Chapter 11: Biggest Secret

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I looked up. My hand moved to take the spoon then I take the chili paste. I about to eat it but JB catch my hand. Everyone looks worried.

"Waeyo? Can you just tell us?" JB said.

"I'm sorry's too personal..." I said.

"Mianhae Sarang-aa" Jackson suddenly spoke. I tell him that I'm fine but inside, it was hurt...My past time~

"It's ok...I can't answer your question. So I just follow the rule" I ate the chili paste and its really spicy. But I'm ok...just burn all my memory...

"By the way, I have to go now. It's already midnight" I got up.

"Its already midnight Sarang...just sleep here. You not scared back home alone?" Bambam said. I shook my head.

"Just sleep can sleep on my bed" Jackson sugguested.

"It's ok~ I'm ok...don't need to worry" I was about to walk away but Jackson catch my hand.

"But I worried. So please..." Jackson said with worried eyes. I sighed.

"Fine.." I said.

"Let's sleep's already late.." I picked up all things on the floor. And Jackson helped me too.


"Jackson, I sleep at the living room ok?" I asked him.

"Ani, you sleep here. I sleep at the couch" He said. He picked his pillow. I feel so guilty.

"It's okay Jackson...I sleep outside" I took the pillow in his hand then walk off his room. I closed the door and sighed. I walk to the living room. Then I sat on the couch.

Omma, appa, oppa mianhae... I just wanna catch my dream. I wanna be a bigstar and you can proud of me. I sighed. I took out phone then send a text to Nara unni.

'Unni, I sleep outside today...mianhae~' - Me

'Where?' - Nara unni

"Oh crab! Sorry unni~ I don't mean to lie" I muttered.

'My parents house' - Me

'Ok. Goodnight' - Nara unni


"I can't sleep!" I sat up. I felt like a idiot. Why I sleep here now? Should I back home without they know? But, I lied to Nara unni! I can't back home!! Where should I go?!

"Yah, what you doing? Why you not sleep yet?" Suddenly I heard a familiar voice. I turned left to see who was that? I'm right. Mark oppa.

"Ahhh...I'm just can't sleep. Why you not sleep yet?" I asked.

"Hmmm...I'm thristy. I wanna grap some water" He said. And the atmosphere got awkward just in second.

"Sooooo..." He spoke broke the silent atmosphere. He put his hand in pocket.

"You can go now...good night!" I smiled, he replied his smile. He walked away. I sighed. I put my head on the pillow and tried to close my eyes but I can't!! So I close it with my right arm. Then I heard a foot steps come toward me. Maybe that's Mark.

"Bo?" I asked but still close my eyes. Then he suddenly graped my left arm.

"Wae?" I asked.

"Let's sleep in my room. I know you can't sleep so let's go" Ehh!! It's not Mark oppa. I quickly opened my eyes. Hmmm...Jackson.

"Jackson...don't bother me...I'm trying to sleep" I whinned. He sighed.

"Let's go. Or I will carry you bridestyle there" He warned. I just silent.

"In 5...4...3...2..." He countdown. I finally get up. He smirked.

"Good girl" He pat my head. I pushed his hand away. But he just smile.


I put my head on the pillow.

"Sleep well ok! I will go after you sleep" He sat beside the bed. I nodded. He totally understand me. He know I'm not easy to sleep. I closed my eyes and slowly sleep.

Jackson's POV

She already slept. She sleep like a baby. Sarang-aa, I wonder why you never tell us about your family? And suddenly you became quiet and cold. But actually you are soft hearted. Then why acting like this? There is something I don't know about you?

My eyes getting heavy and heavier. I forced myself not to sleep but I fail. I fall asleep.


I felt something hot in front of me. So I openned my eyes. Its still blur. I blinked twice and its getting clear. I got shocked. Its Sarang. She still sleep. And our face are just inchies. But wait! Why I'm sleep in my room and not on the couch. Ughh I fell asleep last night. My bad. I got up and took a shower. I don't want to wake up Sarang cause she looks tired. So today let me cook breakfast.


"Oh Jackson! Your turn today?" I heard familiar voice behind me. I turn back. Jaebum hyung. I smiled to him.

"Nope. But I wanna make breakfast for today" I told him. He came closer to me.

"Hmm want me help you?" He asked. I'm fine but maybe I need help. So...

"Sure" I smiled. He smiled back.


"Sarang still sleep?" He asked. I nodded.

"I wanna ask you 3 questions and you must be honest. Don't lie!" He said. I smiled. I just nodded.

"Do you like Sarang?" He sudden asked make me stop doing my work. I just frozed. No Jackson! Don't act like this. So I smiled and just act cool.

"Answer me, Jackson-ssi" He smirked. I closed my eyes.

"Nae" I exhaled slowly.

"More than 'Bestfriend' ?" He asked again. This is harder than before. I just silent.

"Hey why you can't give the answer?" He smirk! I can see it.

"Because I don't know what to answer. By the way... I don't know what kind of this feeling" I explained.

"What do you feel?" He asked again.

"I feel like..she is special. I want to protect her. I miss her just in second. Did I like her?" I asked him back.

"Thats like her" He smiled.

"Really?!" I asked shocked.

"Hmm maybe" He said. I smiled widely.

"Ok. Listen! Now you know you like her. But you have to fight" He said. I confused. Fight? For what?

"Fight? What do you mean?" I asked confusely.

"I mean you not the only one who like Sarang" He said. So he mean, there is someone else like Sarang? But who? Ahhh~ that little guy?

Guest who! I think you already know...hahaha!

Btw~ she's pretty right? Yeah the girl in the photo below. She's my model. Hihihi~ she's not idol or actress. Geust who is she. But if you know. Please don't steal her from me. She's my model book cover. I will tell you in next chapter. And cast as Kim Sarang.

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