Chapter 9 : Jealousy

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Sarang's POV

I walked to Jackson's room. The door was wide open. So I just entered his room. I saw Jackson arranging his snapbacks. He now wear sleeveless shirt. He looked at me.

"You here? What you want, Sarang?" He asked me softly. I sat beside him.

" want to go to mart with us? Or you want me to buy it for you?" I asked him. He still arranging his snapback.

"With who?"He asked.

"Yugyeom oppa" I said.

"I go" He said. I smiled to him. I look at those snapback. Its a lot. I want to borrow one.

"Can I borrow one?" I asked. I looked at him. Please Jackson~. Then I made puppy eyes.

"Girls don't wear snapback" He said. I know I know...he don't want me to borrow his. That's why he said that.

"What do you mean? I always wear it! I have a lot at home" I said. Yeah that's true. I have snapbacks too.

"But half of that I gave to you" He said. Aishh! can you just give me one to borrow? How hard!

"But I don't bring please~ I just borrow it and I will take care of it like it is mine" I made puppy eyes again.

"Arasseo" He said. I smiled happily. He smiled too.

"Then choose one for me" I said with a smile. He stood up and grabbed my hand to help me up. He pulled me in front of mirror. Oh my god! My hair like a nest! Then he gave me comb.

"Comb your hair first. You look like crazy woman" He teased me and giggled.

"Yahh!" I pissed off a little. I laugh and comb my hair.

"Here" He gave me the snapback. I didn't take it yet because I still combing my hair.

"Let me help you" He said so I give him the comb and I take the snapback. He got closer to me start combing my hair. I took a look at the snapback. It was turquoise with a little white and pink. Suit with my clothes now.

Then I looked at Jackson by the mirror. He looked focus combing my hair.

"So focus" I teased him. He smiled.

"Of course. I never comb girl's hair before. I don't know how to comb your hair. I'm trying my best" He said but he still combing my hair. He always funny. I laughed.

"Just comb it. Make it pretty" I said.

"You already pretty. Don't try to be pretty" He said in slow tone but barely I can hear it.

"Done!" He said. He smiled. Then I noticed Yugyeom standing at the door. I saw him by a mirror. I turn back and give him a smile.

"Yugyeom oppa! You are done?" I asked him. But he still wear same clothes. He looked weird. What's wrong with him? I walked near him.

"Yugyeom oppa?" I called him softly. I'm really worried about him. He looked at me and smile.

"You are done? I'm not done yet so wait for me ok?" He said with a smile.

"Ok...Jackson go with us too" I said. His expression change. He gave a gaze to Jackson. I looked at Jackson. His eyes is on Yugyeom oppa.

"Yah..what's wrong? Palli get ready" I grabbed his arm softly.
He suddenly smiled at Jackson. So relief. I thought he hate Jackson.

"Palli!" I pushed him slowly. Then he moved. He walked away and get into his room.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked Jackson.

"Bolla.." He answered. I walked to the mirror and tied my hair down. Then I wear the snapback.

"Maybe he....start with 'J'..." Jackson suddenly spoke.

"J? Joking?" I asked confusedly.

"Maybe" He said with evil smile. Then he took of his shirt. I didn't shocked because I'm used to it. I turn to face him.

"He not hate you right?" I asked him. He smirked. Didn't say anything.

"Palli change. I wanna look Yugyeom" I said then get out from Jackson's room.

I walked to Yugyeom oppa's room. I knocked first. Just silent.

"Sarang-aa, you cook dinner right?" Jaebum suddenly asked from know where. I turned to face him.

"Nae...but there is nothing in fridge so we want to buy it at mart nearby here" I said. He just nodded.

"With who?" He asked.

"Jackson and Yugyeom oppa" I answered.

"Jackson and Yugyeom?" He looked shocked. Why he shocked?

"Nae...waeyo?" I asked confusedly.

"I go too" He said.

"Then get ready now. We all ready" I said. Then he walked away. I looked at Yugyeom's door. I knocked again.

"Come in.." I heard he said inside. I opened the door and get in then close it, want some privacy. He still shirtless. I looked at him.

"Yugyeom oppa" I called him. He faced me.

"Bo?" He asked. I looked on his eyes. There is something not right. He is mad? With who? Me? I hope so.

"Neo gwenchana? (Are you ok?)" I looked at him with worried eyes.

"I'm ok. Don't worry about me" He smiled. Fake smile. I know it. I sat on the desk.

"Mianhae" I apologize. I don't know why I felt guilty.

"Chamkaji? (All of sudden?)" He asked.

"Bolla...suddenly I felt guilty. You mad at me?" I asked. He looked at me.

"Why should I?" He giggled.

"But why I feel that way?" I asked myself. He walked closer to me. He put his hands on my shoulder. I look into his eyes.

"Mianhae...I make you feel like the way, can you pick a shirt for me? I don't know what to wear. Hihi, you are fashionista right?" He said. I smiled at him. I got up and I walk to his cupboard. I looked one by one his shirt.

" not feel embarrassed shirtless in front of me?" I asked. Just wondered.

"At first time,, not. I'm used to it. All hyung too" He said. Then sat on bed behind me.

"Me too" I smiled. I picked white shirt with write 'Love In Summer' in there.

"What about this?" I showed to him. He just took it and wear it.

"Thanks. Let's go!" He grapped my wrist and get out from room. We walked to living room. Jaebum oppa sat at the coach waiting for us. He looked us.

"Why so late?" He complained. Jackson not there. He not done yet?

"Who are you waiting for?" Yugyeom asked.

"You guys" He answered.

"You going too?" Yugyeom asked. Jaebum oppa nodded.

"Where is Jackson? He not done yet?" I asked Jaebum oppa. Yugyeom slowly hold my hand.

"I'm here" Jackson said. I turned back and smiled.

Yugyeom's POV

I held Sarang's hand like don't want to let it go. I know what I do...I want to make Jackson hyung jealous

Don't try to make me jealous or you will die with jealousy, hyung.

"I'm here" I heard he said.

I turned back. I looked at him. He looked at my hand and Sarang hand. I know...he jealous. I can see in his eyes. Well done, Yugyeom!!


Jealousy ... stay tune for next chapter~

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