Chapter 53 : Letter?

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3 months later....

Sarang's POV

It's already 3 months...after that last kiss, we never text or call. We meet sometimes, when I got out from my dorm. I know he always try to talk to me but I always run away. We promised to keep in touch. But I don't think we can make it real. It's getting so cold here. I miss you actually. It was cold and lonely. I always told myself to forget him but when I think again...I don't want to. I won't forget him. I'll talk to him...after I debut. I promised. Wait a bit more. I'll debut in 2 months. Anyway Got7 really famous now. I'll be famous like them too. For sure.

"Unnie, stop day dreaming!" Tzuyu shouted a little. I back to reality. I looked at her innocently.

"Let's eat with us" Nara unnie said. I nodded.

"I'm jealous with you. I have to diet. I want to eat pizza too~" Jihyo whined. I giggled.

"You never gain weight right unnie? I saw you eat everything but never gain weight" Momo complained.

"Lucky me, right?" I joked. Suddenly my phone rang. It's Yoongi.

"Eat first" I told them and stood up. I got out from the dance room and picked it up.

-In Call-

Yaboseyeo? - Yoongi

Nae. What is it? - Me

Are you free? Let's go drink some tea. I'll pay - Yoongi

You know I can't right? Mianhae. I have to practice - Me

Again? So when can I see you? I really miss you. I think I'm going crazy waiting for you - Yoongi

I really can't. I have 2 months more - Me

Just 1 hour? - Yoongi

No...mianhae. I'm busy - Me

Fine - Yoongi

-End Of Call-

I ended up. I put my phone on my pocket. I looked around and I saw Jackson stood there looking at me. I looked at him back for a while then got in to my dance room.


"Get in your room and sleep straight away, ok? We have to wake up early tomorrow" I told as a leader. We got out from the elevator and walked in group to our dorm.

"I want to take a shower first" Tzuyu said.

"Me too" Dahyun said. I nodded. I press the pin to unlock the door. After done, we all got in. I walked to my room straight away. I got in and threw myself on my bed.

"I'm starving~" Momo whined while entering our room. I smirked.

"Don't eat secretly behind me. I'm watching you" I warned and giggled. She sat on her bed and laid her head on the pillow.

"I'll take a quick shower first" I said.


I got out from the bathroom. I saw Chaeyeong, Tzuyu and Dahyun sat in front of TV.

"What are you guys doing? You should sleep now" I said.

"Unnie, just for a while. We want to watch Got7 sunbaenim" Dahyun said.

"Got7?" I asked.

"Nae. Unnie, you close with Jackson sunbaenim, right?" Come on! Join us!" Tzuyu said cheerfully.

"No, it's okay. Make sure to sleep after this is ok?" I told.

"Oh! Oh! Got7! Got7!" Chaeyeon shouted when Got7 appaired on the screen. Such a fan girl.

"Unnie, sit here. Let's watch together" Dahyun suddenly pulled my hand to sit. I finally obeyed and sat next to her. I watched them performing. Actually, I amazed with them. They all handsome, talented, kind...especially Jackson. I can't deny it.

"They good right?" Dahyun asked. I can't help my eyes on the screen. I hummed, agree.

"They really handsome~ Right?" She asked again. I hummed again.

"Don't you miss them, unnie?" She asked. I hummed.

"What? No!" I denied. My bad. Dahyun giggled.

"I know you guys close" She smirked.

"Long time ago..." I mumbled.

"Really?" Dahyun asked me. I smiled. I nodded.

"How close?" She asked curiously.

"We kissed" I answered confidently. Chaeyeon, Dahyun and Tzuyu gasped.

"Really?!" They asked at the same time. Its harmony anyway. Teamwork right?

"You believe me? Aigoo~ You guys too curious until I'm joking you still believe me" I said. No lie. We really kissed.

"Unnie! You scared me!" Tzuyu whined. I giggled.

"Why? I did something wrong?" I joked. She looked away from me.

"Aigoo~ so noisy. Why you guys not sleep yet?" Nara unnie got out from her room.

"We're going now" I answered.

"Ok girls, time to sleep" I told them. We all got up. At that time, the bell ringing. We looked at each other.

"You guys ordered food?" I asked them. They all shook their head.

"Then who's coming at this time? It almost midnight" Nara unnie complained.

"No way...gho--"

"Aishhh!" We all cut Dahyun. Ghost? So childish.

"I will open" I walked to the door confidently as a leader.

"Who's that?" I asked from inside. No answer. The girls walked closer to me.

"You really want to open?" Tzuyu asked. I nodded. I slowly opened the door. No one. Weird. I looked outside. No one around here.

"Who's that?" I asked again.

"No one" I said to the girls. I looked at our door. Someone left a note. I took it and read.

"What's that unnie?" Chaeyeon asked curiously. I ignored her.

'To : Kim Sarang

It's me, boy next door. How have you been? Why you keep running away? Yah, talk to me. I really want to heard your voice. You don't even smile...'

"Unnie!" Tzuyu called me. I startled. I look at her blankly.

"What's that?" She asked. I quickly hide the letter.

"Nothing" I answered.

"You liar. Let me see" Nara unnie said while trying to take this letter from my hand.

"No!" I accidently raised my voice.

"You being weird. Give it to me" She do it again. I trying hard to protect this.

"Is that a..death note?!" Dahyun asked.

"Aigoo this kid. Don't watch movies too much" Nara unnie said to her.

"I...I will go to sleep. You guys too" I said trying to end this up.

"I'll go now" I walked past them with the letter in my hand and hurried to my room. I sat on my bed and put the letter under my pillow.

"I'll read it later..." I mumbled.


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