Chapter 54 : Goodbye

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(Play the song!)

Sarang's POV

I sat up.

"Momo-aa, you already slept?" I whispered. No answer.

"Momo-aa" I called her again. No answer again. Perfect! I sliped my hand under my pillow and grabbed the letter. I got up and walked to the door. I opened it slowly. Then I walk slowly to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and unfold the letter.

'To: Kim Sarang

It's me, boy next door. How have you been? Why you keep running away? Yah, talk to me. I really want to heard your voice. You don't even smile, you selfish girl. I really want to see your bright smile. I want to run toward you and hug you tight. But I can't. I know you don't like it. But I really miss you. 24 hours! I wish I can see you tomorrow but I'm going to Japan tomorrow morning. I will back after 3 months. 1 month after you debut, right? Since I can't congrat you later...Congratulation!! You finally debut!! I'm happy for you...really happy..for you. Weather getting cold so wear thick clothes. I hate to see you sick. You will miss me, right? Even now, right? Don't lie~ I will miss you. I will miss you so bad until I'm going crazy. I'm not crying writing this. Really! So...I'll see you again after you debut. I'm excited! Do your best! Don't flirt another guy. I trust you.

I want you know that..I love you, Kim Sarang!

-Boy Next Door-'

I sighed. I already tear up.

"He drives me crazy. How dare you make me cry? You liar! I'm sure you cried writing this" I mumbled while sobbing. Tears keep falling on the floor.

"You really want to leave me? I can't stop you or even beg to you to stay. I just want to see your face. That's all enough" I mumbled between sobs.

"Agh! What's wrong with you, Kim Sarang? Just let him go. I need to focus. You are leader. Leader! I will make my family proud of me. I will!" I told myself.


I got into my room after done crying. I laid down on my bed.

"What should I do? My eyes will become puffy tomorrow" I said to myself as I sighed. I got up and pulled the drawer. I took my eye pack. After done wearing it, I laid down my head on the pillow. I exhaled. I closed my eyes.

"You still not sleeping, unnie?" I heard Momo asked. She still awake?

"Why you not sleep yet?" I asked.

"I can't sleep" She replied.

"Then let's just sleep" I ended the conversation. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.


"Good morning" Nara unnie greeted. She sat in front of me. I just eat up my cereal.

"You know what I found on your bed?" She asked. I looked at her. I raised my eyebrows. She looked around and pull out something from her pocket. She put it on the table. I gasped softly when I saw that letter.

"Unnie!" I tried to grab but she grabbed it before me.

"Don't tell you already read it" I said with my wide open eyes.

"I read it. You are lucky cause I found it first before others" She said. You read?! Oh my...

"Who's that boy next door? Wang Jackson?" She asked.

"Not him!" I denied it quickly. She gasped.

"So it's really him!" She said in shocked. I looked down.

"You both really...I know there is something between you and him" She said like she know everything.

"There is nothing. Really!" I denied. She smirked.

"I'm sure you cried last night" She teased.

"I'm not!" I lied.

"Liar! Your eyes tell me everything" She hit my head with a spoon. I groaned in pain. I rubbed where she hit me. I glared at her.

"Here! Please take care of it. If Seona unnie found it..You are died!" She warned as she hand me the letter. I put in my pocket.

"So you guys broke up?" She asked.

"No!" I raised my voice.

"So still together?" She asked again.

"We not even together, unnie!" I raised my voice again.

"Aish, this little girl! Slow down your voice" She said. I looked down.

"They going to Japan and will back after 3 going to miss him, right?" She asked. I sighed.

"Nope. I have no time for missing him. I'm busy to be a star" I pretended to be strong..

"You pretending again" She pointed at me. Aishh! I can't lie to her.

"Looking at your two kissed, right?" She still pointing at me. I didn't answer. If I lied, she will know it anyway so I pretended to eat.

"What?! You really kissed?!" She whispered still have shocked tone. See? She can read my mind.

"You really dangerous girl~" She said.

"So you love him?" She asked, whispering. I didn't say anything. It's okay, she will know it. She suddenly became serious.

"No. You can't, Kim Sarang" She advised.

"I know. Don't worry. I can control myself. I don't want to end up my life like that too" I spoked.

"I trust you, leader~" She said, teasing. I chuckled.


"I'm going first. I'll wait you outside. Hurry up!" I told before got out from the dorm. I saw Jaebum oppa got out too. I looked away when he look at me. I think there ready to go to airport now. My body became stiff when he walk past me.

"Wait a minute, Jaebum oppa" I called him. He stopped. I walked awkwardly to him. I stopped in front of him. I took the letter in my pocket.

"Please give to Jackson back" I handed to him the letter while looking down.

"Thanks" I said when he took it. He sighed.


I walked to dance room after went to restroom. I saw Jackson stared at me. Suddenly my body can't move. I just stared back. I saw you. I'm happy I can see you. Then Jackson walked to me. I quickly walked to my dance room.

"Kim Sarang, wait a minute!" He called me but I ignored him.

"Yah, stop right there!" He said. I got into my dance room and quickly closed the door.

"Let's start now" I said nervously to the girls. Suddenly the door was open. I looked around and I saw Jackson got in. My eyes widen. He walked toward me as I step back. He grabbed my arm as I gasped.


"Don't talk! Listen to me" He cutted me. He looked deep into my eyes.

"I'm going now. Please take care of yourself. This is an order" He said.

"And...why you gave to me back? Just keep it. Or tear it or throw it or burn it...but you can't give it to me back" He put the letter on my palm. He let go of my arm.

" bestfriend, Kim Sarang" He said. He became teared up when he say bestfriend. Yeah me too. He turned his back to me and walked out from the dance room. I looked at the floor.

"What just happened? I can't believed he come here" Dahyun said, shy.

"Ok girls. Let's...let's start now" My voice shaking, acting cool.

"He really close to Sarang unnie!" Chaeyeong said excitedly.

--------------- this one?

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