Chapter 21 : Lies

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Sarang's POV

As I saw Yoongi's car park in front of JYP building, I wear my mask and cover my head with the hood. I put my hand on the hoodie pocket and walked while looking down to his car. I quickly hop in.

"Drive now" I said coldly. But he stared at me blankly.

"Drive now, someone will see us" I looked at him. But he just stared at me.

"Yah, why are you looking at me? Drive now" I said. He sighed and drove.

"Don't misunderstand" I said, taking of the mask.

"I thought you already stop your training" He suddenly spoke. I smirked.

"Wanna grab something to eat?" I asked him cheerfully. He smiled.

"Of course. Where? Restaurant nearby the park?" He asked.

"Ok" I smiled. He smiled back and drove to the restaurant.


"Can you take of the hood?" He asked while I eating my meal.

"I can't. They will know it's me" I said.

"'s ok. You still look cute" He smiled. I rolled my eyes, annoying with his sweet word.

"I miss playing skateboard. The last time I play is the day we met" He said while looking at the park. I smiled.

"So let's go there" I said. He looked at me.

"Today?" He asked excitedly.

"Nope. Tomorrow" I smiled.

"Promise?" He asked playfully. I nodded with smile. He's friendly by the way. Maybe we can be friend. Just friend.

"You know how to play skateboard? I saw you with penny board that day" He asked.

"Of course I can. Just ride. I don't know the tricks" I said. He giggled

"Want me teach you?" He asked smiling. I shook my head.

"I want. But I can't. Appa, will mad at me if I hurt" I joked. But that's true. He always worried about me but he don't show it.

"But I like it. I want to try" I said.

"No. You can't. I don't want you have scars. You will look  not pretty when wearing the wedding dress" He whined. I chuckled.

"It just scars, Yoongi" I said.

"Can you call me 'Oppa'? I'm 4 years older than you" He said.

"No! I will never call you that" I giggled.

"Why~?" He whined like a kid.

"Stop it, Yoongi. You look stupid" I laughed at him. His eyes caught something.

"What are looking at?" I turned around looking what he look. My eyes widen as I saw they here. Yes, all of them. I quickly change my gaze to Yoongi. I'm so nervous.

"Let's go now" I told him.

"Why? They just come to eat" He said.

"What if they saw us?" I said whispering.

"So...what's the problem? You are my fi--" Before he say the fiancee word, I quickly cover his mouth with my hand.

"Don't say that word" I whispered. I pulled my hand from his mouth.

"Let's go now before they saw us" I whispered.

"Uhmmm...what if they are behind you?" He said, giving a sign to turn around with his finger. Are you kidding me?! I turned around, lifting my head and I saw they behind me.

"What are you doing here?" Jaebum oppa asked me with confused face. I looked at Jackson. He looks confused too. I fake a laugh before answer.

"As you see, have a meal" I answered.

"With?" He asked again looking at Yoongi.

"My cousin" I smiled.

"You want take this table? We already done" I quickly stood up. I gave Yoongi a eyes sign to get up. He stood up too.

"Where you going later?" Yugyeom asked.

"Back to dorm. Of course. You guys don't have practice today?" I asked don't want to make it awkward.

"We will practice after have a meal" Jaebum answered.

"So...I have to go now" I said smiling.

"Ok. Take care" He said. I bowed to them. Yoongi put his arm around me, making it worse. I waved to them. Suddenly Jackson grabbed Yoongi's arm making us stop.

"Have we met before?" Jackson asked. He nodded. God, why he nodded?!

"At the park. Remember? Min Yoongi?" He asked back. Jackson silent, remembering that day. He look at me.

"Sarang you said you don't know him" He said to me. All of them looked at me. I speechless.

"We didn't meet for a long time. He changed a lot. That's why I don't know he actually my cousin" I lied.

"Uhmmm...I'm not his cousin. I'm his.." Yoongi suddenly spoked. Please don't say that word. Please, Yoongi. He put his hand down.

"I'm his fiancee" He said.

"What?!" All of them shocked. You are died, Yoongi! Just wait!

"What do you mean?" Jackson asked. I faked a laugh and playfully put my arm around Yoongi.

"Yah! Can you stop joking? You didn't change much seriously" I acted. He just smiled at me.

"Sorry. He always like this" I acted with a smile.

"I'll go first. Annyeong!" I waved as me and Yoongi walked to the car.

"You will die soon" I whispered near his ear as we pass them. He just smile. We reached the car and I let go of him. He opened the door for me. I look at him controlling my anger. They still watching.

"They watching, sh*t" I cursed as I punched his stomach, not too strong. He held his stomach with mouth open, groaning in pain.

"" He said while kneeling on the ground in pain, groaning. Did I punched too strong?

"Don't make me angry" I said as I hop in the car then close the door. I saw they still watching at me. I waved at them. After a while, Yoongi finally hop in the car.

"That's was hurt" He complained and started the engine.

"I need to back to my dorm" I told him. He looked at me.

"For what?" He asked.

"Take my piano" I said.

"You can play piano too?" He smiled. I nodded.

"Ok!" He drove off.

Jackson's POV

"What do you think? He really joking?" Jaebum hyung asked us.

"Of course. She's a trainee" Youngjae said. I just quiet. I don't know. She's acting weird.

"Ouhh! That must hurt. Sarang don't like that kind of jokes" Junior said as Sarang punched him.

"Hyung that's not too strong. She can do more" Bambam said. I don't care about that. I just wanna know what their relationship. Sarang-aa, you not lied to me, right?


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