Chapter 29 : I Miss You

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Jackson's POV

Yeah! That's maybe possible.

"Rich girl with rich boy? Is it have a sight Sarang is a rich girl?" Bambam asked. I think have some.

"A black guy suit with a black car? Like a body guard. Rich family always have that, right?" Youngjae guest. I sighed. I don't know. I don't know! I don't know!!

"I think we should look at her everyday. Like a spy" Bambam said. I giggled.

"Ahh, I remember something. I called Sarang, I want to take her out for a meal but she refused. She said she practicing. Yeah, she not lied about practicing but she said she at her home. Not dorm but at her home. I told her that I will come there then suddenly she agreed. Like she don't want me come there. Then we met at Hangang. After a while, Yoongi call her" I told. I stopped a while catching some breath.

"Then?" Youngjae asked.

"She told him to not to come there. It's weird? Why he so cares about her? After that she told me to back home. I think she avoiding me to meet that Yoongi. After a few minutes, that Yoongi came, forcing Sarang to back home. I told him not to hurt her. Then we fought" I said.

"You fought with him?" Youngjae asked shockedly. I nodded.

"I yell to him 'Who are you wanna force her like that?' But he like 'You really wanna know who actually am I?'. Yeah,you know..he just her cousin so he don't need to force her but. Sarang tried to stop Yoongi saying it. I think, maybe he wanna say something that will make me surprised. Like...fiance again?" I told them.

"Or maybe...husband?" Mark said.

"No! That's not make a sense" Yugyeom said.

"Yes. That's make a sense, Yugyeom" Jinyoung said.

"No, hyung. That's too...much. She can't. You know...she a trainee. She already signed debut contract" Yugyeom tried deny the thing that we don't know yet.

"I saw them holding hand" Bambam said. My eyes widen.

"W-what?" I stuttered.

"I saw them..holding hand" Bambam said again.

"Really?" Jaebum asked. He nodded. I don't know why...but I felt hurt so much. Sarang-aa, I miss you.


I sat beside my bed, staring at tons of snapbacks of mine that I arrange neatly. My mind, of course thinking about our moments, Sarang. It's feel just like yesterday when you whined wanting my snapbacks.

"Kim Sarang...I miss you" I said as I look down on the floor. I hugged my knees while closing my eyes tied, trying hard to not cry.


I quickly opened my eyes, looking around when I heard someone called my name. I'm sure that was Sarang.

"No way she's here..." I said to myself as I sighed heavily.

"Stop dreaming, Wang Jackson" I closed my eyes again. Why you being like this, Jackson? She just a bestfriend. Why you like her? Why...? One by one memories of time together playing in my mind making my eyes teary. No Jackson, don't cry...why should you cry? If she really have another boy...that's not your problem, Jackson.

I grabbed my phone on my bed. I quickly find Sarang's number. I about to call her but I stop myself. I really miss you.

'What are you doing?' I typed a message. But then I eraser it.

'Already sleep? Let's have a meal? Eottae?' I typed again. Then I eraser that again.

'I..miss you' I typed. After thinking twice, I eraser it and going to sleep.


"Guys! Let's have a meal!" Jaebum shouted when the meals arrived. We sat in round and started to eat. But me..I just play with my meal, thinking about her.

"Jackson hyung, what's wrong? Why you not eating?" Bambam asked me. I just looked at him blankly.

"Hyung?" He called me.

"Nae?" I answered softly.

"Why you not eating?" He asked. I looked at my meals. I didn't eat at all.

"I..I'm not hungry" I said.

"Jackson, eat now. We going to start soon" Jaebum hyung reminded.

"Hyung...can I get out for a while?" I stood up. Jaebum hyung raised his head.

"Where're you going? You not eat yet. We going to start soon" Jaebum hyung said.

"I'm not hungry. I will back soon" I walked to the door.

"Yah! Wang Jackson!" Jaebum hyung shouted but I don't care.

"Just a while" I got out from the dance studios. I ran upstairs, heading to Sarang's dance room. I need to see her so bad and I don't know why. I ran to the dance room. I pushed the door and I saw many girls inside. They all looked at me confusedly.

"Sarang-aa. Where is she?" I asked them, painting.

"She's not with us. She practice in another room" One of them said.

"Which room?" I asked again.

"B-2" Another girl said. I thanked and left. I ran to that room. As I went there, I can saw she dancing by the transparent door. I exhale reliefly. Finally I can see her. But why...suddenly I'm scared to meet her? I just watched her dance for 10 minutes. Why I waste my time? I don't know too. I miss you. But I scared to meet you. I hope what everyone said about you with Yoongi is untrue. I can't imagine if those are true. What will happen to me than? I can't deny I like you, Sarang.


That's it for now. Thanks for reading.

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