Chapter 73 : Honestly...

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Jackson's POV

"Jackson, what are you doing here?" Jaebum hyung asked. I gulped my saliva.

"Hyung, I'm just talking to her" I answered with my shaking voice.

"Jackson, get out now" He told coldly. I quickly got up and went out with him.

I put my head down when I stood in front of him, showing respect to my leader.

"What are you two doing?" He asked. I was thinking for an idea. Just one idea! Oh come on! I can't think properly.

"Do you hear me?" He said.

"I just taking a nap" I answered softly.

"Really? On her lap? You think I didn't see?" He said raising his voice a bit. I looked at him. You saw?

"Hyung, I--"

"Wang Jackson. You're an idiot? I already tired, Jackson-aa! Don't make me repeat same thing" He said angrily.

"I can't live without her" I mumbled, loud enough to let him hear.

"What? What did you said? Did I heard wrong?" He stepped closer to me.

"I can't live without her, hyung. her" I told him. He chuckled.

"Yah" He pushed my chest.

"You know how hard we fought for this? You want to ruin it? Jackson-aa, that's happen because you didn't listen to me" He told. I just heard what he heard, hoping he will understand my feeling.

"From now on, stop see her. I really going to kill you if you see her" He said with scary voice. I closed my eyes, hearing that.

"Hyung, you don't know" I grabbed his arm when he about to leave.

"I love her. Really in love with her. We are dating now" I said as he looked at me in surprised. Hyung, please understand.

"Do you undedstand what I fell? I'm happy with her. She makes me smile. So I want to protect her. Because she's the most imported person to me. Just let me, love her" I said with sad voice but meaningful.

"You're broking the rules, you bastard" He told.

"I know. I'll pay the penalties" I said.

"Aishh! You really--Fine! Just do what you wanna do" He said softly. A smile appeared on my face. I quickly gave him a hug.

"Thank you, hyung! Thank you so much. Thank you" I thanked about thousand times. He chuckled as he hug me back.

"I won't pay your penalties. But I'll take a bit your leader. Just promise me, don't ruin our reputation, Sarang's reputation. And if you didn't pay attention on our team, I'll make sure you two broke up" He said, joking. I smiled widely.

"I promise! We're going to be best couple ever!" I jumped happily.

Jackson's POV

I got in the practice with a sad face, pretending like something bad happened. Sarang got up from the couch when I got in. I slowly walked to her.

"What happened? What he said?" She asked worriedly. I held her hand and cared it softly then pulled her into a hug.

"Yah, tell me what happened?" She asked again. I hugged her tighter.

"Jaebum hyung said...he let me love you. He let me love you, Kim Sarang-ssi" I said as a smiled appeared on my lips.

"Really?" She sound happy.

"Nae!" I lift her up and swang her. I heard her small giggle. So cute! I put her on the ground and look at her smiling face.


"Hi!" I got in the practice room, seeing her dancing. She turned her gaze to me and stoped the music.

"What you're doing?" I asked. Just curious. I sat on the couch as I see her stood the looking at me. I looked back with a cute smile.

"Come here" I called her, putting my hand up to catch her hand. She walked closer and caught my hand. I held hand tight as I look up, looking at her.

"When will we go out for date?" She touched my cheek with her other hand.

" week?" I asked. She nodded.

-Next Week-

"Aishh! I already late!" I got out from my room. Seriously Jackson? Late for your first date? She must be waiting for you. Such an idiot...

"Oh, Jackson! You're done early today!" Mark hyung said, stopping me.

"Huh?" I asked him confusedly.

"We have fan sign today" He said calmly. My eyes widen. But today I have date.

"I forgot! Fan sign...geez!" I rubbed my pocket to find my phone but I can't find it.

"Where's my phone?" I slipped my hand on the jacket pocket to find nothing. I quickly got back in to my room. I find it on the desk and on the bed. When I found it, I quickly called her. But she didn't answer. I called again. But still no answer.

'Where are you? Sorry. Really sorry :( I forgot that I have fan meeting today. So I can't go to our date. But we'll go out later. I promise. I love you. Sorry again' - Me

I sended her a text. I sighed. Why it have to be today? She might be disappointed with me. Sorry, Sarang-aa.


After giving my autograph to all my fans,..I mean fans who came today, I got up from my seat and came front to see my fans closer. I waved to them and smiled cutely as always. But I don't know why I can't focus on my fans today. Maybe because I keep thinking about her. What she's doing right now? I suddenly worried about her.

"Jackson oppa! How are you doing?" My fan asked.

"I'm fine. Why?" I just asking as I smiled to them.

"You looks tired, oppa. Something bothers your mind?" They asked. I giggled. How do they know?

"Nothing. Just...a small thing" I said.

"What is it? Share with us!" They said again. I just laughed.

"No, no, no" I refused and walked to Jinyoung to play with him.

"Jinyoung oppa! What's wrong with Jackson oppa?" Our fans asked. They so curious about their idol.

"You guys really wanna know?" I asked jokingly.

"Nae!" They all said.

"Really? You guys might get hurt" I said softly.

"What is it? Tell us! Tell us! Tell us! Tell us!" They said.

"Okay, okay.." I said. I walked slowly to the center. I sighed. I looked at all my fans. Suddenly Jaebum hyung put his arm on my shoulder. I looked at him.

"If you wanna tell them about that, just tell them. We all ready" He whispered in my ear. He left, leaving me alone on the center.

I gulped my saliva when I look at my fans. They all silent waiting for me to speak.

"Uhmm...actually.." I paused. My palms started sweating and my heart beating fast.



So that's it! So next chapter is the last chapter. Please wait for it~ I ll publish on 1 Jun 2016, 00:00 (korrean time).

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