Chapter 65 : Sorry If I Hurt You

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Sarang's POV

Sound of everyone breath just can be hear at this moment. We all sit silently at one table, in quiet room. I sat next to Seokjin oppa, in front of Jackson and Nara unnie sat next to Jackson. Beside my seat have a empty seat.

"So Young have you been?" He broke the ice. I faced him.

"I'm fine. I'm quit busy anyway" I lied about the busy stuff.

"So who's your friends here?" He looked at Jackson and Nara unnie. Nara stood up.

"I'm Kang Nara. I'm in same group with Sarang. I'm the oldest among them" She interduced herself. Appa smiled to her. Then she sat down as Jackson stood up.

"I'm Got7's Wang Jackson. I'm Sarang's bestfriend since we were a trainee. I'm also her sunbae. Glad to me meet you, Mr. Kim" He nodded. Appa looked at me.

"So this is Jackson? I heard about you a lot" He spoked as he smirked at me. I looked away. Appa, we just friend. Don't think more than that. Don't even think to hurt him or planning something bad for him.

"Since you all here as Sarang's friends, I brought a special guest. He'll be here soon" He smiled widely.

"Who is he?" Seokjin oppa asked him politely. Sound of door open caught our attention.

"He's here" Told the secretary of Appa. I gulped my saliva waiting that special guest. I saw a familiar figure in smart suit walking in. My eyes widen as I saw his face. He smiled widely.

"Yoongi-aa, you're here?" Appa asked him. I can hear the happiness in his voice.

"Nae! I'm Min Yoongi, Sarang's fiance" He smiled evilly while looking at Jackson.

"What?!" I heard Nara unnie ask. I looked at her as she looked at me in shocked.

"Unnie, I'll explain later" I told her nervously. I can see confusement in her face. I looked at Jackson. He faked a smiled, telling that he's fine. But I know he's not. I know its hurt him.

"It's okay. I'm here" Seokjin oppa whispered in my ear as he held my hand. I held back, tight.

"Stay strong" He whispered again. I hang my head low as I closed my eyes, holding his hand tight. I can feel my heart beating furiously. I can feel my hand shaking a bit.


"It's been a long time. I missed her a lot" He put his hand on my shoulder. I feel really uncomfortable at that time. I looked at Jackson's reaction. Of course he's feel mad and annoyed. He just stared at me. I stared back.

"Mianhae.." I moved my lips without voice. He then replied with a bitter smile.

"Young Ae-aa, how long till your contract end?" Appa asked me. I looked down on my hand.

"3 years" I answered softly.

"That's good! You will get married after that, right?" He said excitedly. I looked at him when I heard 'married' word. My eyes widen as he just smiled at me. I looked at Nara unnie. Her face looks totally shocked. Then I looked at Jackson. He looked away when our eyes contact.

"Appa, but she still a singer that time. That's not mean she already quit. She should't stop her career" Seokjin oppa took my side.

"She's not going to quit. She just going to marry someone. She still can sing, hyung" Yoongi talked back.

"That's will ruin her reputation as a singer. Anyway, she still young!" Seokjin oppa said.

"It's not...if we marry cause of love. Right?" He looked at me while smiling sweetly. I looked into his eyes, telling him to stop.

"I love you, Kim Sarang" He cared my cheek. I refused when his fingers touching my cheek. But then the cared my hair.

"Excuse me. I need to go the restroom" Jackson stood up. I can hear his shaking voice. He slowly walked toward the door. He then fell on his knee in front the door.

"Jackson oppa, are you okay?" Nara unnie stood up to help him out. I about to stand up and go help him but Seokjin grabbed my hand tight, shaking his head, telling it's not the right time. I sighed as I felt hurt in my chest, seeing Jackson like this. He stood up by himself and got out, following by Nara unnie.

"Sarang-aa, do you have free time? Let's go eat together" He asked cheerfully.

"Appa, don't bother my life until I quit singing. I'm not going to marry anyone now or even in next three years. Not if I'm not love that person" I told. I glared at Yoongi.

"Min Yoongi-ssi, aren't we are friend? Why you do this to me?" I asked him. He remained silent.

"I need to help Jackson now. He seems sick" I stood up and got out from the the room. I looked around, finding two of them. As my eyes caught them, I quickly run toward them. Jackson sat on the chair and his head on the table.

"Are you okay, Jackson? Are you sick?" I asked him worriedly. He raised his head and sat straight but his eyes still closed. I put my palm on his forehead.

"You're fine" I told. I about to pull my hand but he put his palm on my hand.

"Feels better now" He spoke as his skin touched mine. I sighed in relief that he's fine. He took my hand on his forehead and held it. I sat next to him while my hand still in his hand.

"Feels a lot better now" He slowly open his eyes as he turned his head to me. Looking at his poor eyes makes me feel sorry.

"Mianhae..." A sorry came out from my mouth out of sudden.

"Don't...My heart feels so much pain, I can even breath in there. My heart feels hurt everytime I breath in there. My legs became weak once I walk...but you're here...healing me. Thank you" He told. He talk like he was souless. I looked at the tall shilling when I feel like to tear up.

"Mianhae...mianhae.." I apologize again. I looked at Nara unnie. She just looked down on the table, in her own world.

"Unnie, mianhae...but I'll explain later" I told her.

"Araseo. You should explain until I understamd your situation. Explain until I can trust you again. Until I don't blame you if we are fail" She told. I know she's mad.

"I will" I replied.


Sorry for this boring chapter..
.huhuhu :(

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