Chapter 46 : Lonely Night

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Sarang's POV

"Sorry, I'm late" Yoongi apologized while driving. I smiled.

"It's ok" I said.

"Have you eaten?" He asked. No I'm not and I'm not hungry.

"Yes. I'm still full" I lied.

"So let's go somewhere fun" He suggested.

"Can we just go home? I feel so tired today" I refused. I'm not in the mood to have fun.

"Araseo. You practice until night, of course you tired, right? Let's just go when you're free" He smiled. I think he don't mind.

"Are you free next week?" He asked. I nodded. Actually, I don't know if I will be free next week.

"Let's go to a date" He smiled widely.

"Okay, let's go for a date. Since I will move to my dorm. It's like a last farewell?" I joked.

"No no, it's a date. I think it's our first date, if I'm not wrong" He said. I smiled.

"I think so" I replied. Let's go to a date and forget about him. Slowly.


I was sat in front of my piano like always. But today is different. I just doing nothing not even touch the piano.

"Wang Jackson..." I mumbled. Why I keep thinking about you? I took my phone.

"What I'm going to with this then?" I asked myself. I threw my phone on my desk. I stood up and heading to bathroom. I filled my bathtub with warm water. I sat on the edge of my tub.

"Love? I still didn't get it. And I won't understand. Just let me be alone forever. I don't all" I said to myself. What are you thinking, Kim Sarang? You lied to yourself.

"It's okay. Lies just...a small thing. Even to myself" I told myself. Suddenly I'm not being what Jackson said.

"No..this is me. I'm Kim Sarang. I don't need a man or even love. I just wanna sing on my stage"


I woke up a little bit late today. I took my shower and prepared for breakfast. I went downstairs and headed to dining room. Taking a seat next to Young Shik oppa like usual as the waitress putting our dish on our table. Yeah, we have waitresses. So what? I'm not proud of it at all.

"How's your training?" My dad asked when we were eating.

"Just fine. I have to practice until night but I don't mind it at all. I like it. Thank you, appa" I replied as he giggled. I smiled widely.

"That's good. I can't wait to see you on tv" He said. I still smiling.

"Then you will marry Yoongi, right?" He asked.

"Nae?" I don't understand. What? Marry Yoongi?

"You will be a singer like your wish. Don't you say you want to live alone forever. You should live happily with Yoongi. I bet you will be happy with him. Yoongi, he is perfect man for you. I wish you live together forever. Araseo?" He giggled. I speechless. You let me be a singer as my wish and now I have to marry with that guy as your wish? Ahh, that's why you...I have nothing to say anymore.

"I...I..can't promise that" I said softly.

"Why?" He asked.

"I want to...focus to music first. About marriage..just think about it later" I told. I don't know if he mad at me.


After practice, I back home alone cause Yoongi busy with meetings. I can call Young Shik oppa but I don't want. Cause I'm not planning to back home. Let's go somewhere that I can release my tension.

I went to Hangang. I sat on the bench where 'we' always sit. I exhaled deeply.

"Why I come here? It's reminded me to you" I talk to myself. I was alone. And LONELY.

"The air so fresh! The stars so many tonight! Really nice! But..why I'm alone here?!" I shouted at the river, throwing my tension just like how 'he' teach me.

"I'm Kim Sarang! 18 years old! JYP trainee! I will debut soon! But I feel so empty! I feel so lonely! I have no friend! I have but we can't be friend anymore! There's no one who want to be my friend here? I'm alone here!" I shouted like a crazy girl. I sighed heavily. I'm crazy. Yes I am. I closed my eyes as I felt something wet on my cheeks.

"You crazy, Kim Sarang. You're cried cause you are alone?" I chuckled and wiped all of my tears. I stood up and took a walk by the river.

"It feels so cold tonight" I complained and put my hand in my pocket jacket.

"If I have someone walk beside me right now...I would be happy" I sighed. I stopped and sighed again. I kicked the small stone to the river. I looked at the river. The cold air washing my face. I smiled bitterly.

"The best healer is still 'you'. I can't deny it" I said trying to smile.

"Yah! Kim Sarang!"

I quickly turn back when I heard 'his' voice calling for me. I saw no one. Am I dreaming? I just heard 'his' voice.

"Yes you are dreaming, Kim Sarang. No one here. Stop thinking about 'him'. I think I should..get a room tonight" I said to myself.


I walked to the counter.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I want 1 room for 1 night" I told.

"Of course you can. What your name miss?" He asked politely.

"Kim Sarang" I told. His eyes widen.

"Kim...Sarang?" He asked again.

"Nae? Waeyo? What's wrong with my name?" I asked him. This is weird.

"Wait a minute miss" He told. I nodded. He went to somewhere. After a while, he came back with another guy.

"Kim Sarang-ssi?" The guy said. I nodded.

"Kim Young Ae? JooIn Group's daughter?" He asked. My eyes widen. How do they know me?

"How do you know?" I asked back. They all smiled and nodded.

"Sorry if we talking a long time" He bowed again.

"Let me take you to your room" He said. My room? Ohh ok. I follow him to my room. We went to 12th floor. He opened the door for me.

"Oh my.." I mumbled when I got inside.

"Are you sure this my room?" I asked him.

"Nae" He told.

"But this room must expensive, right? I don't have that much money" I told. He smiled.

"Don't worry, Young Ae-ssi. You don't have to pay" He told.

"Nae? Waeyo?" I asked.

"Because you are Kim Young Ae. Just call us if you need something" He told and left. Ahh! I forgot that this JooIn Group's Hotel. After that, I took a tour in my hotel room.

"This is not room but a house. Look! There have kitchen here. Reading room. Gym? They crazy? Gym in my room? This is too much. What should I do in this huge room?" I complained. I sighed.

"This is too big for me...cause I'm alone" I added. I took a walked around this room.

"At least, it have pretty view" I smiled while looking outside the window.

'Don't have to take me tomorrow. I'll go myself. Thanks and goodnight' - Me

I send a text to Yoongi. It's already 1 a.m. I took a quick shower and sleep on the super cozy bed.

"Goodnight, Wang Jackson" I said before fall asleep.


So that's it. Have a good day. Not a lonely day like Sarang.
And sorry for not publish for a long time. I'm kinda busy~ you forgive me right? Thank you~♥

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