Chapter 32 : Family Meeting

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Sarang's POV

"Did you take breakfast?" Yoongi asked while driving.

"Yes" I answered simple.

"We're here" He told. I slowly got out from the car.

"Sarang-ssi" He called me when I about to close the door. I looked at him.

"Your bottle" He hand me my bottle.

"And this...vitamin C. It's good for you. Drink it, ok" He said while hand me a sechet of vitamin C.

"Thank you" I said in English.

"Oh, almost forgot. Later, you don't have to come here. Cause Young Shik oppa will take me home" I said. He face still confused.

"My oppa will come and take me back home so you don't have to come" I explained.

"Ohh, ok then" He smiled.


"Where is oppa?" I waited for him in front of JYP building. After a while, I saw he park his car. He got out and I called his name. He walked toward me excitedly.

" I told you, oppa. I told you" I cover my eyes with my palm when I saw he wearing a suit.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I looked at him pretending to be mad.

"Why you wearing suit?" I asked coldly.

"Sorry. I-" "Whatever. Take off that coat" I cut him. He quickly take it off. I help him take off his tie and button off one button.

"And these, put in your car" I gave him his coat and tie.

"It's ok. Just throw it. I can buy a new one" He said acting cool. He threw his coat and tie in the bin. I know we are rich but we can't just throw it, oppa. We entered the building. We walked in the building and went to the basement where their practice room. We stood in front of the door. I opened the door a little and took a look. Yeah, they here. I slowly closed the door again and looked at my brother.

"Why?" He asked.

"I'm nervous and I don't know why" I giggled. I grabbed his arm. He smiled.

"Come on. I wanna see my future brother-in-law" He joked.

"Nae? No. He's not" I denied. Actually, it's sound nice.

"I know you like him" He joked again. I chuckled, pretending to be cold.

"Just say what you want, oppa" I said. He giggled. I opened the door again.

"This is a family meeting?" He joked but I just ignored him.

"Annyeonghaseyo" I greeted. They all turn to me with a smile. I smiled back.

"Sarang-ssi!" They ran to me. Jackson opened the door a bit wider to let me in. But as he saw my brother, his movement stop and his face turn to confused one. Everyone else too.

"N-nugu?" Jackson asked.

"Ohh, this is my oppa" I smiled.

"A-annyeonghaseyo"  Bambam oppa bowed. Rest of them bowed to him.

"Get in" Jinyoung oppa said. We slowly walk in.

"Annyeonghaseyo. Kim Seokjin imnida. I'm Young-- I mean I Sarang's brother" My oppa bowed.

"This is Jaebum, Jinyoung, Bambam, Youngjae, Yugyeom and...Jackson" I pointed one by one. Suddenly oppa walk closer to Jackson and hugged him.

"So you are Jackson? I heard a lot about you" He patted Jackson's back.

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