Chapter 42 : This Rich Guy

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Sarang's POV

I got out from the building. I saw Yoongi standing there.

"You early today" He smiled.

"I'm hungry. Let's get somethinng yummy" I said giggling.

"Hop in" He opened the door for me.

"Thank you" I pat his chest lightly before hop in.


"Sarang-aa, what's wrong with your eyes?" He asked. I looked at him innocent.

"Waeyo?" I asked back.

"It's kind of..." He stopped. I raised my eyebrows.

"Agh..nothing. Forget it" He started to dig in. He noticed my eyes? I won't he know I cried.

"Yoongi-aa, let's go to your office later" I said excitedly. He chuckled.

"For what?" He asked.

"Just...I never get there" I said. He smiled.

"Araseo. We going there after this" He said. I smiled showing my teeth. Even thousand times I tried, why I still can't love him. He's a nice guy, good looking, rich, so cares about me..but I can't love him. I should pay for that but how?


"Good aftenoon, Mr. Min" Greet 2 women secretaries.

"This girl, must be your fiance" One of them who look younger than the other one asked. I smiled.

"Nae, she's my fiance" Yoongi said giggling.

"Annyeonghaseyo, I'm Kim Sarang" I smiled and bowed. They bowed back to us.

"Kaja" Yoongi grabbed my wrist softly. I smiled and followed him get in his office. When we walked in, I gasped cause his office is big. He let go of my hand and let me walked around his office. I looked around his office as Yoongi walked to his desk. His office so clean and tidy.

"Sarang-aa" Yoongi who stood behind the chair called for me.

"Try sit here" He offered. I walked to the chair and took a seat on it.

"It's so comfy and cozy" I said to him. Suddenly, he turned the chair so he can face me.

"I really like this place...Chairman Min" I teased him. He chuckled.

"Actually, I have a lot of work" He said. I just look at him innocent.

"Since we are here, can I do my work for a while?" He asked softly.

"Of course" I smiled. He smiled back.

"Thanks" He pat my head like I'm a kid.


"Yoongi-aa~, you still have a lot of work?" I whined.

"Just wait a bit longer" He said while doing his works. He not even look at me.

"Can you just stop for a while? I'm bored" I whined again. He looked at me with his small eyes.

"Just a while, ok?" He said softly.

"Jeez..." I finally gave up.

"Can you do me a favor?" He asked. I didn't say anything.

"Tell them I want a cup of coffee" He said. I sighed and walked to the door. I got out then walked closer those secretaries.

"Excuse me, where can I make a cup of coffee for Yoongi?" I asked them softly.

"Mr. Min?" They asked at the same time. I'm forgot they call him Mr. Min.

"Nae..." I said softly.

"Araseo, I will make for you two" One of them stood up.

"No, no, I will make it for him" I said. She nodded and smiled. She brought me to the place where I can make a cup of coffee.

"Ms. Kim must be happy cause he your fiance" She said while I'm doing a cup of coffee. I smiled.

"Why?" I asked smiling.

"I just think...he's a perfect guy" She said. I smiled. She's really friendly. Actually, he's not that perfect...We continued talking about me and Yoongi until I'm done make a cup of coffee for Yoongi. I walked in his office with a cup of coffee in my hand.

"Why they take so long time?" Yoongi asked. What do you mean they? It's just me! I put the cup on his table slowly. He took a sip.

"It's taste different.." He mumbled.

"Why? Too bitter?" I asked.

"No, it's sweeter than usual. I like it this way.." He said while looking at me. I smiled happily. I did a good job right?

"Don't tell made this?" He asked with his wide eyes, but still small. I laughed.

"That's why its taste so good than usual. Thank you. You good a make coffee too" He praised me. I smiled widely.


It's already dark. But why we still here? I'm so bored. Yoongi not done doing his works yet. Let's just take a nap.

Yoongi's POV

I glaced at Sarang on the sofa. She's sleeping?  Aigoo~ she's so cute! I stood up from my chair and looked outside the window.

"It's already dark. That's why she fall asleep" I mumbled. I walked to her where she sleep. I looked at her.

"How can you looks so pretty even you are sleeping?" I asked her softly. I must be crazy. She's sleeping, she can't answer me. I bet she tired. I know, she just got out from hospital yesterday. I don't want to wake her up but we should back home now. Not now, I still has works to do.


"Why she so light like a feather?" I mumbled when I carry her bride style to our room. I put her gentlely on the bed. She still sleep even I carried her to my hotel. Sleepy head. I covered her body with the blanket.

"Aghh, I'm so tired" I layed next to her. I took of my coat and blazer and threw it knowhere.

"Yah Yoongi, you can't sleep here" I told myself. But I'm to tired. I'll take a nap then go back home. The reasons why I brought Sarang here cause she fell asleep and I don't want to wake her up. If I brought her home, I bet her family will think bad of me. And I'm to tired to send her home. That's why she's here. Anyway thiz is my hotel. I got premium room for free. No I mean, I have my own room here.

"I will wake up later" I told myself again. I slowly closed my eyes and fell asleep beside Sarang.


This my first Yoongi's POV. I thought it would be hard but not at all. Anyway, thanks for reading.

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