Chapter 52 : Focus

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Sarang's POV

"Everyone ready?" I asked them. They all nodded.

"Let's go. Wear thick clothes. It's getting cold these day" I told. It's sound like a leader right? We got out from our dorm and walked to elevator. Wait! My phone!

"Ah! I'm forgot something. You guys can go first. I'll follow later" I said. They all nodded. I walked to my dorm alone. I got in and ran a little to my room. I found my phone on my bed. I quickly ran to door and got out.

"Kim Sarang?" I heard. I turned to the right and I saw Jackson stood there.

"Jackson-aa" I called him back. He walked toward me.

"What are you doing here?" He asked worriedly. I smiled.

"I live here from now. My dorm" I smiled widely.

"Really? Next to mine?" He asked excitedly. I nodded.

"So I can see you everyday right?" He smiled. I chuckled.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Then where are you going?" He asked.

"I have to go to practice. They must be waiting for me. So I go first" I told.

"Let's go together" He held my hand. We took elavator to get down.

"Why your hand so cool?" He asked when we are in elevator.

"Mianhae" I pulled my hand from him. I don't want your hand become cold too. He held my hand again.

"Wear thick clothes. It's getting cold these day. I don't want you sick" He said smiling. Aishh..he's being sweet. But I like it. The elevator stopped and we got out. I slowly pulled my hand.

"We can't holding hand right here. People might see us" I said. He looked sad.

"Ohh ok. I..I understand" He smiled.

"I'll go first" I bowed as he nodded. I ran to the van and got in.

"Sorry I'm late. I'm forgot my phone" I told when I took a seat next to Momo.

"It's ok. We don't mind" Jihyo said, smiling. I looked at Jackson by the window. He just stood there looking at me..maybe. But I'm sure he can't saw me inside cause of this dark window.

"What's up with you and Jackson sunbaenim?" Momo whispered at my ears. I looked at her as she gave me a playful smirk.

"Nothing. He just a good friend of mine" I replied. She smirked.

"Good friend didn't holding hand, right?" He asked. What? What should I do? What should I say?

"W-waeyo? A g-good friend c-can't holding hand?" I stuttered. Aish! Why you stuttered?!

"But you stuttered" She smirked.

"Stop it! We really nothing" I said. She smiled and looked front.


"Let's take a break for 5 minutes" I told. I grabbed my bottle and I found it empty.

"I want to take some water. I'll be back" I told and walked to the door. But suddenly the door opened from outside.

"There's no need. I'll come to you!" Jackson got in with two bottle of mineral water. My eyes widen. The rest stood up and bowed to him. Me as well.

"Why you here?" I asked. He smiled.

"Perfect time, right? Here!" He handed me those two bottle. I looked at the others. They all looking. Nara unnie might understand but the rest...

"Can I borrow her for 10 minutes?" He asked the girls.

"No! You can't. We about to start" I quickly refused.

"Just for 10 minutes, ok?" He told the girls. Before I say something, he grabbed my arm.

"Let's go"


"You're crazy?" I pissed off. He became quiet.

"Why you call me crazy?" He asked.

"Jackson-aa, you can't do that in front of them" I said. He looked at me.

"I just....missed you" He said. No you can't. You can't miss me.

"We are nothing. People will think wrong about us" I said. I know it will hurt you and me as well but I have to take care of my image.

"Ohh..." He looked down.

"Mianhae but we can't. I just want to focus from now. I have no time for this" I said.

"What do you mean? You don't time for me?" He asked. I nodded. He chuckled.

"I can't believe this. When I was at your situation, I still have times for you. Did you forgot? We always spent time together. I have to practice, but I was next to you. And now you tell me that you have no time for me?" He asked me. I know you pissed off with my word but that is the only way to make you stop.

"I'm different. I'm not like you. I will focus on my debut" I said coldly. He smirked.

"Are you playing with me?" He asked holding his anger.

"I'm not. I have no time to play" I said. Pretend to be cold is hard. Harder when in front of you.

"I love you, honestly" He confessed. No you can't.

"I...don't know what do you mean" I said coldly. No I really understand.

"What? What did you said? You...really...You kissed me before" His eyes became teary.

"That was...a mistake" I said. He smirked.

"I think I have to go now. Annyeong" I bowed. I about to walk but he grabbed my arm and pulled me against the wall.

"You said we are nothing, so let's make it to something. You don't know what is love? Let me explain to you, Kim Sarang-ssi" He said with his husky voice.

"Stop it, Jackson. We--"

Without finished my sentense, he put his lips on mine. My eyes widen as my body became stiff. He parted the kiss. He cupped my cheeks and leaned closer. I quickly turned my head.

"Mianhae, but I promised my dad to make him proud. I can't end up like this. Mianhae...jongmal mianhae" I said. He didn't move.

"Let's just stop it Jackson-aa" I looked deep into his eyes hoping he will understand.

"I don't want to" He replied as he leaned closer and gave me another kiss. Araseo, I understand. This will be our last kiss. I closed my eyes and kissed him back.


Sarang really want to live like this? If you are Sarang, what will you choose?

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