Chapter 62 : Why I'm Not Happy?

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Sarang's POV

"They not pick up. So weird!" Jaebum complained while calling the chicken restaurant.

"Then I will just go buy. Their restaurant just nearby here. Just across the road" He said. They all nodded.

"Then come on, Junior and Mark! Follow me" He told. They slowly left to buy chicken as we all sat on lush grass.

"I'm thristy. Yugyeom-aa, let's go buy some drink. There" Bambam said while pointing at 7 Eleven.

"Then let's go" Two of them stood up. But I quickly stopped them.

"Where are you going?" I asked nervously even I know where they going.

"You going to leave us? Just two of us?" I asked.

"We just go for a while" Bambam said.

"You can't leave us!" I said. Yugyeom and Bambam sighed.

"Just a while" He told. I quickly got up.

"Then I'll go. I'll buy too" I offered. I don't want to get caught dating with Jackson here, even it's not true.

"Really? Fine. I want cola and Yugyeom want pepsi" Bambam said. I nodded. I walked leaving them.

"You're going alone?!" I heard Jackson shouted from futher. I just ignored. As I walk, running footstep came toward me. I know it was Jackson.

"Wait for me" He grabbed my arm and walked next to me.


"What do you like to drink?" I asked him as I open the refrigerator to take my own drink.

"Same as you. I'm not picky" He answered as he looking for some snacks. I took another drink same as me and put it on the counter where I already put Bambam and Yugyeom's drinks.He suddenly put snacks on the counter.

"Jackson-aa, you going to eat the whole chicken later. You not going not starving if you not eat these snacks" I started to nagged.

"Fine!" He put it back at their place then sighed. After buying, Jackson helped me bring the plastic of drinks. He then holded my hand. I looked at him in reflect.

"I'm cold" He stated. I remained silent. I held his hand back.

"Guys, here!" I handed them their drinks. Jackson sat next to me on the grass.


"Let's clean up then back home. It's already 1 a.m." Jaebum oppa said.

"Sarang can share car with us, right?" Jackson asked him. I looked at him in shock.

"It's okay. I'll-"

The ringtone of phone cut my word. I took out my phone and looked at the screen. I sighed softly as I saw her name on the screen. I walked away a bit futher before answered the call.

-In Call-

Where are you? - Nara unnie

I'm busy. Don't call me - Me

Yah! What are you busy with? Back home right now! - Nara unnie

I'll sleep somewhere else tonight - Me

Where!? - Nara unnie

Somewhere...we have no schedule for tomorrow. Don't worry. I'll back tomorrow - Me

Are you crazy?! You better back home now! I'll kill--' - Nara unnie

-End Of Call-

I end the call when she still speaking. Whatever, I don't care.

"Sarang, let's go!" They called me. I turned my body to them.

"It's okay. I'll back by taxi" I refused.

"Just come!" Jinyoung oppa said. I shook my head. I smiled to show them that I'm fine.

"I'll take taxi. I'll go first. Bye" I said then bow before left to stop the taxi.


"I'm Kim Young Ae" I said to the worker at the counter. She looked shock.

"Kim Young Ae?" She looked at me without blinking.

"Nae. Get me my room" I said coldly. As I got into my room, my legs feel weak and I fell down on the cold floor. I sighed.

"Lucky me, I have this place to hide" I mumbled to myself. I hugged my legs as I lean against the door. My phone suddenly ringing. I took out and picked up the call as I sighed heavily, knowing who was calling.

-In Call-

Where are you? Why you still not home? - Nara unnie

She sounds worried. I keep silent.

Yah! Kim Sarang! Are you there? - Nara unnie

Hmm - Me

Why you still not back home? What happened? Yah, don't make me worried - Nara unnie

I told you not to call me - Me

Instead of answering all her question, I said rudely.

Where are you? I'll go there. Tell me where you at - Nara unnie

I sighed.

I'm busy. I'll hang up - Me

-End of Call-

Again, I ended her call. I got up, heading to my bed. My phone ringing non stop. I just ignored. I took off my jacket, shoes and socks.

I don't know what's on my head, but I keep thinking about what I became. Did I ruin my life? This is what I dreamed of? Hate to admit, but I felt somewhat...regret.

Why I'm still not happy with what I've become? Where are those happiness that I want?

"And why those happiness, I feel just when I'm with him?" I questioned my myself. Because of love I become like this? I chose career than love before. And I become like this? Or because I always lie to myself?

"I became more scared when I think about the kisses" I said. It's really driving me nuts! Why I can't forgot it? I want to forget it so bad. I can't see your face cause it's remind me of that. I can't sleep all night after you said you want to be friend...again. It was hurt to hear you say we are bestfriend. But we have to admit it.


I opened my eyes, can't sleep. It's already 3.43 a.m. I got up and took my phone. I saw many missed calls from Nara unnie and from Jackson. Jackson? Why did he called me?
I jumped out from the bed, I walked toward the big window. The window is my best place in this room. I moved the certain as I saw night view of tall buildings. I also can saw Hangang from here. I stand there for few minutes, enjoying the view. My phone in my hand suddenly ringing. I looked at the screen, Nara unnie. I just ignored, sick hearing her nags. I just wanna alone why you don't understand me?


So there are....last chapter for today. I'll publish more tomorrow. Please wait!

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