Chapter 61 : Urge

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Sarang's POV

"Annyeonghaseyo! Right now with me is JYP's rookies girl group, Starlight!" Said the MC of the show.

"1, 2, 3!"

"Annyeonghaseyo! Shiny Shiny, Starlight imnida!" We all said together in unison.

"Woah! They really shiny. Really pretty! Can I ask you something, if you don't mind?" Asked the MC. We all nodded,agree.

"Do have your own idol?" He asked.

"I have. I like Miss A from JYP. We want to become like them" I answered. They all nodded.

"Miss A? As you know, Miss A is girl group from JYP. JYP have lots of pretty girls" He joked and made everyone laugh including me.

"Do you guys close with Miss A?" He asked.

"We all treat them as sunbae. They the best" Nara unnie answered now.

"Then do you close with another idols from JYP? Or maybe another celebrity from different companies?" He asked.

"Got7. I'm a friend of Got7's member" I answered while smiling.

"Oh, really?" His eyes widen.

"Nae. We really close. Especially, Jackson. We oftenly got out to eat" I said, smiling.

"How do you got close?" He asked.

"We all close since we are all still a trainee. I don't have any friend that time suddenly...uhmm actually I already forget..hahaha! But we close because they are funny. They are bestfriend of mine! We oftenly got out together and Jaebum will pay for it" I explained. They all laughed at me.

"Jaebum will pay?" He asked. I answered yes.

"Now you know Kim Sarang of Starlight is bestfriend of Got7's Jackson. Everyone know Jackson is a funny person" He giggled.

"Where always you hang out with them?" He asked curiously.

"Just in dance room. We usually eat chicken or jajangmyeon and Jjampong. But if we have free time, we went to Hangang. I like the scenery there. Really pretty!" I thumbed up and smiled.


"Got7's Jackson's bestfriend, huh?" I heard Nara unnie teased me when I make my way to my room. I turned my head to her, giving a confused looks.

"People will start talking about you later" She said annoyedly.

"Did I said wrong? We really just friends" I accidentally raised my voice.

"Then you don't have to admit it. Just keep it as a secret. Secret about your friendships with him" She sounded mad.

"I want to tell them that we just friend. So they won't expect more than that if they saw us hanging out" I said, still thinking my opinion is right.

"You really studborn. Why you not listen to me? I'm trying to protect you from bad rumors. I cared about you a lot. I'm the oldest. I want to stop you before it happen" She said, raising the volume of his voice. I became mad but still calming myself, thinking she is older than me.

"So that's why I already told them that we are friends" I said to her. She exhaled in frustrated.

"I told you. If there spreading rumors about you, I won't help you. I did my responsible as the oldest. You should do your responsible as a leader. If you broken, we all broken. So please, think before you talk or do something" She told softly. She made her way to her room and slapped the door. I just standing there with bitter face. I can't believe me and Nara unnie urged. She used to be my friend when we are trainee. I know she's caring and don't want people anyone hurt.


I wore all black and cover my face with black mask and black cap. I don't have any schedule tonight so I end up at Hangang, one of my favourite places. I walking around seeing many couples having good times.

"Did I on the right path? What if I'm not? What if what appa said before are right? I really have to end up being an idol? Am I regret being an idol?" Many questions popped out in my mind. Did I'm happy what I'm being now?

"I'm happy. But not satified" I answered my own question. I took a seat on a bench. Hanging my head low, I close my eyes. After few seconds, I felt my phone vibrating. Without opening my eyes, I took my phone out from my jacket pocket. I opened my eyes a bit.

'What are you doing there? Alone?' - Wang Jackson

I eyes widen as I read it. Sure he is around here. But how recognizes me? Maybe he mean something else.

'Nothing. Where you at? Who around you right now?' - Me

'Hangang. I'm with the others. Where you at? I think I saw someone just like you here' - Wang Jackson

I read his text but did not reply. After a few minutes, I replied.

'Don't mind about me. I'm fine...alone' - Me

I gave him clue, telling it was me.

'So that's really you. I know cause I recognize my cap that you wear' - Wang Jackson

Yeah, that's really his cap. But he gave it to me. So it's not your anymore, it's mine.

'Why you come here..Alone? Can I join you?' - Wang Jackson

'You know why. I want to be alone. Stop texting me. I just wanna take some air' - Me

He read mine then not replied. Good, he's understand me. I put my phone back in my jacket pocket. I took a deep breath and slowly exhale. I heard footsteps coming to where I sit. There was many. Then it stop just behind me. I closed my eyes and sighed. Suddenly someone covered my eyes from behind.

"Relax. Just breath slowly" I heard that familiar voice.

"You are not alone. We are here. Don't be strees. I'm gonna help you" He continued. I breath like he told me. I know this is wrong to do this in public, plus we are all idols but it's really relaxing.

"That's good. I'll open your eyes" He said and took his hand from my eyes. I slowly open my eyes. Turning my head to them, I saw those precious smiles. A smile appeared on my face but covered by the mask.

"What are you doing right now?" He smiled widely. My smile became wider. I pulled my mask down to my chin, showing my smile.

"Just...taking some air" I answered. He then came sit next to me as all of them surrounded me.

"You can come here? Aren't you busy? What if your fans recognize you guys?" I asked them lot of quetions.

"We come for have fun. This is our favourite place, right?" Jinyoung oppa answered.

"Is it okay we gather here? I'm the only girl here. Anyway, we all idols" I asked. Some of them chuckled and some of them grinned.

"It's okay. What kind of rumor they want to spread? Dating? 7 boys dating 1 girls? That's ridicilous!" Yugyeom said. I grinned.

"Aren't you told the world that we are friends?" Jaebum oppa joked. They all smiling widely. We all silent while watching the night view of the river.

"You guys not hungry? Let's order chicken" I suggested.

"Chicken feet?" Yugyeom asked excitedly.

"No, no, not chicken feet. Let's just order chicken" Jackson refused chicken feet since he can't eat spicy food.

"Ok! Chicken feet!" I ignored him. He eyed me. I eyed back.

"I can't even eat it!" He whined. I chuckled.

"Your maknae can eat it. Why you can't?" I asked.

"Yugyeom are korean!" He whined again.

"Bambam are thai" I said.

"Wahhh...You don't want me to eat, huh?" He said while looking away.

"So childish" I mumbled.

"Araseo. Jaebum oppa, chicken feet and friend chicken. There are kiddo who can't eat spicy food here" I teased him. They all laughed at my word as Jackson still ignoring me.


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