Chapter 68 : Stay With Me pt.1

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Sarang's POV

"Where are you going, Sarang-aa?" I heard Nara asked when I wore my shoes.

"I'm just going out somewhere. I'll back later" I told while smiling sweetly.

"Ok, then. Don't back home too late" She told in worried tone.

"Nae~ I'll go now" I waved to her. I got out and saw Jackson already wait for me in front of his dorm. I smiled to him widely.

"Let's go!" He said excitedly.

"Where should we go?" He asked when we walked to elevator

"Somewhere...not crowd and less people. So no one can recognize us" I answered while smiling.

"Then let's go eat first" He held my hand.


"Jackson!" I called him, not too loud. He changed his gaze to me while still holding my hand.

"We are friends. Just act like that" I told him as I slowly pulled my hand and his smile faded away. Then we got into the cafe and got our table.

"Waiter!" Jackson called out the waiter. A waitress came to our table to take order.

"What you-- Oh!!" She pointed at Jackson. God! She recognized him. Jackson just too famous these day. Geez..

"Nae~ I'm Got7 Jackson. You're my fan?" He being nice to her. She nodded while covering his face, disbelief.

"Nice to meet you! You're so handsome!" He exclaimed. Jackson just grinned. She suddenly stared at me with eyes wide open.

"I know you! Kim Sarang! Right?" She looked at me. I smiled widely.

"Nae. I'm Kim Sarang" I smiled.

"You're so pretty in person" She told . I blushed a bit.

"Thanks" I said smiling shyly. I glaced at Jackson as he gave me a small playful smirk.

"Can I get an autograph?" She asked politely.

"Sure! Why not?" I replied. She then ran to the counter and came back with a paper and a marker.

"What your name?" I asked softly, giving a fan meeting in this restaurant.

"Yuna! Lee Yuna!" She answered excitedly, just like a fangirl. I then gave her my autograph, with a big smile. Then she got an autograph from Jackson as well.

"Are you two...." She spoke. Me and Jackson just looked at her.

"...Dating?" She asked than make me about to choke.

"No, no, no...just spend some time with my bestfriend" I explained.

"Nae..we are bestfriend" Jackson tried to back up.

"Aahh...I heard before that two of you are bestfriend" She grinned.

"Then...can we took a selca?" She took out her phone from her apron pocket.

"Sure!" Jackson replied. After that small fan meeting end, finally we can order our food and eat.

"Kim Sarang~ smile~" Jackson said. I was eating my pancake and looked up as I saw him recording me.

"What are you doing?" I grinned.

"You looks always" He spoke still recording.

"Stop it. I'll kill you!" I gave him a died glare.

"Araseo" He quickly stop recording.

"Is it delicious?" He asked. I nodded.

"I want some" He told. I cut a small piece for him then pushed the plate to him. He looked at me weirdly.

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