Chapter 6: Friend?

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Hellooo! Chapter 6 is here! Happy reading!


Sarang's POV

"How old are you?" Yoongi asked. I don't wanna look like a rude girl so...

"18 years old" I said softly.

"So young! And so...." He stopped and starred at me. I looked at him.

"What?" I said.

"Ohh sorry. are cute. Hehe" He said.

"Thanks" I smiled.

"Can I....can I.." He rubbed his neck. Why so hard to say that?

"Can what?" I looked at him.

"Can I be your friend?" He said finally. I don't know what to say. So I just starred at him with blank face.

"Can I?" He said softly. I just nodded. Aghh! Why I nodded. He will misunderstand. Then I looked away. But I still can see his happy smile.

Jackson's POV

I was line up to buy ice cream for Sarang. Its not too far or too close. I looked where Sarang sit. But I got shocked cause that guy was there too. Are they close? I'm worried about Sarang. I got there with 2 cups of ice cream.


"Annyeong!" I gave Sarang a big smile.

"Why he is here?" I asked Sarang and give her ice cream.

"I just...just take care of her when you are not here. Sorry if I bother you Sarang-ssi" He stood up and bow.

"Gweanchanayo" Sarang said.

"I have to go now. See you again" He ran to their gang.

"He is crazy" Sarang said and our eyes still looking at Jun Ho.

"Wae? What he did to you?!" I worried about her.

"He wanna to be my friend" She said then chuckled. I chuckled too.

"Let's eat lunch, Sarang. I'm hungry" I said rubbed my stomach.

"Kaja!" She said excitedly. We stood up then ride our penny to the restaurant we usually went together.

-At Restaurant-

We entered the restaurant and take a sit at corner of the restaurant.

"Aigooo~ long time no see" someone greet us.

"Ahjumma~" Sarang hugged Han ahjumma tight and Han ahjumma cares Sarang's back. Long time no see right? Hehe.

"Jackson-aa~" Han ahjumma hugged me. I hugged her back and she pat my back. We talk a while with Han ahjumma. Then our foods came and ahjumma continues doing her work.


"I'm full" Sarang said.

"Me too" I said.

After done pay foods we walk to the park again.

We take a walk while talking, ride penny and joking around.


"3:00 PM" I said looking at Sarang.

"Let's back to the dorm!" She said excitedly.

"Kaja!" We stood up and I put my arm on her shoulder but she put it down and put her arm on my shoulder. Then we giggled. I know why she do that. I know you well Sarang-aa~ She always said...when namja put his arm on yeoja shoulder, its looks like a couple but when yeoja put her arm on namja shoulder, its looks like bestfriend. She just want me as her bestfriend.

-At Dorm-

"I'm home!" I'm yelled after we entered the dorm.

"I'm here too" Sarang yelled.

"Sarang?"  Jinyoung run to see Sarang.

"Naee~" Sarang hugged Jinyoung. We went to living room and Jaebum hyung and Yugyeom were watching tv.

"You guys had a lunch yet?" Sarang asked.

"Not yet...Sarang-aa can you cook for us? Please~" Jaebum hyung said.

"Arasseo~" Sarang headed to kitchen.

Sarang's POV

When I cut carrots, Yugyeom came. "Can I help?" He asked.

"Sure! Help me chop this" I gave him my work and I headed to Jackson's room. I knocked.

"Wang Jackson. You wanna eat again?" I asked him outside the door.

"Its ok. I'm already fulled" He shouted. I went back to kitchen. I cooked rice for 8 people.

"Sarang-aa" Yugyeom called me.

"Nae?" I answered him. "Where you was going?....with Jackson hyung" He asked me.

"Park. Like usual~" I smile.

"Ohh. Can we go too? Next week. Just and me" He said with a sad voice.

"Sure!" I agreed.

"Gomawo~" He smiled.


I prepared dishes on a table. "Guys!! Lunch done!!" I shouted and they sit to eat lunch.

"Enjoy~but wash dishes later ok?" I said then heading to Jackson's room. I knocked.

"Nae" He said. I entered his room and I see he not wearing shirt...


Oppssss!! Why Jackson not wearing shirt? And why he want Sarang enter his room when he shirtless??

Thanks for reading~♥♥

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