Chapter 35 : First Kiss

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Sarang's POV

"Why you so hurried?" Seokjin oppa asked me. We are in the car arrived home.


"Something happen..between you and Jackson?" He asked sound like teasing me.


"Just tell me. What is it?" He glaced at me. I exhale softly.

"Jackson saw me hugging with Yoongi" I told.

"Chinja?! Then?" He surprised.

"Then he go just like that. I'm scared if he misunderstand so I find him. I found him in the restroom. I thought there is no one there but I know he was there. I told him that he is special for me. But then..he came out. Suddenly he asked me why he is special? Or he more than that? Then he asked me if I have feeling toward him that make him special" I told what happened. He suddenly smirked.

"So what did you said?" He asked while driving.

"I said...he's special cause he's my bestfriend. That's all" I said softly. He glaced at me and chuckled.

"You lied" He said. Teasing?

"I'm not!" I denied. I'm not lying anyway.

"I mean what you told Jackson is a lie" He said, smiling like a crazy man. Really?  I'm confused.

"You really don't know what I mean?" He asked still smiling. I shook my head. He giggled.

"Let me ask you something" He said. I nodded while looking at him.

"Did you feel nervous for no reason when you with him?" He asked. I nodded.

"Sometimes" I said.

"Did you feel so happy when he with you and you missed him when you not meet him just for a while?" He asked again.

"Honestly...yeah" I said.

"Did you got jealous if he with another girl or he talk about another girl?" He asked. I nodded.

"Did he make your heart fluttered?" He asked.

"Many times. Its a weird feeling" I said.

"It is...Love Sindrom!" He said happily. Love Sindrom? So that's mean...

"You like him, don't you?" He asked excitedly, looking at me with that silly smile. I looked away. Suddenly I felt my cheeks burning. For no reason?!

"Your cheeks are all red!" He teased. I put my palms on my cheeks to cover it. While Seokjin oppa laughed at me.

"Just say you like him. You can't hide it anyway. Your face tell me everything" He said again. I looked at him with my cheeks still burning.

"You just wanna make fun of me, right?" I asked him, pretend to be mad.

"Aigoo you really don't know that you fall for him? Or you just pretend to be not more than bestfriend?" He asked. I didn't say anything but thinks what he trying to said.

"Think about it twice. Stop being cold-hearted. Just let him melt your slowly. And Don't lie to yourself cause its will hurt you" He told.


I wait for Yoongi in front of my house. After a while, he came. I got in the car.

"Good morning!" He greeted cutely. I smiled bitterly.

"What's with you today? You looks sad" He said worried.

"Nothing" I faked a smile. He not talk much and just drove.

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