Chapter 27 : You acting weird

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Sarang's POV

"Sarang?" He called me. I slowly turned to him. He smiled.

"J-Jackson" I said confusely. He walked to me and hugged me. My eyes widen. Yah, Yoongi is here!

"Sarang-aa, I miss so much. I'm so glad to meet you here" He said while hugging me. I miss you too. I want to you hug so bad but he's here.

"M-me too" I pushed him lightly. He broke the hug.

"How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine. Thanks" I nodded.

"Yah, what are you doing here?" Yoongi suddenly spoke, grabbing our attension. Jackson chuckled.

"You again. You looks...different" Jackson said teasingly. Yoongi smirked.

"Jackson, are you alone? Where is the other?" I asked, trying to stop them.

"Ahh..there here too" He smiled.

"Jackson!" I heard Jaebum oppa from behind. I quickly turn around. I saw they all here.

"Oh! Sarang-aa!" Yugyeom said. I smiled.

"Sarang's cousin here too. Annyeonghaseyo" Yugyeom bowed then all of them bow too except Jackson. Yoongi smiled.

"What are guys doing here?" Jinyoung oppa asked.

"We hinding some outfits..for him" I smiled.

"Since you here, can you choose for us too?" Bambam asked cutely.

"Yah, you think I'm your manager? You guys picky too" I complained. They all giggled.

"But..since you here, I will help you guys" I said excitedly. But wait! Why suddenly I feel so excited. Nah~ maybe cause we didn't meet for a month.

"Then what about me?" Yoongi asked. I'm forget about you.

"Next time. Anyway you wearing one outfit now" I smiled at him. He sighed.

"Fine" He said. Then I started help them choosing outfits at the same times, I choose for Yoongi too. I just don't want he feel sad or hate them including Jackson. It's looks like they don't like each other. After shopping, we all together grap something to eat. Even me and Yoongi already ate, I can't refused them.


"So how's your training?" Jinyoung oppa asked.

"Tiring and boring. But still fun even alone" I said, smiling.

"Is it tiring?" Yoongi asked. Rest of us chuckled.

"Of course, I train 5 hours everyday" I said.

"We practice 19 hours a day" Jaebum said proudly.

"We can do anything...for chasing our dream, Yoongi" I said. He smiled.

"Hyung, can I ask you something?" Yugyeom suddenly ask. Yoongi nodded.

"Are you rich? You have a sport car" He asked. I speechless.

"Not really" He giggled.

"Aaay~ no way. You have a really beautiful car" Bambam said. At that time, my phone ringing.

"Who?" Yoongi asked softly.

"Oppa" I answered softly. I quickly pick up.

-In Call-

Yaboseyeo. Nae oppa, what's the matter? - Me

Aniyo. Where are you know? - Oppa

Me? I'm at mall. With my friends and Yoongi - Me

Ohh, really? When will you back home? It's almost dinner - Oppa

Mianhae, oppa. I will eat with you tomorrow. Mianhae - Me

Young Ae-aa, I can't face them alone. I need you beside me - Oppa

Mianhae...oppa fighting! - Me

-End Of Call-

Aigoo oppa, you acting like a child. Why you can't face them? They are our parent. I giggled.

"Who?" Jackson asked curiously.

" oppa" I said. Hope he not asked more.

"You have oppa? Why I don't know?" Bambam asked.

"I don't know too" Jackson said looking down. I think he sad cause I don't even tell him that I have brother.

"Mian, I should you sooner" I smiled. Suddenly I felt someone holding my hand on the table. I looked at my hand. It was Yoongi. He just smiled. I slowly tear my hand from his grab and put it down. I don't want they see we holding hand.

"It's ok" Jackson said with a smile.

"So you will debut in few weeks?" I asked excitedly
They all nodded happily.

"I'm so excited but nervous" Yugyeom said. I smiled widely.

"I'm your #1 fan" I said. We giggled.

"Hope you will debut soon too" Jackson said smiling.

"Of course!" I said proudly. I hope too Jackson. I will never give up. Finally my patbingsung here. Yeay!!

"Don't eat too much. You will be fat. You just ate icecream. I don't like fat girl" He said. What-The-Hell-Are-You-Talking-Yoongi? Look, they all look at you now. I faked a laugh.

"Stop joking!" I said acting as I hit his arm. Oh my, why you giving me trouble?

"I-I'm just joking. Why so serious?" He acted too. We faked a laugh again. I started eating my patbingsung.

Jackson's POV

"Don't eat too much. You will be fat. You just eat icecream. I don't like fat girl" Yoongi said. Nae?! What do you mean? Do you like...Sarang?!

"Stop joking!" Sarang laughed and hit Yoongi's arm.

"I-I just joking. Why so serious?" He laughed too. It's more weird. Sarang, can you just explain this to me? I confused. You seems so closed with him. But fiance, joking, I..I don't understand! Suddenly I got a message. What? From Jaebum hyung. He just sit in front of me.

'Don't you think it's weird?' - JB Hyung.

I look up looking at him. He raised his eyebrow wanting answer.

'You're right. She's acting hiding something?' - Me

'She didn't tell you anything?' - JB Hyung

'Nothing. Should I ask her?' - Me

'I don't know. Up to you, Jackson' - JB Hyung

Should I ask..or not? Should I? No of course. I will wait until she tell by herself. Jaebum hyung looked at me. I shook my head telling him I won't.

'Yah, Sarang didn't tell you anything?' - Me

I texted to Yugyeom. He looked at me confusedly.

'Nothing. Waeyo?' - Yugyeom

'Can you feel Sarang acting weird?' - Me

'Really? I think it's just me. I puzzled, hyung' - Yugyeom

'Me too. Let's talk at dome' - Me

He nodded. I looked at Sarang. She..she..I don't know what to said. Maybe we are bestfriend but she's so mystery. I don't know anything about your childhood or your siblings or even your family. I just know your family's name. I hope you tell me later.


Will Jackson hope come true? They just have 3 weeks before debut, what he should do to know the truth?

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