of course! Cause you was too busy with your debut preparation and we didn't meet for a loooong time and that's why I missed you, so bad. But I didn't knew how to tell him. I don't like to show my feelings. I just keep it in the bottom of my heart. I missed you~ a lot...

"Mwo? Ani! I'm not." I acted cold but still hugging him. When I hug him, I can heard his heartbeat. It's like magical sound~ I miss this...

"Jjinja? Why you don't miss me when I missed you a lot? I'm so disappointed with you" He acted like a baby while hugging me.

So childish~ but cute!

"Hmmm...whatever~" I said coldly then slowly let him go. He gave me a sweet smile like usuall.

"So what's bring you here?" I asked. Just curious.

"I just wanna see you~ I missed you a I brought some foods! Let's eat together!" He said happily showing those plastic bags that he brought. But when I heard 'my friend' I feel don't know what is this feeling. Sad? Disappointed? Hurt? I'm not sure. Aghh! Why I'm acting like this?

"You want to eat now?" He asked me like nothing happened.

"Sarang-ssi? Sarang-aa~?" He shook me while staring at me.

"Nae? What did you said?" I asked him. I just awoke from daydream. So I didn't know what he just said. I looked at him blankly. He looked worried. Worried about me? If you did...thanks.

"What's wrong with you? I'm worried about you" He asked me worriedlu. He said he worried about me but when I think again, he worried about me because I'm his friend.. I'm just a friend for him? Friend...I thought I'm more that that...


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