Chapter 23 : I'm At Home

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Sarang's POV

"I'm so happy you will marry soon!" My dad exclaimed, laughing happily. Yeah, yeah...I will marry soon, in your dream.

"My daughter, she can do anything. She can cook, she's smart, she's perfect to be your wife" He said proudly, laughing. Hmmm I can cook, I can sing, I can dance, so can I debut? Of course! I can do anything, right dad?

"Really? She can cook too?" Yoongi asked, smiling. My mom nodded. Agh, why he eat with us right now? And why my brother not back home yet?

"I learn how to cook when I was 11 cause I know I will live alone...forever. I'm smart? Ohh yeah, before I quit school" I said rudely. Dad look at me with anger face.

"Watch your languages, Young Ae-aa" My dad said. I looked at Yoongi and give him a evil smirk.


After dinner, Yoongi back home and I went to my room. I took a sit on my piano chair.

"When will oppa back home? I miss him. He must be happy if I tell him I already signed debut contract" I said, sighing. Suddenly my phone ringing. I looked at the screen. Jackson name appeared. I smiled and quickly answered it. I turned to loud speaker.

-In Call-

Jackson-aa, what's the matter? - Me

Nothing. I just worried about you. Are you ok? - Jackson

What's wrong? I'm doing well here - Me

Really? - Jackson

Of course. I even can play piano - Me

I pressed the keys randomly but still harmony.

Where are you now? - Jackson

Me? Home - Me

Home? Ohh..are you hungry? Let's have a meal - Jackson.

I ate already - Me

So let just meet. Where? Hangang? Park? - Jackson

Jackson-aa, I'm sorry. I can't. I-I'm practice now - Me

Yah, just practice tomorrow. Let's get some air - Jackson

No. I can't - Me

Fine, I will go to your place now - Jackson

Where? My home?! No, no! You can't - Me

Why? I can just walk there. But wait...where are you now? You lie to me?! - Jackson

No! I'm at my home. Home, not dorm. I'm at my home - Me

Ohh, so where's your home? - Jackson

Why you want to know? - Me

I'm going there - Jackson

Yah, let just meet. Hangang - Me

Really?! Ok. I'll wait you there - Jackson

Don't come too early. It's take about 40 minutes to get there - Me

What? 40 minutes? I can take a nap there - Jackson

I'm going there now - Me

Okey - Jackson

-End Of Call-

I rather meet him than he know where's my house. If he look at this huge house, I don't know what will he think about me. It's already night. I hope no one see me get out at this time. I wore a flower printed sweater and black skinny jeans. I walked slowly downstairs. No one. Go go go! I walked to the door. I opened the door and got out. I slowly closed the door behind me. Next, main gate. I think this is easy. Yeah there have guards but the are stupid. They will let me go if I be a little evil.


I walked slowly toward Jackson, trying to make him startled.

"Jackson!!" I shouted and grab his neck from behind.

"Oh my god!! I almost died!" He said after startled. I laughed happily and sat next to him.

"Yah, don't do that. You know my heart condition, right?" He said, acting hurt. I chuckled.

"Your heart is fine. Just you a scaredy-cat" I laughed. He stared at me, smiling.

"You are late" He said.

"Yah, I told you my home is far from here" I said, put my arm around him and look at the dark sky. I closed my eyes and inhale deeply.

"The air so fresh tonight" I said smiling.

"Why suddenly you back home?" He asked suddenly.

"Cause I want to" I said smiling.

"My debut day is nearing. I don't know if I can meet you like this after this" He said kind of sad.

"Don't be sad. At least we still can met" I said staring at him. He smiled.

"Everyone are fine?" I asked him. He nodded. I smiled. I looked at the river in front of us.

"Jackson, you are the first person know this" I spoke.

"What is that?" He asked curiously.

"I already signed...debut contract" I smiled. He looked at me with a happy and shocked face.

"Really?! So you are gonna debut soon!" He quickly hug me. I hugged him back.

"I'm so proud of you!" He hugged me tighter. I smiled happily. He broke the hug and I smiled widely.

"You really gonna debut soon?" He asked still disbelieve. I nodded with a smile.

"Let's go! I'll treat you something!" He stood up excitedly.

"Yah, it's okay. I'm not hungry" I refused.

"C'mon! We should celebrate it!" He grabbed my hand.

"Yah, why you so excited? Let's celebrate it with the others. But next time" I said smiling. He sat next to me.

"Finally you gonna debut" He smiled while looking up to the sky.

"Yeah. I'm happy either" I smiled.

"What your family said?" He suddenly asked.

"I told you are the first person" I said.

"Ohh. I'm forget" He said. But what will they say? I don't know too.

"Your cousin, Yoongi. You closed to him?" He asked.

"Uhmm..we just like a friend" I lied but maybe not.

"He always joking like that?" He asked. I fake a laugh.

"Yeah..stupid jokes" I said. He giggled.

"It's sound real. Maybe cause he always joking like that" He said. I giggled.

"So you really think I'm his fiancee? No way. He just a cousin" I acted. He smiled. At that time, my phone ringing. I took off from my pocket. Yoongi name at the screen. I answered it lazily.

-In Call-

Yaboseyeo? - Me

Sarang-aa where are you now? - Yoongi

Me? I'm at home - Me


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