Chapter 19 : JooIn Group

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Sarang's POV

Min Yoongi?! The skateboard guy with small eyes at the park?!! What he doing here? Is he my--ugh! I looked at him again. Its really him. I gave him a fake smile.


After the dinner end, they left me and with this guy. Silent.

"We meet again" He broke the silent.

"Nae" I said simple.

"You must shocked, don't you?" He asked. I nodded.

"I choose you to be wife" He smiled widely.

"I know" I said.

"When we first met, I already attracted to you. So I started find you. Luckyly, you are from a big company. Same as me" He smiled. I never replied a smile. Are you spying me?

"Oh that guy with you. What his name again? Jonhson, Jack.. what?" He said. Are you making fun of him?

"Its Jackson" I said.

"Yeah, Jackson. He gonna debut soon. Do you like him?" He asked. I don't answer it. He smirked.

"I don't know what your feelings toward him. But we will marry soon. I'm gladful you will be my wife" He said with cheerful voice, holding my hand on the table. I slowly pulled my hand.

"We can't marry. I'm a--"

"Trainee..I know. I will make it secret. My parent don't know about this" He said. I think its my biggest reason why I don't want to marry but they don't understand me.

"We still can't marry" I said. He smirked.

"You stop being trainee, right? So no problem" He said.

"I didn't stop yet" I said.

"But you have too, babe" He said, calling me with that gross name.

"Or you are in love with someone else?" He looked at me, smirking. I just silent.

"Let me send you home" He stood up, looking at me. I stood up and he led me to his car. He opened the door for me and I hop in. He drived off.

"Yoongi, can you help me?" I asked him as he driving.

"What? He asked took a glance on me.

"Can you send me somewhere tomorrow morning?" I asked him. He smirked.

"Where will you go?" He asked back.

"So you will help me?" I smiled happily. He nodded.

"Thanks" I acted nice.


I opened the door and I heard my brother voice shouted. Its come from my dad room. I walked closer to my dad room, wondering what's happen. They must fighting inside. I feel uneasy suddenly. I walked to Secretary Ho.

"What's going on?" I asked him. He bowed, didn't answer. Suddenly my brother got out from the room with teary eyes. I ran to him.

"What happen, oppa?" I asked worriedly. He look at me with anger face.

"This is all your fault! You should't back home! You should just singing!! But you ruined everything! You take everything from me!" He shouted at me make me confused. He walked away. But I chased him, grabbing his arm.

"Oppa! This is missunderstand! I won't take your's. Trust me. I will let you take the company!" I begged him to understand me.

"You go away from me" He pushed me until I fall down. Hurt, its hurt.

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