Chapter 49 : Pervent

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Sarang's POV

My heart went up and down so quick. I stopped running as I arrived at the place. I looked around as I saw no one there. Just some crews on the empty stage.

"No! I still have time!" I told to myself as I ran to backstage.

Jackson's POV

"Mianhae guys. She's not coming" I apologized when we took a rest after the performance. Jaebum hyung pat my back, comforting me. He know I feel sad cause of Sarang.

"It's okay. You already debut, Jackson hyung!" Bambam cheer me up. I smiled weakly.

"No! You can't get in!" I heard a male voice. I looked at the door.

"I have a VIP Pass!" I heard a quite familiar girl voice.

"What's going on?" Jaebum hyung stood up.

"No! You can't en--" Suddenly the door was open. I immediatly stood up. My eyes widen as I saw a girl tresspass in our waiting room. She smiled sweetly at me with her innocent face. She bathed in sweat.

"Miss, please get out" Said the security guard to her. He hold her arm and drag her out.

"Jackson-aa~" She called my name. Hearing that make me realize that's really her. It's been a while...really.

"Let her go. We know her" Jaebum hyung told to the security guard.

"Sarang-aa!" Yugyeom exclaimed. The security guard let her go and he got out from here. She walked slowly toward me ignoring the others as I still can't believed she's here. She suddenly hugged me tight. As I realize, I hugged her back.

"You came" I automatically said, still hugging. She nodded. I can heard she cathing her breath.

"Mianhea...I'm late...really sorry..I missed you.." Her voice sound weak. I noticed her body become weak. Her hands loose her grip on my waist.

"Sarang. Sarang-aa! Yah, Kim Sarang!" I called her name. No answer. I broke the hug.

"She's fainted!" I became panic. The others too. I carefully laid her on the floor.

"Call paramedics!" Mark hyung told. Youngjae ran to call them.


"You're awake?" I asked her when she open her eyes.

"What happened? I can't remember anything" She mumbled.

"I thought you was fainted...but you're not. You fell asleep. In my arms" I told him. I wonder can she suddenly fell asleep? That's weird but it's really happened!

"I fell asleep? How?" Her eyes widen. I grinned.

"I don't know too. You suddenly came bathed in sweat, you breath heavily and fell asleep. You make everyone worried. You ran to the showcase?" I joked or maybe teased.

"Nae. How do you know?" She asked me back.

"What? You..really..ran?!" I accidently raised my voice. She nodded.

"Aishh! This girl...why you ran? Why you didn't took taxi? You're crazy?!" I nagged.

"Nae! I'm crazy. Suddenly I can't think properly and just run" She answered. I smirked.

"You forgot me?" I lend closer to her face. Her eyes widen a bit and she blinks few times.

"A-ani! I just...just.." I saw her become nervous. She's cute when she's nervous! That's new for me. I smiled playfully. I stood up.

"Let's go. Dinner is ready" I smiled. She smiled back.

Sarang's POV

I stood up from Jackson's bed. Jackson suddenly grabbed my hand. He smiled sweetly.

"Let's go" He said. I smiled back. At that time, I feel really happy. Actually I miss this. I miss his smile. When he held my hand, I feel...I feel...protected? Yes, PROTECTED.

We walked to the kitchen while holding hand.

"You feel better now?" Jaebum oppa asked me when I took a sit infront of him, beside Jackson. I nodded and smiled. We started to dig in. I don't know who cook for us but it's great.

After dinner, me and Jackson sat on the couch, watching TV. Just two of us.

"I can't believe I already debut" Jackson said. I smiled.

"How do you feel?" I looked at him with a smile.

"Great! I feel amazing. I really happy but at the same times..I worried. I worried about my personal life. I'm scared if we can't keep in touch" He said. I smiled and looked down.

"Don't worry. Let's keep our promise" I smiled widely as he smiled back.

"What's your first schedule after debut?" I asked.

"Hmmm..I don't know too" He answered cutely. I laughed at his cuteness.

"Why you're laughing? Yah, stop it!" He said but actually he laughed with me. Finally we stopped.

"You really cute!" I pinched his cheeks lightly.

"Ah! It's hurt!" He pretended to be hurt. I smirked.

"Liar" I pinched harder. Sure this one will make his cheeks red.

"Ahh! It's really hurt!!" He grabbed my wrist so I stop pinching him.

"It's really hurt you know?" He complained. I put my tounge out to get him annoyed.

"Did you just..? Aishh..this little girl" He grabbed my another wrist. I glared at him.

"Let go off me" I pulled my hand but he's too strong.

"Apologized first" He told. I chuckled.

"I don't want to" I said. He smirked.

"I don't want to let of you either. Say 'Mianhaeyo, Jackson oppa'. Say it now" He told me.

"Oppa?! Yah, Wang Jackson" I called him. He hissed.

"Not Wang Jackson. Jackson oppa!" He forced me. I started to whine.

"Jackson-aa, please let me go. My wrist hurt already" I whined. He shook his head. I rolled my eyes.

"Did you rolled your eyes to me?" He asked. I prenteded not to listen.

"I'm talking to you" He said. I keep silent.

"How dare you.." He suddenly pushed me laying on the couch as I gasped softly. He on the top of me still holding my wrists, smirking. My eyes widen at how close we were. It just inchies! My heart become furious.

"You girl...I'll teach you a lesson" He said with a deep voice that I easily fall for it. He going to teach me a lesson at this position?

"Jackson-aa, wh--"

"First, respect me. Second, don't make aegyo. Third, don't be too pretty" He said. I became speechless. What kind of lesson is that?

"Why?" I asked softly.

"It's drive me insane" He answered. What? Again, speechless. I can felt my cheeks burning.

"Understand?" He asked. I didn't answer. I raised my head up and gave him a quick soft kiss on his lips. I stared at him, making eyes contact.

"And...a girl can't be a pervent,you pervent" He spoke. He called me pervent cause I kissed him first? He slowly leaned down as I closed my eyes, ready to be kiss.


Awww~ so sweet. I really enjoyed this one.

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