Chapter 4: Everything Are Shocking

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Hello! Chapter 4 is here!! So...keep calm, be comfortable and...enjoy!!


Sarang's POV

"Are you..." he stopped and looking at me shocked.

"W-what?" I asked him.

"Are you just call him 'oppa'??" He asked me disbelieve. Huh? I said that? When?

"Nae?!?" I shocked.

"Are you serious? 'Oppa'??" He said still disbelieve.

"No!" I yelled at him. So embarrassed.

"Hahaha! know who have a feeling for you?" He said with a little laugh and look at me with a smile. What? I wanna know. So I faced him.

Then he lend closer to me. So I back off a little cause its too close. He looked into my eyes and I do the same.

"You wanna know or not?" He asked me. I decided to know but I'm totally nervous.

"W-wh-who?" I was curious.

"Its me... Kim Yugyeom" He said with deep voice. I got shocked and my eyes wide open. What!! What just he said?? Oh my god!! My heart beat so fast. We are just inches so I really scared if he kiss me. So I back off a little. Suddenly...

"I'm just kidding!!" He yelled like he win cause I fall in his joke. So I got mad and hit his arm hardly.

Yugyeom's POV

"You wanna know or not? " I said. She looked nervous. I just wanted to tell what I feel to her. But I still not sure what is this feeling just wanna see her reaction.

"W-wh-who" she said nervously. Should I tell her that I like her?

"Its me...Kim Yugyeom" I said with deep voice. But why she look so shocked and back off a little. I know..she don't have same feeling as me. I can't take it anymore.

I don't want to make our friendship broke. I know she is cold-hearted. She will never accept me.

Ok then. Let's make it looks like fun.

"I'm just kidding!!" I yelled like a child. But I'm so disappointed cause she looked happy when I said its just kidding.
Then she hit my arm me hardly. I gave her a fake smile.


Jackson's POV

I was played with my phone suddenly someone knock my door.

"Yaa! Wang Jackson... I wanna back home now" It was Sarang. She said outside the door. I got up and open the door. She standing there.

"Araseo... thanks" I said with a smile. Then we went to living room. Everyone watched tv. "Guys, I'm back home now" She said.

"Araseo~ take care ok. Don't forget to come tomorrow!" JB said.

"Nae~" she said then bow to them. She walked to the door and I follow her. She stopped and wear her shoes.

She stood by one feet then she lost her balance then about to fall but I catch her arm so she don't fall down.

"Thanks" she smiled to me.

"You can use me" I said then I take her hand then put it on my shoulder.

"Thanks again" She smiled sweetly. She done then hit my chest softly.

"Annyeong!" I waved to her then she bow to me and waved. She still have manner however he not call me 'oppa'.

-Next Day-


The alarm was rang. Time to wake up. I got up and take a shower.

After I done took a shower I headed to kitchen and help Yugyeom doing breakfast. Today is our turn.

"Morning hyung!" Yugyeom said.

"Morning" I said with a smile.

"So what should we do for today?" I asked him.

"Let's make some sandwich!" He said excitedly. Then we start make some sandwich for breakfast.

"Hyung" Yuygeom called me.

"What?" I looked at him.

"Do you like Sarang?" He asked me. I don't know what to say.

"Hmmm...yes" I said.

"As a?" He asked me again. What does its mean? I don't understand.

"Friend" I answered. Ani, more than that. I like her more then friend. Then he just silent. Whats wrong with him? Suddenly asked that kind of questions.


"Thanks for the foods!" We all said together. I got into my room after done doing dishes. I took my phone then play game. But I'm getting bored then I call Sarang.

-In Call-

Yaboseyo? - Sarang

Sarang-aa~ Are you free now? -Jackson

Nae... wae? - Sarang

Sarang-aa~ I'm bored~ - Jackson

Then? - Sarang

Let's go? - Jackson

Where? - Sarang

Like usuall... - Jackson

Ok~ when? - Sarang

Around 10? - Jackson

Arasseo~ - Sarang

Meet you there ok! Faster! You always late... - Jackson

Yaa! Im a girl!! A girl!! Ok!! - Sarang

Ok ok~ I'm just kidding...don't get mad~ Aigoooo~ so cute - Jackson

Yaa! Don't tease me! - Sarang

I'm  not! - Jackson

Whatever... bye! - Sarang

- End Of Call-

What?! She just end it like that?? Hmmm you are lucky cause you are my best friend.

Sarang's POV

I'm bored...and lazy. This laziness can control me like a remote control. But for Jackson I can fight it. Fighting Kim Sarang!

I took a quick shower. After done, I wore pink sleeveless shirt and white short pants. I tied my brown hair into messy bun. Looked simple but swag! That's what I want. Then I wore sky blue high top shoe. I went there with my penny board.

Jackson's POV

I just wore yellow tank top and black skinny jean. I wore black snapback cap and white high top shoes. I went there with my penny board.

- At Park -

When I got there, I saw Sarang with a guy. And Sarang smiled to him. Who is he??


Sarang with who?? Her boyfriend? Keep reading to know the true stories. Vote and comment ok! ♥♥

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