Chapter 38 : Hospitalized

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Sarang's POV

I slowly opened my eyes. I fixed it cause its blur. I looked around. I noticed I'm not in my room. I noticed again I'm laying on a bed and I'm sure this is not mine. I can't remember what happened. I just remember Jackson..

"Jackson.." I called him softly.

"Wang Jackson...where am I?" I asked softly. Suddenly a guy came to me.

"Sarang-aa, are you okay?" He asked worriedly.

"Yoongi?" I asked him.

"Nae nae. It's me, Yoongi" He said. I about to sat up but Yoongi don't let me.

"No, just lay down. You're sick" He said.

"Where am I?" I asked. He sighed.

"Hospital" He said and held my hand.

"Why?" I asked again.

"You fainted" He said.

"Yeah...I remember now" I said.

"Don't talk to much. Doctor said, you are too tired. So you have to take a lot of rest" He told. I nodded.

"Seokjin hyung said, you just ate little these day and sometimes you skip your meal. I notice that you just ate little too when you ate with me" He said.

"I just..not hungry" I excused.

"You still have to eat. You make me worried? you know?" He said like a kid. I smiled.

"Don't go to practice for 3 days. You have to rest" He told.

"Aishh...I can't skip my practice" I said.

"So you still want to go even you laying weakly like this?" He asked like a mother. Sound like nagging. I smiled showing my teeth.

"Yoongi-aa" I called him. He raised his eyebrow.

"I'm hungry" I said. He smiled widely.

"Omma prepared this for you" He took something at the desk next to my bed.

"Ta-da!" He showed me a termos.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Porringe" He said cheerfully. I giggled at his childish. He help me to sit up. He poured it in a bowl.

"Thanks for this meal" I said and about to take the bowl from Yoongi's hand but he stop me.

"No! Careful! It's hot. Let me feed you. Here..aahh" He told me to open my mouth. I opened my mouth and he fed me.

"Delicious?" He asked. I nodded.

"My omma or your omma? I asked.

"Uhmmm...our omma!" He said like a kid. I smiled. After done eating, I don't know what to do.

"Yoongi-aa, my phone" I told him. He gave me my phone. I looked at the screen and there is a lot of notifications.

'What are you doing?' - Jackson

'It's already 11. You are late. Hurry up and come here. I'll wait for you' - Jackson

'I'm still waiting. Where you ar?' - Jackson

'Kim Sarang, please read my texts' -Jackson

'You are not coming?' - Jackson

'You should tell me earlier if you are not coming' - Jackson

'I wait you for 5 hours, you know?' - Jackson

'Are you avoiding me?' - Jackson

'Why you not coming?' - Jackson

'Are you sick?' - Jackson

'Yah, tell me' - Jackson

'Don't make me worried' - Jackson

'Kim Sarang, are you okay?' - Jackson

'Or you just avoiding me?' - Jackson

'I understand :'( ' - Jackson

'Mianhae' - Jackson

I sighed heavily. Poor Jackson. Mianhae Jackson-aa.

'Jackson-aa, sorry cause I take times to reply your message' - Me

I sent he a text. I look at Yoongi. He busy doing his work. Another guy that I feel sorry.

'Where are you? Are you okay?' - Jackson

'I'm fine. Don't worry about me. I just overslept' - Me

'Ok. I have to go now. I have to practice. Sorry. I'll call you later. Take care' - Jackson

'Okay' - Me

"Yoongi-aa, what are you doing?" I asked Yoongi. He looked at me.

"I'm doing my work. Why?" He asked softly. I didn't answer him. He looked at me and smiled. He stood up and walked to me. He sat on my bed and he stared at me.

"Just wait for a bit longer. It's almost night. We can't get out at night. Wind so cold at night. So I will take you walk tomorrow. I heard there is a beautiful garden here. I will bring you there ok?" He said.

"Promise?" I asked as I put out my pinky finger. He smiled and put out his pinky finger.

"Promise" He wrapped his pinky finger with mine. He giggled followed by me.


'Mianhae Sarang-aa, we can meet today. I'm at hospital now. I have medical check up. Mianhae' - Jackson

I read the message. That's good. I won't come either. He don't need to wait for me like yesterday. So today! We are going to take a walk.

"Are you ready?" Yoongi asked me. I nodded excitedly. He lift me up and put me on a wheelchair. I already told him I want to walk but yeah you know Yoongi. He's too worried about me. He said I still looks pale. He pushed the wheelchair. We moving toward the elevator. The elevator was empty so we freely take the whole space.

"Should we get some icecream?" He asked cheerfully.

"Sure!" I answered excitedly. I giggled.

"I feel like I want to eat tteobeokki" I told him smiling.

"Should we?" He asked playfully. I nodded excitedly. I looked at him. He smiling widely.

"High five!" He asked as his playfully put his hand in front of my face. I whined like a kid. I pushed his hand but he grab my hand and held it. I giggled happily. He too. The elevator door was open at 7th floor. The door finally wide open and I saw a familiar figure standing with shocked face. My eyes wide open looking at him.

"Kim Sarang..." Jackson said in shocked.


Oh my! What happen? What happen? What happen? What will happen next?

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