Chapter 59 : Friend Again

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Jackson's POV

I sighed as I got in our dance room.

"Sarang not there?" Jaebum hyung asked after he heard me sighed.

"No. She was there" I answered.

"So, what she said? Did she greet you?" He asked again.

"No. She just...stared" I replied.

"That's good. She know the limits...between you two. You can't get along with her" He said.

"What?" I about to piss off of what he saying.

"I mean, not yet" He smirked.

"I'll see her later" I told.

"I don't think so. We're busy" He replied.

"I don't care. I'll just meet her later" I said. He glared at me. I looked away.

"Don't give us trouble. Please" He told, seriously.


"Let's back home now" Jinyoung exclaimed. I packed my beg then followed the others got out from dance room. We got out from the building and got in the car.

"Wake me up when we arrived home" I told them as I closed my eyes. I put my phone that I hold on my stomach. I slowly fall asleep.


"Jackson hyung, Jackson hyung, we arrived" I heard Bambam voice.

"Yah, Wang Jackson. Wake up. You wanna sleep here forever?" I heard Jaebum hyung now. I slowly opened my eyes.

"We're arrived?" I asked, still sleepy.

"Nae, wake up now" They replied. I got up and suddenly I heard something fall.

"You go first. I'll follow later" I told. Then they left me. I rubbed my eyes and stretched a bit to get myself sober. I looked down finding something just fell. I saw my phone under my seat.

"Oh, my phone" I mumbled. I grobed under the seat to take my phone. I groaned as I grobed it.

"I got it!" I said happily after I grabbed it. I got out from the car and walked ahead to the elevator.

I pressed the button and wait. After a while, the door open. I got in. The door about to closed.

"Wait! Stop the door!" I heard someone. I quickly pressed the open door button. The door opened widely. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at that person. That girl.

Sarang's POV

I got out from the car. I was alone cause they all back home earlier than me. I walked to the elevator. I saw the elevator door about to close so I ran a bit.

"Wait! Stop the door!" I shouted a bit. As the door open widely, my eyes wide open. I just frozed there as he looked back at me. He seems shocked too. Then he faked a cough and looked away. Ackward~

"You're not going to get in?" He spoke as he looked into my eyes. I quickly looked down.

"No, I will take another one" I told as I lift my head up, pretending to be cool.

"Just get in. Faster" He said coldly.

"It's okay, I--"

"I'm waiting" He cut as he gave me a glare. I become speechless. I looked down and slowly got in. I stood next to him, quietly.

"Same floor, right?" He asked.

"Nae" I answered softly. Then the door closed. Silent.

"You not going to greet me?" He broke the ice. I just silent.

"Fine. I'll greet you first" He sighed. We made eyes contact but we not looked away.

"How have you been? You're happy now? Your dream come true, right? Congratulation for your debut" He said. I took a deep breath before answer.

"I'm just fine. I'm happy now. Yes, my dream came true. Thanks for that. What about you? You back earlier than you told me" I said. He gave me a warm smile.

"I'm not really fine. I don't know if I'm happy. Cause I missed you" He replied. I suddenly became speechless. Then the elevator door open.

"I promised myself to talk again with you after I debuted. But I don't think I can keep the promise. Mianhae. I'll go now" I about to got out from the elevator suddenly he grabbed my wrist and pulled me inside. He pressed closed door button then all floor buttons.

"What are you doing?" I tried to stop him from pressing those buttons. But it's too late.

"Let's talk a bit more" He said still holding my wrist.

"Talk about what? I have nothing to say" I looked at him.

"I have. And I know you have too" He said. I just sighed.

"Why you can keep your promise? Why did you promise if you can keep it? You always like this?" He asked.

"I don't know too. I just can't keep it. I'm a fool. So let's stop make a promise" I replied.

"You changed" He told. Just say what you want to say.

"Or you just pretending?" He asked. I pulled my hand from his grip.

"Jackson, please stop" I told.

"I like you!" He raised his voice a little. I just stared back.

"I know! So please...please, stop" I said sounds of beg.

"I love you" He confessed softly. My eyes widen. I didn't expect he'll say that.

"You hear me, right? I love you" He told again.

"No, you can't" I suddenly teared up.

"How? I can't avoid it" He spoke softly. I speechless. He then held my hand.

"I really missed you when I was in Japan. I want to hold this hand so bad. I want to make you smile and laugh again. I want to do everything with you" He held my hand tight.

"Jackson, I just start my career. Can you understand?" I asked softly.

"Our fans will understand" He replied.

"It's not just about our fans!" I pissed off.

"I'll talk to JYP PD-nim" He told.

"Enough!" I pulled my hand hardly.

"It's not going to change anything! Stop talking about it! I already tired!" I raised my voice. At that time, the elevator door opened.

"I'll go now" I got out from the elevator. I walked fast to my home.

"Sarang-aa! Kim Sarang!" He called me. But I didn't stop. He grabbed my arm to stop me.

"What now?!" I about to shout.

"Want to be my bestfriend?" He asked.


Friend? Suddenly?

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