Chapter 22 : Remember You

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Sarang's POV

"Sarang-aa, where are you taking that piano?" Nara unnie asked me as I get out from my room bringing a piano. I smiled to her.

"I want practice at home" I said.

"Ohh, you so lucky Sarang-aa" She smiled.

"Thank you, unnie. Good luck for your 'Survival'!" I exclaimed. She smiled.

"Ahh, unnie can you open the door for me?" I asked a help since this piano is heavy. She walked to the door then open it.

"Who are you?" I heard she asked.

"He's my cousin" I answered that. I walked to the door, struggling with the heavy piano.

"Let me help you" Yoongi said as I get out from the dorm. He took the piano.

"Annyeong, unnie" I waved to her with a smile.

"Let's go. Are you sure you can do that alone?" I asked Yoongi. He nodded. That piano is heavy. We walked to the lift and went to the ground. We walked to his car. Yoongi put my piano at the back sit.

"So where are we going now?" He asked looking at me. I looked at him back.

"Let's back home now" I smiled. He smiled too and turn on the radio. 'Black' by G-Dragon ft. Jennie Kim are playing. I started sing along while staring outside the window.

"Wow. I don't know your voice so beautiful" He said. I smirked.

"I born to sing. My right place is on the stage" I told him.

"But you will take over your dad company" He said.

"I don't want. Oppa is better than me. He will take over it" I said. He just silent.

"I wanna sleep for a while. Wake me up later" I told him. I closed my eyes and sleep.


"Sarang-aa, we already here" I heard. I slowly open my eyes. I look around first. I'm home.

"Can you help me bring that piano?" I asked. He nodded.

"Yah, if appa ask you what is that, just answer it piano that you bought for me" I told him.

"Why?" He asked confused.

"Just answer that ok" I said. He nodded and I got out from his car.

We entered my house. I led him to my room.

"Yoongi-aa?" I heard my dad voice. I turn to look at him. He smiling widely.

"Nae, ajusshi" Yoongi said smiling.

"Aigoo, ajusshi? Just call me appanim" He laughed. I smiled. Fake.

"Where are you going?" He asked. Yoongi pointed at the piano.

"What is that?" He asked curiously.

"Gift, for Sarang" He answered. Good job!

"Araseo, you can go now" He said laughing. We bowed and go to upstair. And got into my room.

"Put it there. Careful! I bought this with my own money" I said. He smirked.

"I can buy you another one" He said.

"Yes, you can. But its not same" I said. I have a lot of memory with this piano.

"Can you play piano for me?" He asked. I prepared my piano and took a sit in front of it. I put my fingers on the keys. I played the intro and started singing 'I'll Be There' by Michel Jackson. I'm not singing for you, Yoongi. But for someone special for me.

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