Chapter 44 : You Steal Mine

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Sarang's POV

I woke up this morning excitedly. I ran a little downstairs, excitedly.

"Good morning!" I greeted everyone on the table. I can't stopped smiling. I feel so good today!

"This dish so delicious today!" I smiled. Everything is good today. Even our breakfast.

"Young Ae-aa, what's wrong with you today? You looks different" Young Shik oppa asked, wondering. I just smiled. My dad laughed at me. He knew why, right Appa? Thank You~

"I'm happy seeing you this happy. Eat a lot, you need more energy to practice soon" My dad said laughing. I smiled at him.


"Ah! Almost forgot!" I grabbed Yoongi attention. He looked at me. I smiled widely.

"I was thinking to move out to my old dorm" I said.

"Nae?! How? Appanim--"

"Don't worry about that. Finally, he let be a singer!" I exclaimed. He doesn't look shocked or happy about it.

"Ah, congratulation! You...will be a singer soon" He pretend to be happy for me. He smiled bitterly. I looked at him worriedly.

"What's wrong?" I asked him worriedly.

"No, nothing. It's a good thing! I'm happy for you" He said again. He cover his sad face with a fake smile.

"I'm sorry" I looked down. I don't know he will be sad of this. I feel sorry for him. He sighed.

"It's not a good news to me" He pretend to giggle.

"I will miss to take you at home. What should I do?" He laughed again. Tch, just tell me you'll miss me.

"We still can meet. Come visit me sometimes. We can play skateboard together" I tried to comfort him. He smiled.

"Araseo, I understand. Good luck!" He cheered me up.


I just finished my vocal class. I walked around the coridor cause I have nothing to do.

"Survival trainees practice here, right?" I asked myself. I was right. It's been a while I'm not greet them like before. So I decided to enter the room.

"Annyeonghaseyo!" I opened the door with a big smiled. Everyone inside looked at me.

"Sarang-aa!!" Everyone stopped dancing and ran to hug me. I hugged them back. I miss this.

"Oh! Nara unnie!" I ran to her and hugged her tight. He hugged me back. We broke the hug.

"It's feel so good when 'The Best Trainee' come to visit us" Nara unnie teased me. Everyone laughed at her joke. Me as well. We then gather in circle and talked.

"So guys! How's your training?" I asked.

"I like it but it's tiring like hell!" The trainee named Tzuyu who younger than me said. I laughed a little at his cuteness.

"Me too. Ah, I want to back to the dorm" I told them. Everyone has no reaction.

"Waeyo?" I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Actually, we all stay in one dorm" Sana said.

"That dorm just for the survival trainees" Nara unnie said.

"Oh~ I understand now" I nodded, understand the situation. I can't stay there cause that dorm just for survival trainees and I'm not even a survival trainees.

"But after this survival end, we can stay in one dorm, as a team. So from now, Sarang just can stay at home. You so lucky!" Jihyo unnie said. I smiled.

"How long--"

"2 weeks more, unnie! I'm so nervous!" Tzuyu said. My eyes widen.

"Two weeks?!" I shocked. They all nodded.

"It's earlier than I thought" I mumbled. Got7 will debut in two weeks too. We talked more about that and this until I didn't realize we already talked for 1 hour!

"So guys, goodluck ok! Do your best! I wish we all can debut sooner. I will wait for you guys! Fighting!" I cheered them up. We all hugged for last time before I leave. I walked slowly to my room. I walked while looking down on the floor. I sighed. Suddenly, I bumped someone that make stop and looked up. I can see a bright smile on his lips.

"What are you doing?" He asked playfully. I smiled back.

"You're here" I mumbled while smiling at him. He just stared at me. I became nervous when he look at me like that.

"Jackson-aa, why you stare at me like that?" I asked nervously. He didn't say anything but just stared at me. I looked down when I feel I'm blushing. He giggled.

"Let's go" He held my hand and pulled me to follow him.

"Where we're going?" I asked him. He just smiled and held my hand tight as I felt butterflies in my stomach. I smiled happily. Honestly, I'm happy you here, holding my hand.

"I just want to take some walk. Cause start from tomorrow I will miss you. I'll be busy" He said. I nodded. I will miss you too.

"But..we are in JYP, Jackson. People might think wrong about us" I said. He looked at me with a smirk.

"Just let them much I love you" He said. I didn't say anything but deep inside, I'm happy like hell! No, I mean..heaven~ We walked to my dance room, still holding hand. After that, we took a sit on the couch.

"You still wearing that ring?" He suddenly asked. I looked at my finger. I smirked.

"You think I want to wear it?" I asked him back. I looked at him but he look away.

"Jackson-aa, you think he really make me fall for him? No you are wrong. I like him, but as a friend never more than that. I tried so many time to love him. But I can't. Cause they is someone else who already stealed my heart" I said again. He looked at me with a tiny smile as I looked at him back, giving a warm smile.

"I don't care who stealed your heart, but you stealled my heart" He leaned closer to my face as I leaned back.

"But, don't ever give it back" He gave a warm smile. He leaned closer till our lips meet. For a second time! My eyes widen and my heart pounding. I closed my eyes and kissed him back. He cupped my cheek and make it deeper and deeper. He suddenly broke the kiss and looked I at him nervously. He gave me a last peck on my lips.

"Why did you kiss me back?" He asked coldly. I didn't say anything cause I feel so shy to face him now. I immeditely stood up. He stood up too.

"I should back home now" I said trying to run from him. I lift up my bag. I walked to the door but he blocked me.

"You feel the same way as me, right?" He asked. I just looked down.

"Jackson, I have to go now" I said. He sighed.

"But I love you" He said again.

"I know. So please stop"


Thanks for 1k READS!! So I published another chapter for today. Thank for reading...can you be more kind? Just a bit more, please? Please give votes~ please ok? Saranghae~♥♥♥

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