Chapter 47 : Starlight's Leader?

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Sarang's POV

"Aishh, so noisy" I complained when I heard my phone ringing. I just ignored it and back to sleep. After a while its ringing again.

"Who call me this early morning?" I pissed off. I grabbed my phone with eyes still close. I just picked up even I don't know who was calling.

-In Call-

Who is this? - Me

Yah! Where are you? - Yoongi

Aishh! You call me early morning and you yell at me? - Me

Where are you? Tell me now - Yoongi

I still sleepy. Just come here later - Me

Where are you? Can you please tell me? - Yoongi

JooIn Hotel - Me

Why you there? - Yoongi

Yah! Just come here if you want. I'll hang up - Me

-End Of Call-

I put my phone down then back to sleep.


I slowly opened my eyes and blinked.

"You're awake?" I heard a voice. I quickly sat up. I saw Yoongi walking toward me. I closed my eyes and sighed.

"What are doing here actually? You really make me worried" He asked.

"I just bored. What are you doing here then?" I asked still closing my eyes. Then I opened my eyes.

"Cause of you. I worried about you" He answered. I smiled.

"I didn't expect I will get this room" I told and stood up. I walked to the huge mirror that I can see a pretty views.

"It have a pretty views anyway. Really pretty" I smiled when I looked at the views.

"You not hungry? I already hungry. Let's eat" Yoongi said. I turned back look at his white pale face.

"What's for breakfast?" I asked.

"Steak?" He answered.

"Too fancy.." I complained.

"Then?" He asked.

"Let's just grab steak. I like it actually" I giggled.

"I'll take a shower first" I told as I walked to the bathroom.

After done taking shower, Yoongi showed me our table...where just in our room, beside the views.

"Perfect" I smiled.


"So where are you last night?" He asked when I'm eating my steak.

"Just took a walk at Hangang. I was bored" I told.

"Alone?" He asked. I nodded.

"Why you didn't call me?" He asked again.

"I just..want to be a alone. Anyway, you was busy, right?" I smiled. He glared at me as I look down, pretending to enjoy my steak.

"There is something that I didn't know?" He asked still glaring at me.

"Like what?" I asked him back.

"There is something happen right?" He asked as I stopped my movement.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I feel lonely...for no reason" I answered and smiled bitterly. He stood up and went to me. He pulled me into his arm as I hug back.

"I'm sorry. I should be there with you. I'm sorry" He apologized.


After took a break for five minutes, I about to start dancing again but I heard knocks. I turn my head as I saw Park Jin Young walk in.

"Oh, annyeonhaseyo" I immediatly bowed.

"How you're doing?" He asked. I smiled.

"I'm fine. Bit tired but still fun" I answered politely. He gave me a warm smiled.

"Let's have a good talk. Let's go! I'll treat you a cup of coffee" He said.

"Kamsahamnida" I bowed again. We went to cafe nearby here.

"How do you feel?" He asked. I smiled.

"Kinda nervous. Even my journey still long to debut" I answered.

"Just wait a little longer. I'm sure you will debut soon. Anyway, I wanna ask you something" He smiled.

"What.. is it?" I asked nervously.

"Among of them all, with person you want to work with?" He asked. Nae? What kind lf question is that?

"I...I don't know. I don't think I can choose. They all good and talented. I be friend with all of them and I think its just fine. I'll accept your decision. Always" I told. He giggled. I looked at him innocent. Why he giggled? Am I funny? Or I said something wrong?

"Ok then. Do you have any idea for your group name?" He asked again. I looked up, thinking.

"Actually, I have an idea. I thought a long time ago. I don't know if it's a good name but I hope you like it" I said politely.

"What is it?" He asked excitedly.

"Starlight" I answered nervously.

"Starlight? Why?" He asked again curiously.

"Cause its kinda meaningful to me. I always dream to be a star. Even in the dark, its still shining and brighting the night. The shine never loss. When you feel lonely and you look at the stars, you will know that you are not the star comforting you. You can make a wish when you there has shooting star. Star sound special for me" I said without I realize. I back to my reality.

"I'm sorry if I talk to much" I immediately apologized as he laughed at me a little. I looked down shyly.

"It's okay! It's a good explaination. It's sound nice too! I like it" He told as my eyes widen. I never think I will give my group name with my own idea.

"Kamsahamnida" I smiled happily.

"Starlight, right? So you want to be a star that brighting your fans heart? And make their wish came true?" He asked joking as I laughed. I nodded.

"You are better than I thought. That's why you are the best trainee. What your secrets that make you became the best trainee?" He asked still smiling.

"Secrets? I have no secret..just passion. I little bit work hard. Never give up. Be confident. Maybe that's my secrets" I told as I smile widely.

"You have a nice personalities. Are you ready for debut?" He asked that make me excited even more.

"Of course!" I said excitedly.

"You will be leader, right?" He asked. I got shocked.

"Leader?" I still in shocked. He nodded.

"No no no, I don't think I can be a great leader. I'm 18! Maybe I'm the maknae. I..I.." I refused. I sighed.

"Don't worry. You will be a great leader. I trust you. And you are not the maknae. So don't worry. Like you said, be Confident!" He cheer me up. I smiled finally.

"I can't wait to work with you" He smiled as I smiled back.


So Sarang will be a leader? Wow! She will be a good leader!

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