Chapter 43 : Miracle

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Sarang's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I knew myself on a white blanket. My eyes widen and I quickly sat up. I looked around and I saw Yoongi sleep beside me. He still wearing his clothes and me too. I exhaled realiefly. Why I'm here? And why he's here? I got down from the bed and walked to the certain. I opened the certain and I can saw tall buildings by the huge window. It's already morning.

"Aghh..turn off the light" I heard Yoongi groaned. I smiled at him. I closed the certain back and walked to bed. I took a seat by him.

"Yoongi..Yoongi-aa, it's already morning" I shook him lightly. He slowly opened his eyes and blinked few times. He eyes widen when he saw me.

"W-What are you doing here?" He sluttered. I chuckled.

"Why you brought me here?" I asked him back.

"Ahh..I'm sorry. My bad" He apologized.

"It's okay. Wake up now, I have to go to practice. I'll take a shower first" I told. I walked to the bathroom.


I walked to my practice room. I got in and I put my bag on the couch. When I about to start, I saw a red small box on the floor. I picked it up. I noticed a note on it.

'We're filming M/V right now. You can come if you miss me. You know where, right? I told you before. Hurry up, my love.


Jaebum oppa? Jinyoung oppa?

"Jackson?" I asked myself. I smiled happily. I don't know what makes me happy. Maybe cause he left something from me. Or maybe...'My love'? I opened the small box and I saw photos. A lot of photos of me and Jackson together. I looked one by one as a tiny smile playing on my lips.

"Why so many?..of our memories" I mumbled. At the back of the last photo, there something written there.

"I will never give up on you" I read. I sighed. This is good? Or bad? I don't know. I started practice.


"Annyeonghaseyo" I greet staffs here. I keep bowing when I meet one by one of staffs here.

"Oh! Sarang-aa" Someone called me from back. I turned around and I saw Bambam walking closer to me.

"You're here. Jackson hyung!" He called Jackson. Jackson slowly walked to us with a smile. I ran to him and hugged him.

"You miss me that much?" He asked as he hug me back. After a while, I broke the hug.

"You got what I left to you?" He asked. I nodded. He smiled.

"Thank you for that" I smiled showing my teeth. I waited for them behind the camera until they got a break.

"You guys look so cool" I said to all of them. They all giggled. After that we had a snacks together. It's been a while we not have a good time like this. But I have to go now. Times went so fast.

"Sorry guys. I have to go now. See you later. I'll watch your M/V" I said to them. They all look sad. But I still have to leave. I gave them goodbye hug before I left. I went back to JYP building and walked to my practice room. I sat on the couch and sighed.

"I will debut soon. But appa don't know yet. He will get mad if I tell him this. What should I do?" I asked myself, bitting my lip. I suddenly felt nervous for some reason.


I knocked my dad room door. Then slowly I opened the door and walked in nervously. When I got in, he gave me a sweet smile. I just looked down, knowing he will mad at me.

"Appa, actually..." I stoped.

"What is it?" He asked softly. I bit my lip and playing with my finger nervousky.

"I..I don't want to take over your company" I said softly.

"It's ok. Young Shik can take over it. But, you still have to marry Yoongi" He said. I became more nervous.

"I can't marry him" I said.

"Waeyo?!" He raised his voice that make me more scared.

"I...wanna be a singer. I--"

"What?! Are you crazy? You still want to do that kind of things? You are daughter of JooIn Group! Not a geisha's (Geisha- a girl that gave sex service) daughter!" My dad said. I looked at him with my wide eyes. How dare you called your daughter a geisha?

"Appa! There is nothing wrong with singer. It's my dream. It's not a bad thing that will make you shame. It will make everyone happy with my music, my voice and my dance. I promise! I will make you proud. So please...let me do what I want" I said honestly. Almost cried.

"Then, what about Yoongi?" He asked softly. Yoongi?

"He'll understand me" I said softly. I'm not sure he will agreed. If he agree, it's a miracle from god.

"Do your best. I just give you one chance. Make us proud of you" He said pretending to be cold. I smiled widely. I ran a little to him and hugged him tight. He pat my back.

"Thank you appa. Thank you so much" I thanked him. He laughed at me.

"You so stuborn. Just like me. From now, you can do what you want. You already promise me to make me proud of you. So keep the promise. I will wait to watch you singging on your stage" He said smiling. I broke the hug with a smile still on my lips. I thanked to him again and bowed before get into my room back. I jumped on my bed excitedly. I can't stop smiling. Now I can sleep peacefuly without worried. I exhaled reliefly. It's a miracle. Thanks.


Yay! Finally? Or maybe some of you think...her dad will change his mind or another plan. Something like.....hmmm..I don't know~

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