Chapter 58 : Debut

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Sarang's POV

Today. Today is my day, our day. I wait this for a long time. The day that I always imaging. The day that I won't forget.



"10-minutes!" Shouted the stage manager.

10-minutes. My heart beat furiously. Hard to breath. Hard to think clearly. Nervous and excited at the same time.

"Girls, do like we always do. Like we always practice. No mistake ok! Fighting!" I told to recrease thier confidence level. You have to do well! Do well! Fighting Kim Sarang!

"Kim Sarang, fighting!" I heard that familiar voice. I looked at my back. My right. My left. I looked around, finding where that voice came from. It was soft just like his. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. It's just hallucination. Just like before. But I still not used to it. I opened my eyes.

"5-minutes! Get ready!" I heard they said. Then we moved to back stage. As we heard scream and round of applause, we getting nervous.

"This is no joke. I better do well" I told myself. Finally it's our time to shine. We got on the stage confidencely but still nervous. My heart stop a beat when the audience gave us a big round of applaused. Fans is power.


"Woah! We done! We done! But I'm still shaking!" Nara unnie exclaimed when we got down from stage. I immediately grabbed her hand.

"I'm shaking too" I told.

"You did great all!" Our manager told as we are smiling widely.

"Take a rest first. Take your time" She said. I quickly sat down and calm myself down. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale.

"I feel hungry now" I spoke. I think I'm calm now.

"You hungry? There! It's from Japan. Our JYP family who are in Japan now. They do special just for you guys" Told our manager. Japan? JYP Japan?!

"Got7 sunbaenim?!" Tzuyu asked shockedly.

"Nae" She replied simply. Really?! Got7?!

"This is your" Nara unnie handed me the food. I took it and put it on my lap. I looked carefully on it.

"Congratulation for your debut! Hope you enjoy! From...Got7" I read softly. I smiled when I saw a smile emoji after the sentence. Cute!

"Thanks for the food!" I said and dig in, happily. Thanks, Jackson.

"Hmm! So delicious!" I spoke with a mouth full of food. I suddenly teared up. I don't know why but it's reminded me of him.

"Sarang-aa, are you ok?" Nara unnie asked me. I nodded.

"Really?" She asked again.

"This food so delicious. That's why I cry. Don't worry" I said and wiped my tears.

"Fine. Eat well" She told before left me.


"Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do~" I warmed up my vocal before start practicing.

"Again" Told my vocal teacher.


"Again!" She raised her voice.


"La!" Her raised her voice again.

"Kim Sarang! You not reach it. Do-Re-Mi-Fa-So-La-Ti-Do~"She said.


"You're not feeling well?" She asked.

"No, I'm fine" I answered her politely.

"Really? You can't reach 'La'. That's really weird, because you are Kim Sarang" She told.

"I'm apologize. I'll do it again" I said. She sighed.

"Enough. You can take your time. Next? Tzuyu" She told. I just looked down, disappointed.

"Thank you" I said before left. I sighed heavily. I left to the seat. I took a seat and just looked down.

"You're ok?" Nara unnie asked me with a worried tone.

"I'm fine" I faked a smile.

"Seriously?" She asked again, worriedly.

"I'm fine, seriously" I smiled showing my teeth. I'm not sure if I'm really fine. But I keep thinking about him for no reason. It's made me lose my focus. I took out my phone. I typed 'Wang Jackson, I miss you'. But I stopped myself. 'When will you back here?' I typed again after eraser the first one. I sighed heavily. I eraser again.

'Oppa, I miss you. Let's meet' - Me

I sended a text to Seokjin oppa. Just Seokjin oppa who can...can what? I can't tell him I miss Jackson either.

'Nice! Let's meet. Where?' - Seokjin Oppa

'Nah...I'm just saying. I'm busy' - Me

'What? You waisting my time, replying your text' - Seokjin Oppa

'Haha. Sorry. Let's meet later. I'll back home' - Me

'That's good. I miss you too, Kim Young Ae' - Seokjin Oppa

'I know, Kim Young Shik. I'll go first. Bye' - Me

'Okay. I'll call you. Take care' - Seokjin Oppa

'Ok. You too' - Me

At least I have Seokjin oppa. I'm happy he is my brother.

"Yah, did you heard? Got7 will back to Korea a day after tomorrow" I heard another trainees talking about Got7 outside the vocal room.

"Really?! That's good! I never ever meet Got7 since I'm here" I heard again. Sure they are new trainees.

"Got7 will back home" I mumbled like a whisper. I miss you but I don't think I can talk to you again. Even I promise myself I'll talk to you after I debuted. Now I debuted, but I still can't. I don't want to lose my mind because of you.


"Let's go! They are here! Let's go! Let's go!" I heard trainee shouting outside this dance room.

"They arrived" Momo said excitedly.

"Who?" Dahyun asked her.

"Got7" Momo answered. I paused my movement. Yes, it's is today. They back here today. I acted to stay cool.

"Sarang unnie, you don't want to meet and greet them? They all your bestfriend, right?" Chaeyeon poked me. I turned to her.

"I-if you....if you wanna go now. Just go. I'll follow you later" I told.

"Really?" She asked to make sure. I nodded. Then they all go to greet them.

"You're not going?" Asked Nara unnie. I looked at her in reflect.

"I'll go later" I refused. She sighed.

"It's ok. Let's go with me" She grabbed my arm.


It was crowded at entrance of JYP building. I walk slowly behind Nara unnie as we walk straight to meet Got7. I put my hand together and played with my finger, nervously. We stopped as we reach the crowded. I just stood there, stiff. After couple of minutes, the crowded get lessen. Now I can see their figures including Jackson. At that time, I saw his face. I secretly stared at him. As he looked around like looking for someone. He stopped when he caught me. I didn't look away but just face him. He tho. He has no reaction just like me. We just stared each other.

"Everyone, let's go. Jackson, let's go now" Jaebum oppa said to them. Then they walked through the crowded. But me and Jackson still looking at each other even he walking away.

"Good to see you again" I smiled alone as I talk to myself.


What will happen to them later?

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